. 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims - Introduction .
Memorial monuments for the Rokubu pilgrims 六部
rokubu doo 六部堂 Rokubu Do, Rokubu-Do, Rokubu-Hall
rokubu no hokora 六部尊の祠 small Shrine for a Rokubu
. rokubu Jizoo 六部地蔵 Rokubu and Jizo Bosatsu memorials .
rokubu kuyoo too 六十六部供養塔 Kuyo-To, memorial stone
rokubuzuka, rokubu no tsuka 六部塚 memorial mound for a Rokubu
rokubu doo 六部堂 Rokubu Do, Rokubu-Do, Rokubu-Hall
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Rokubu son doo 六部尊堂 Rokubuson-Do hall .
Chiba, 流山 Nagareyama / 千葉県流山市の六部尊の祠 Chiba Nagareyama
義安寺の六部堂 - A hall for a Rokubu pilgrim at 義安寺 Gian-Ji, Matsuyama, Ehime.
This hall is to enshrine the Rokubu named 友兵 Tomohei
He was a rich farmer and had a happy family life - all went well until his wife died of leprosy. He had to bring up his daughter おしげ O-Shige all by himself, but the girl at age 15 got the same disease as her mother. Tomohei bought all kinds of expensive medicine and prayed to the deities, but the girl did not get better. He sold all his fields, put 66 copies of the Lotus Sutra in a pilgrim's backpack and became a 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, walking away with his daughter.
On their way he was told that the hot spring at 道後 Dogo Onsen in Matsuyama would heal. So they went to Matsuyama. By now the daughter was 19 years. But the hot spring did not heal, her face became worse and she had to shield away from human looks.
She died on August 26 in 1806.
When Tomohei came back to his home, he was filled with grief.
He died on the May 18 in 1818.
Despite his deep religious faith he had lost his family. Tomohei died, saying:
"It is no use praying to Kami or Buddha for the safety of yourself and your family.
Pray to me instead."
This temple is called お六部さん O-Rokubu San by the local people.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp... -
. Gian-Ji, Fireflies and Matsuo Basho .
- - - - - The Shikoku Pilgrimage wrote:
伊予 遍路道;千本峠越えと六部堂越え . . .
At the Rokubu-do pass, I couldn't find a hall. Just a signpost for hikers.
Pilgrim road from 45th temple (Iwaya-Ji:岩屋寺) to 46th temple (Joururi-ji:浄瑠璃寺)
I tried to cross over this pass and found the route to the pass has completely disappeared. I "swam" in a heavy bush and got the pass at last. None of the pilgrim now walk on this route, I suppose.
. Rokubu Pilgrims - facebook .
六部尊者堂 Rokubu Sonja Do Hall
六十六部遺跡の本場は四国 Rokubu Pilgrims in Shikoku
(義安寺の案内石碑)Gianl-Ji - Namu O-Rokubu Sama
「大乗妙典日本廻国供養塔供養塔 - Gifu
a long list with photos
- reference source : oonomasayo.sakura.ne.jp/henro -
rokubu no hokora 六部尊の祠 small Shrine for a Rokubu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
rokujurokubu kuyoo too 六十六部供養塔 memorial tower for a Rokubu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. 六十六部供養碑 Rokujurokubu Kuyo Hi Memorial .
- quote -
柿の久保集落 Chichibu, Kakinokubu
On a route to 秩父観音霊場 Kannon temples in Chichibu
On the way down from 大日峠 Dainichi Toge pass. One can imagine a pilgrim being totally exhausted and coming to his end here and villagers building a memorial for him.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp... -
- 六十六部納経塔 1816年 / 重輪寺入口の石仏 - with many further references
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/sekizoubutu -
- 六十六部廻国供養塔 / 大阪市天王寺区四天王寺2 Osaka
- reference source : city.osaka.lg.jp/kyoiku/page..
rokubuzuka, rokubu no tsuka 六部塚 memorial mound for a Rokubu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Rokubusama 六部様 Rokubu hill .
Rokubuzuka in 多治見市 Tajimi, Fukui
A stone guidepost for the Shikoku pilgrimage
Guidepost indicates the route from inner shrine of 65th to 66th Unpen-ji (雲辺寺).
The phrase nihon kaikoku kuyoo "日本廻国供養" is engraved on the front surface of the guidepost,
This stone pillar is used as guidepost for Shikoku pilgrim and stone memorial for Rokubu.
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp/
. Join the Rokubu Pilgrims on Facebook ! .
- tba -
長久院 Chokyu-In - Tokyo 台東区谷中6-2-16
- reference source : tesshow.jp/taito -
Kazuma, Tokyo 数馬の切り通し
A narrow pass cut through a steep rocky mountain at Kazuma(数馬の切り通し)
It is not accepted opinion, but some says this narrow pass along a cliff was made by a Rokbu and a farmer in 1699. Before this pass was opened, people had to climb up and down the mountain ridge
- reference source : yoyochichi.sakura.ne.jp -
. rokujuurokubu 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrims .
- Introduction - 六部 Rokubu Pilgrims -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .
- - #rokubumemorial #rokubudo #rokubuzuka -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 10/09/2017 09:46:00 am
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