February 08, 2018

YAMANOKAMI - Tengu legends Gunma


....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

山の神は天狗 Yamanokami is seen as a Tengu in most regions of Gunma.

群馬郡 Gunma district 倉渕村 Kurabuchi

O-Tengu Sama お天狗様 is Yamanokami.
On the 15th day of the 9th lunar month, all villagers celebrate with miki お神酒 ritual Sake and sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice.

甘楽郡 Kanra district 南牧村 Nanmoku

Ogura no Yamanokami 小倉の山の神 at 小倉山 Mount Ogurayama
Tengu is the kenzoku 眷属 attendant of Yamanokami.
Tengu likes fire, so he is venerated in places where houses can not be seen.

Okubo no Yamanokami 大久保の山の神 at 大久保山 Mount Okubo
On the top of 四ツ又山 mount Yotsumatayama is venerated.
On the peak on the right ロクヤサン Rokuya san is verneated. (rokuya 六夜 ?)
On the peak to the left Atago san 愛宕サン is venerated.

Ogami no Yamanokami 大上の山の神 is venerated at 大上山 Mount Ogami
On the 24th day of the first lunar month, the village headman makes a ritual wand and prays to Tengu and Inari.
Yamanokami is a male deity and protects the forest workers.

Shimohoshio no Yamanokami下星尾の山の神 at 下星尾山 Mount Shimohoshiosan
The deity of this mountain is a Tengu.

みどり市 Midori town 東町 Azumacho

A madogi 窓木 "window tree" has branches bent like a window. Yamanokami and Tengu like to sit there and watch below.
These trees are not to be cut down.

多野郡 Tano district 上野村 Uenomura

At 笠丸山 Kasamaruyama (1,124 m) villagers come to venerate Yamanokami on the night of tookanya 十日夜 tenth day of the tenth lunar month.
On this night, Tengu sama is off to Izumo and Yamanokami has to be the rusuban 留守番 caretaker.

On the night of the tenth people prepare special mochi 餅 ritual rice cakes and make offerings to the small shrines of 八幡様 Hachiman Sama, 十二様 Juni Sama, 道陸神 Dosojin, the Wayside Deities and お天狗様 O-Tengu sama, the local Tengu.
The Mochi for the Tengu are especially long and narrow, called O-Tengu Sama no Obi お天狗様の帯 Belt of the Tengu. They are placed on the roof of the small sanctuary, cut in 108 small stripes.
Other offerings are long radish and chrysanthemums.
In some regions, people take the Mochi home after making an offering and eat them.
In 三ノ倉 Sannokura they are called Tengu no Sawa Mochi 天狗のサワ餅. People either place them on the sanctuary and leave or they take home an offering that had been made by a person before them. This is called Tengu Sama no Omigoku 天狗様のオミゴク Offering for the Tengu.

利根郡 Tone district 片品村 Katashina

. juuni sama 十二様 Juni Sama, "Honorable 12" deities, .
Trees with forked roots or trunks belong to Yamanokami (as Juni sama) and the Tengu. They are not to be cut down.

碓氷郡 Usui district 松井田町 Matsuida

A tree with a three-forked trunk belongs to Yamanokami. Tengu also come to sit here. These trees are not to be cut down.

. Yamanokami and legends from Gunma .


February 04, 2018

ONI - book about demons



Monsters, Animals, and Other Worlds: A Collection of Short Medieval
Japanese Tales
Keller Kimbrough,‎ Haruo Shirane

Monsters, Animals, and Other Worlds is a collection of twenty-five
medieval Japanese tales of border crossings and the fantastic,
featuring demons, samurai, talking animals, amorous plants, and
journeys to supernatural realms. The most comprehensive compendium of
short medieval Japanese fiction in English, Monsters, Animals, and
Other Worlds illuminates a rich world of literary, Buddhist, and
visual culture largely unknown today outside of Japan.
These stories, called otogizōshi,
or Muromachi tales (named after the Muromachi period, 1337 to 1573),
date from approximately the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.
Often richly illustrated in a painted-scroll format, these vernacular
stories frequently express Buddhist beliefs and provide the practical
knowledge and moral education required to navigate medieval Japanese
society. The otogizōshi represent a major turning point in the history
of Japanese literature. They bring together many earlier types of
narrative—court tales, military accounts, anecdotes, and stories about
the divine origins of shrines and temples––joining book genres with
parlor arts and the culture of itinerant storytellers and performers.
The works presented here are organized into three thematically
overlapping sections titled, "Monsters, Warriors, and Journeys to
Other Worlds," "Buddhist Tales," and "Interspecies Affairs."
Each translation is prefaced by a short introduction, and the book
features images from the original scroll paintings, illustrated
manuscripts, and printed books.
- source : www.amazon.co.jp... -


January 29, 2018

MINGEI - akamono red things

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
An Essay

akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)

They ward off smallpox and other diseases of children. Also to ward off evil generally.
Some are made quite simple.

The most favorite subjects are

kuma nori Kintoki 熊乗り金時 Kintaro on a bear

tai nori Kintoki 鯛乗り金時 Kintaro on a sea bream

Kintoki is the local name for Kintaro, the Strong Boy.
His toys are bought with the wish for a strong and healthy child.

. Kintaro and Daruma だるま抱き金太郎 .

taiguruma, tai guruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels
The God of Diseases is invited to sit on this red fish and swim away in the nearest river.

These "red things" are an important cultural property of Japan.

. Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形 .
The Akamono dolls are sold along the access road to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari shrine.

- - - - - Akamono from Fushimi, Kyoto 赤もの 伏見土人形

. akamono komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk .

. akamono rikishi 赤もの力士 Sumo wrestler .

. akamono Saigyo 西行童子 as a child .

. akamono 三味線弾き shamisen player .

. akamono Tenjin 天神さま Sugawara Michizane .

花もち童女 / 鯛抱き童子 童子「茶坊主/ 伊勢参り姿の童子 /神功皇后 / 狛犬 /虚無僧 / 乳のまし / 大原女
- - About Akamono 赤物人形について
- reference source : hushimi-ningyou.jp... -

赤もの 大黒 Daikoku

and 恵比須 / 布袋 / 立ち娘
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -


- "akamono #redthings #reddolls -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Daruma Doll Museum  at 12/30/2017 09:11:00 PM

January 25, 2018

Fwd: [Heian Period Japan] usagi rabbit hare legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

usagi 兎 / 兔 / うさぎ / ウサギ と伝説 Legends about the rabbit / hare

. The Year of the Rabbit .


. gyokuto 玉兎 "treasure hare" rabbit in the moon .
tsuki no usagi 月の兎 - - - pounding rice in the moon

- and related kigo, like
hatsu u,  hatsu-u 初卯 first day of the rabbit/hare
yukiusagi, yuki usagi 雪兎 snow hare

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Chiba 千葉県
佐倉市 Sakura

If people eat the meat of a rabbit, they become mitsukuchi ミツクチ "harelip", cheiloschisis.

............................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県

揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa

The messenger of Yamanokami is a shiro usagi 白ウサギ white rabbit.
If someone happens to see it, he will be cursed.

usagi at 熊野神社 Kumano Jinja

In 熊本県 Kumamoto 球磨郡 Kuma district
If hunters hit a rabbit, they have to cut its nose immediately and make it an offering to Yamanokami.

In 京都市 Kyoto
At haru no yama no kuchi 春のヤマノクチ the beginning of Spring Yamanokami comes riding a 白兎 white rabbit and sows the seeds of trees and plants.
In autumn on this day 秋のヤマノクチ he comes again riding a white rabbit to pick up the seeds of trees and plants.
Yamanokami has large wings.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

............................................................................... Kyoto 京都府

yamauba 山うば mountain hag
On the New Year 山神 Yamanokami rides on a 白兎 white rabbit and brings seeds to the fields in the morning.
Sometimes later in the day a mountain hag comes and brings seeds of roses or does other mischief.

亀岡市 Kameoka

. kengeki no hibiki 剣戟の響 sound of sword fighting .

............................................................................... Nagano 長野県

南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi

mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbit with three eyes
In the forest 高嶺さんの森 Takanesan no mori in the North of the Shrine 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja there are mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbits with three eyes.
They are rarely seen, but if someone sees them, there will be misfortune in the village. People try to avoid even mentioning this rabbit.

............................................................................... Niigata 新潟県

If a pregnant woman its the meat of a rabbit, she will give birth to a child with a mitsukuchi ミツクチ / 3つ口 "harelip", cheiloschisis.

............................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県

daija 大蛇 large serpent

............................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県

. The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 .
at Hakuto Beach 白兎 - and the Kami Okuninushi no Mikoto 大国主命

. Daikoku and rabbits 兎大黒 usagi Daikoku at Inaba .

............................................................................... Yamagata 山形県

. Gassan tamausagi 月山玉兎 Treasure Rabbit from Mount Gassan.

gyokuto 玉兎


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
うさぎ ok // 兎 山の神 ok // 白兎 ok
28 ウサギ
171 兎


. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #usagi #rabbitlegends #usagilegends #hareinthemoon #tamausagi #hakuto -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 1/24/2018 12:34:00 pm

ONI - Oni legends regional 01 LIST

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Oni densetsu 鬼伝説 Regional Demon Legends 01 - ABC list
starting here with Aichi 愛知県  


................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県

. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends - Aichi .
新城市 Shinshiro

. onibi 鬼火 fire balls - Aichi .
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita

. oni matsuri 鬼祭り Oni Demon Festivals - Aichi .
Mikawa 三河, 名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta, 豊橋 Toyohashi, 岡崎市 Okazaki


kijo 鬼女



知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita

豊明市 Toyoake

kikoku kaii 鬼哭怪異 boorei 亡霊 voice of a crying demon soul
The army of Imagawa Yoshimoto 今川義元 (1519 - 1560) lost in battle and many people died. Their lost sould spooked over the battlefield and cried loud.
In 1888 villagers built a small hall to pray for their souls. Since the, the place became quiet.

豊川市 Toyokawa 江島町 Ejima machi

tsurube つるべ / 釣瓶 well bucket
An Oni who lived in the sugi 杉 cedar tree used to scoop up people who walked below him with a well bucket.

豊田市 Toyota

. oni no ido 鬼の井戸 the well of the Demon .


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
37 鬼 愛知県 (09)


Oni Legends - - - - - from Aichi to Yamanashi

Aichi - see above


. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Shiga 滋賀県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
. Shimane 島根県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .



. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


- #onilegends -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 12/08/2017 09:45:00 am

January 21, 2018

TENGUPEDIA - Guhin mochi Gohei mochi


....... Gifu 岐阜県  

Guhin mochi 狗賓餅 rice cakes for the Guhin
Before cutting a tree the lumberjack has to make an offering of mochi 餅 rice cakes to Yamanokami. After that he must eat the Mochi himself.
If someone forgets to offer these 狗賓餅 "Guhin mochi" the mountain begins to shake and there might be a strong storm and rain coming.
Guhin mochi were later called Gohei mochi 五平餅.

. gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings .

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Legends .


HAIKU - Basho Okina Do Hall Gichuji


Temple Gichuuji 義仲寺
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Basho Okina Ekotoba Den 芭蕉翁絵詞伝 The Life of the Venerable Basho in Pictures and Words
picture scrolls of the biography of Basho the Elder
at temple Gichu-Ji in Otsu 滋賀県大津市・義仲寺所
. www.bashouan.com... .

Okinadoo, Okina Doo 翁堂 Okina Hall for Matsuo Basho


January 20, 2018

EDO - Ome village



Oome 青梅 / おうめ Ome village
Ome means "Green Ume", a kind of plum tree known as Japanese Apricot.

An important postal station of the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway from Shinjuku to Koshu.

It was a sort of shortcut to 甲府 Kofu in Yamanashi and often called the 甲州裏街道 Koshu Ura Kaido .
First only used for the transportation of lime to Edo, it soon turned into a busy road for all kinds of merchandise.
Now it is one of the modern "emergency access roads", kept open for ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles during national and Tokyo emergencies.

. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa.

The name Ome comes from just one plum tree. It had fruit which stayed green until autumn and never changed color.
People thought this very strange and called the tree
"green plum tree" - ao ume 青梅, soon shortened to Ome.

There is a legend linking this strange plum tree to Taira no Masakado.
When Masakado passed the temple Kongō-ji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (Ome shi Amagase 青梅市天ヶ瀬町), he planted one branch of a plum tree, which he had used as a whip, in the ground and prayed for his long-lasting success as a warrior. Masakado eventually was killed in battle. But the branch became a tree with fine blossoms and fruit.
The tree is often called "Masakado chikai no ume" 将門誓いの梅 "Plum tree of the vow of Masakado".

. ao-ume, ao ume 青梅 green plum .
Kooshuu ume 甲州梅(こうしゅううめ)plum from Koshu
- kigo for mid-summer -

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 - (? – 940) .

In 1922, this tree became 金剛寺の青梅 Kongo-Ji no Ome
and was registered as a 天然記念物 Natural Monument of Tokyo.


Omejima, ome-jima 青梅縞 striped fabrics, weaving from Ome

Dates back to 759 !
江戸中期 青梅が宿場町として栄える
1661年 青梅桟留(サントメ)縞の生産開始

- reference source : life-ome.com/textile/history... -


. Ome hime daruma 青梅姫だるま Princess Daruma doll from Ome .
and 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja


January 18, 2018

Fwd: [Heian Period Japan] Tengu matsu pine legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
- Introduction -

source : choichi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog...
Tengu-Matsu at 牛伏山 Ushibuseyama, Gunma

Tengumatsu, Tengu matsu 天狗松
Tengu no matsu 天狗の松
Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松
Tengu no yasumiki 天狗の休み木 a tree where the Tengu take a rest
Tengu no tomarigi テングノトマリギ(天狗のとまり木)a tree where Tengu take a rest

. matsu 松 pine tree - introduction .
There are various types of PINE in Japan.

. Join the Tengu friends on Facebook .

- under construction -

. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree

There are a few legends about sacred trees where the Tengu sits and takes a rest -
Tengu no matsu 天狗の松, Tengu no koshikake matsu 天狗の腰掛松 .
People protect these trees and dear not cut them down for fear of bad luck and misfortune.
For example in Chichibu town, Higashi-Chichibu, Ogano, ...

Tengu no tomarigi テングノトマリギ(天狗のとまり木)a tree where Tengu take a rest
Their legends are handed down in the villages. If someone tries to cut a tree town, he will be flipped in the air or falls under the tree.
At night such a tree sometimes makes a loud, painful sound, or falls down all by itself
天狗の倒し木 - tree cut down by a Tengu,
If villagers check in the morning, sometimes there is nothing special to be seen.

In Yamanashi sacred trees are used by the Yamanokami 山の神 Deity of the Mountain or a Tengu.


............................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 

. Tengu matsu 天狗松 Pine from Aichi .

............................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 

. 天狗の腰かけ松 Pine of the Tengu .

............................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 

. Tengu matsu 天狗松 Pine from Miyazaki .

............................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県  

秩父 Chichibu

. Tengu no matsu 天狗の松 Tengu pine .

Tengu no yasumi no ki 天狗の休み木 A tree where the Tengu takes a rest
Along the pass 烏首峠 Torikubi Toge, which connects 名栗 Naguri with 浦山 Urayama in Chichibu there is 大楓 a huge maple tree where the Tengu takes a rest.
When the forest workers cut it down, there begun a lot of accidents to happen, a wood cutter fell ill and eventually even the man who bought the lumber was hit with bad luck.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
天狗の腰掛松 - 2 legends
天狗の松 - 9 legends
天狗松 - 33 legends
天狗 松 - 100 legends


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #tengumatsu #tengunomatsu #tengupine -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 1/14/2018 11:06:00 am

DARUMA - strap from Kintetsu train



Strap (ストラップ)

Straps for many things are very popular in Japan.


きんてつ 幸せ運ぶ Train strap for for luck !


- #darumastrap #strapdaruma -

DARUMA - ume kobucha tea



Konbu tea with taste of ume 梅 plum !

daruma ume kobucha


MINGEI - Koshigaya Daruma


Koshigaya Papermachee Doll 越谷張子

越谷だるま Koshigaya Daruma

. Bushuu Daruma from Kanto 武州だるま .


First made by a person called "Daru Kichi". Made from Paper wrapped around a wooden form. Very light and easy to roll back to its feet.


越谷市だるま組合 Koshigaya Daruma Kumiai
〒343-0045 埼玉県越谷市大字下間久里1312


Koshiden ~ 越伝 -
Guidebook to the traditional crafts made in Koshigaya

Each item is introduced on two pages with many photos!
There are seven shops which still make papermachee Daruma dolls!

Introducing Daruma, senbei, hina dolls and many more !

環境経済部 産業支援課
- reference source : city.koshigaya.saitama.jp/citypromotion -




January 14, 2018

Fwd: [Edo - the EDOPEDIA -] Tonegawa river

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

Tonegawa 利根川 / 刀禰川 River Tonegawa
Bandoo Taroo, Bandō Tarō 坂東太郎 Bando Taro

- quote
The Tone River (利根川 Tone-gawa) is a river in the Kantō region of Japan.
It is 322 kilometers (200 mi) in length (the second longest in Japan after the Shinano) and has a drainage area of 16,840 square kilometers (6,500 sq mi) (the largest in Japan). It is nicknamed Bandō Tarō (坂東太郎); Bandō is an obsolete alias of the Kantō Region, and Tarō is a popular given name for an oldest son. It is regarded as one of the "Three Greatest Rivers" of Japan, the others being the Yoshino in Shikoku and the Chikugo in Kyūshū.
... The Tone River was once known for its uncontrollable nature, and its route changed whenever floods occurred. It is hard to trace its ancient route, but it originally flowed into Tokyo Bay along the route of the present-day Edo River, and tributaries like the Watarase and Kinu had independent river systems.
For the sake of water transportation and flood control, extensive construction began in the 17th century during the Tokugawa shogunate, when the Kantō region became the political center of Japan. The course of the river was significantly changed, and the present route of the river was determined during the Meiji period, with the assistance of Dutch civil engineer Anthonie Rouwenhorst Mulder.
Its vast watershed is thus largely artificial. ...
- More in the wikipedia -


- quote -
... By strict definition, the river begins on the 大水上山 Ōminakami Yama Ōminakami Mountains (literally, "Great Headwaters Mountains") in Gunma Prefecture and empties out into the Pacific Ocean at 銚子 Chōshi in Chiba Prefecture. That said, the entire watershed is littered with towns and waterworks which reference the river, despite being off the official government designated course. The Arakawa and Edogawa are often cited unofficially as exit points of the river.

The Tone River as it flows throw Maebashi (present day Gunma Prefecture).
... The history of the river is really long and complicated ...
- source : japanthis.com/2014... -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

There are rivers named Tonegawa in other parts of Japan.

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県

sunamaki-danuki 砂撒狸


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
27 to explore (01)


- - - - - H A I K U and S E N R Y U - - - - -

tone-gawa ya tatta hitotsu no mizusumashi

Tone River--
only one solitary
water strider

Tr. David Lanoue

. Water strider, amenbo アメンボ、水馬.
- - kigo for all summer - -

"Clouds over Bando Taro" 坂東太郎(ばんどうたろう)
Bando Taro (bandoo taroo) is an old name for the Tone river, which flows through Edo/Tokyo.
. clouds - kigo for summer .


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tonegawa #rivertonegawa - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 1/12/2018 02:00:00 pm

January 08, 2018

Mingei -


Mizunami town 瑞浪市

Ichihara tsuchi ningyoo 市原土人形 clay dolls from Ichihara

Daruma in the year of the Sheep


. Daruma and beckoning cat .
Originally the craftsmen came from Mikawa.

. Daikoku with a bifurcated radish .

. Oniwakamaru 鬼若丸 doll with carp .

耶魔姫 Princess from the story 阿古義物語 Akogi Monogatari
- about 26 cm high

- quote -
Ochikubo Monogatari (落窪物語)
- - - - - Akogi (Ushiromi)
She is a loyal servant of Lady Ochikubo and has the position as the special attendant in the mansion.
She receives much love from the Lady and only wishes to serve under Lady Ochikubo. Akogi--originally named Ushiromi--has sympathy for and understands Lady Ochibuko the most in the mansion and seeks to find the ideal man for the Lady to marry to so she can escape from the loneliness in the house and also from the further cruelty received from Kita no Kata. Her name later got changed to Akogi by the step-mother's order because although the step-mother separated Lady Ochikubo and Akogi, she always sees Akogi's loyalty follow and belong only to the Lady. Also the name 'Ushiromi' means "guardian" hence it is symbolic that Akogi is the guardian angel for Lady Ochibuko. The step-mother dislikes this fact and thinks that it is not an appropriate name so she changes her name to Akogi.
- more : wikipedia -

- - - - - - - - - -

Making clay dolls started at the end of the Edo period. Farmers used the clay from the fields to make dolls in the winter time.

tsuchibina 土びな hina dolls for the Doll Festival in March. Merchants came to collect these dolls and sell them in Japan. In the best times there were more than 50 doll makers.
The business died down after WW II. Now there are very few makers in town.
source : www.city.mizunami.gifu.jp

source : blog.nihondorei.com

Momotaro 桃太郎 as a clay bell. A naked Momotaro is quite seldom.

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro, the Peach Boy .

Mizunami 瑞浪市 is also famous for its "Demon Rock", Oni Iwa 鬼岩.
And a Setsubun festival where the demons are called into the home to bring good luck.
In Mizunami , they say " Oni wa uchi 鬼は内 Fuku wa uchi 福は内".

- - - - - - - - - -

yooro no kooshi 養老の孝子 filial piety at Yoro

about 26 cm high

. Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall .
Once a pious son scooped some water from the waterfall pool and brought it home to his old parents. When they took a sip - oh wonder - it had turned into sake.

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 

about 20 cm high


oniwakamaru from Aomori


January 07, 2018

HAIKU - Botan Doro

Ghost Stories kaidanbanashi 怪談話

In summer in Japan it is custom to tell stories about ghosts and gruesome events, so people will get a chill from it to keep cool. :o).

Here in our mountains it is cool anyway, but walking at night beside the family graves, at full moon, you might get some inspiration !

lonely graves
spooking away the ghosts -
summer in Japan

© Gabi Greve, May 2005

Japanese art, ghosts and Buddhism:
Botan Doro 牡丹灯篭 Botan Dōrō
The Peony Lantern

The setting of this story is based in Koyasan where the local Buddhist priest was telling the story of Botan Doro (The Peony Lantern). People had been waiting ages because they knew that he could tell ghost stories with passion and the setting was very mysterious.
。。。。。 Ogiwara Shinnojo was a samurai warrior but his heart was full of woe because he was a widower. At night he felt so alone and memories of the past came back to haunt him and it appeared that he would never feel the fluttering heart of love again.

... The Buddhist priest telling the story then said that "Their eyes gazed on Ogiwara because his corpse was entangled with Otsuyu for the last time but it appeared that the final minutes were full of fear judging by the face of Ogiwara." The priest continued by commenting that "After Ogiwara entered the crypt it shut by itself once he embraced Otsuyu to make love to her but this time she would never let him go. Therefore, the last few minutes of his life were ended in a perverse and panic stricken nature because now he could see the truth but it was too late because the shadow of death swallowed him up."

Lee Jay Walker
source : moderntokyotimes.com

binan bijo toorooni terasu mayoi kana

a handsome man and a handsome woman
in the light of a lantern
lost on the way . . .

Are these two from our world? or are they from the other world? It is O-Bon and all is possible.

. Takarai Kikaku 宝井其角 .


January 04, 2018

Fwd: [Gokuraku - Jigoku ] Rokubu memorial monuments

. 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims - Introduction .

Memorial monuments for the Rokubu pilgrims 六部

rokubu doo 六部堂 Rokubu Do, Rokubu-Do, Rokubu-Hall

rokubu no hokora 六部尊の祠 small Shrine for a Rokubu

. rokubu Jizoo 六部地蔵 Rokubu and Jizo Bosatsu memorials .

rokubu kuyoo too 六十六部供養塔 Kuyo-To, memorial stone

rokubuzuka, rokubu no tsuka 六部塚 memorial mound for a Rokubu


rokubu doo 六部堂 Rokubu Do, Rokubu-Do, Rokubu-Hall

. . . CLICK here for Photos  !


. Rokubu son doo 六部尊堂 Rokubuson-Do hall .
Chiba, 流山 Nagareyama / 千葉県流山市の六部尊の祠 Chiba Nagareyama


義安寺の六部堂 - A hall for a Rokubu pilgrim at 義安寺 Gian-Ji, Matsuyama, Ehime.
This hall is to enshrine the Rokubu named 友兵 Tomohei
He was a rich farmer and had a happy family life - all went well until his wife died of leprosy. He had to bring up his daughter おしげ O-Shige all by himself, but the girl at age 15 got the same disease as her mother. Tomohei bought all kinds of expensive medicine and prayed to the deities, but the girl did not get better. He sold all his fields, put 66 copies of the Lotus Sutra in a pilgrim's backpack and became a 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, walking away with his daughter.

On their way he was told that the hot spring at 道後 Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama would heal. So they went to Matsuyama. By now the daughter was 19 years. But the hot spring did not heal, her face became worse and she had to shield away from human looks.
She died on August 26 in 1806.
When Tomohei came back to his home, he was filled with grief.
He died on the May 18 in 1818.

Despite his deep religious faith he had lost his family. Tomohei died, saying:
"It is no use praying to Kami or Buddha for the safety of yourself and your family.
Pray to me instead."
This temple is called お六部さん O-Rokubu San by the local people.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp... -

. Gian-Ji, Fireflies and Matsuo Basho .


- - - - - The Shikoku Pilgrimage wrote:
伊予 遍路道;千本峠越えと六部堂越え . . .
At the Rokubu-do pass, I couldn't find a hall. Just a signpost for hikers.

Pilgrim road from 45th temple (Iwaya-Ji:岩屋寺) to 46th temple (Joururi-ji:浄瑠璃寺)
I tried to cross over this pass and found the route to the pass has completely disappeared. I "swam" in a heavy bush and got the pass at last. None of the pilgrim now walk on this route, I suppose.
. Rokubu Pilgrims - facebook .


六部尊者堂 Rokubu Sonja Do Hall


六十六部遺跡の本場は四国 Rokubu Pilgrims in Shikoku
(義安寺の案内石碑)Gianl-Ji - Namu O-Rokubu Sama
「大乗妙典日本廻国供養塔供養塔 - Gifu
a long list with photos
- reference source : oonomasayo.sakura.ne.jp/henro -


rokubu no hokora 六部尊の祠 small Shrine for a Rokubu

. . . CLICK here for Photos  !


rokujurokubu kuyoo too 六十六部供養塔 memorial tower for a Rokubu

. . . CLICK here for Photos  !


. 六十六部供養碑 Rokujurokubu Kuyo Hi Memorial .


- quote -
柿の久保集落 Chichibu, Kakinokubu
On a route to 秩父観音霊場 Kannon temples in Chichibu

On the way down from 大日峠 Dainichi Toge pass. One can imagine a pilgrim being totally exhausted and coming to his end here and villagers building a memorial for him.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp... -


- 六十六部納経塔 1816年 / 重輪寺入口の石仏 - with many further references
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/sekizoubutu -

- 六十六部廻国供養塔 / 大阪市天王寺区四天王寺2 Osaka
- reference source : city.osaka.lg.jp/kyoiku/page... -


rokubuzuka, rokubu no tsuka 六部塚 memorial mound for a Rokubu

. . . CLICK here for Photos  !


. Rokubusama 六部様 Rokubu hill .
Rokubuzuka in 多治見市 Tajimi, Fukui


A stone guidepost for the Shikoku pilgrimage
Guidepost indicates the route from inner shrine of 65th to 66th Unpen-ji (雲辺寺).

The phrase nihon kaikoku kuyoo "日本廻国供養" is engraved on the front surface of the guidepost,
This stone pillar is used as guidepost for Shikoku pilgrim and stone memorial for Rokubu.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp/yochiyochi... -


. Join the Rokubu Pilgrims on Facebook ! .

- tba -

長久院 Chokyu-In - Tokyo 台東区谷中6-2-16
- reference source : tesshow.jp/taito -

Kazuma, Tokyo 数馬の切り通し
A narrow pass cut through a steep rocky mountain at Kazuma(数馬の切り通し)
It is not accepted opinion, but some says this narrow pass along a cliff was made by a Rokbu and a farmer in 1699. Before this pass was opened, people had to climb up and down the mountain ridge
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp -


. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrims .
- Introduction - 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims -

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

- - #rokubumemorial #rokubudo #rokubuzuka -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/09/2017 09:46:00 am