kyuuketsu ki 吸血鬼 blood-sucking demon
banpaia バンパイア vampir

Vampires have been introduced by the Europeans, in the 19th century.

Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 100 monsters
Toriyama Sekien
source :
the name of the vampire is "Kyuketsu-ki," which means blood-sucking Oni. in the late 18th century, the ukiyo-e artist Sekien Toriyama drew a picture in which the Oni is eating an animal with a skull lying at the feet in a cave. The text describes the Oni's relationship to a tiger and cow, a fang and a horn.
This Oni became famous at the same time that vampires began to appear in Europe. the name "Kyuketsu-ki" was introduced in the 19th century, in the Meiji era, a time in which Japanese and Western culture rapidly mixed. The monster image is not only an enemy of Japanese people, but also, a subjectivized character
(Kagawa, M. 2005. Edo no Youkai Kaumei
(The revolution of Japanese ghosts in the Edo period).
- - - Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712–1788)
The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons 画図百鬼夜行
今昔画図続百鬼 - all his works
The Illustrated One Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past
source : 収録作品
banpaia isoona yami no hotarugari
a vampire
might be out there in the darkness -
hunting for fireflies
Katsumata Tamiki 勝又民樹

お役者捕物帖 - - - 吸血鬼 / 栗本薫
kyuuketsu ki 吸血鬼 blood-sucking demon
banpaia バンパイア vampir

Vampires have been introduced by the Europeans, in the 19th century.

Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 100 monsters
Toriyama Sekien
source :
the name of the vampire is "Kyuketsu-ki," which means blood-sucking Oni. in the late 18th century, the ukiyo-e artist Sekien Toriyama drew a picture in which the Oni is eating an animal with a skull lying at the feet in a cave. The text describes the Oni's relationship to a tiger and cow, a fang and a horn.
This Oni became famous at the same time that vampires began to appear in Europe. the name "Kyuketsu-ki" was introduced in the 19th century, in the Meiji era, a time in which Japanese and Western culture rapidly mixed. The monster image is not only an enemy of Japanese people, but also, a subjectivized character
(Kagawa, M. 2005. Edo no Youkai Kaumei
(The revolution of Japanese ghosts in the Edo period).
- - - Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712–1788)
The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons 画図百鬼夜行
今昔画図続百鬼 - all his works
The Illustrated One Hundred Demons from the Present and the Past
source : 収録作品
banpaia isoona yami no hotarugari
a vampire
might be out there in the darkness -
hunting for fireflies
Katsumata Tamiki 勝又民樹

お役者捕物帖 - - - 吸血鬼 / 栗本薫