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. Daruma, Smallpox and the color Red .
An Essay
akamono, aka mono 赤もの red things (for good luck)
They ward off smallpox and other diseases of children. Also to ward off evil generally.
Some are made quite simple.
The most favorite subjects are
kuma nori Kintoki 熊乗り金時 Kintaro on a bear
tai nori Kintoki 鯛乗り金時 Kintaro on a sea bream
Kintoki is the local name for Kintaro, the Strong Boy.
His toys are bought with the wish for a strong and healthy child.
. Kintaro and Daruma だるま抱き金太郎 .
taiguruma, tai guruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels
The God of Diseases is invited to sit on this red fish and swim away in the nearest river.
These "red things" are an important cultural property of Japan.
. Clay Dolls from Fushimi - 伏見土人形 .
The Akamono dolls are sold along the access road to 伏見稲荷 Fushimi Inari shrine.
- - - - - Akamono from Fushimi, Kyoto 赤もの 伏見土人形
. akamono komusoo 虚無僧 Komuso begging monk .
. akamono rikishi 赤もの力士 Sumo wrestler .
. akamono Saigyo 西行童子 as a child .
. akamono 三味線弾き shamisen player .
. akamono Tenjin 天神さま Sugawara Michizane .
花もち童女 / 鯛抱き童子 童子「茶坊主/ 伊勢参り姿の童子 /神功皇后 / 狛犬 /虚無僧 / 乳のまし / 大原女
- - About Akamono 赤物人形について
- reference source : hushimi-ningyou.jp... -
赤もの 大黒 Daikoku
and 恵比須 / 布袋 / 立ち娘
- reference source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp... -
- "akamono #redthings #reddolls -
Posted By Gabi Greve to Daruma Doll Museum at 12/30/2017 09:11:00 PM
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