Oome 青梅 / おうめ Ome village
Ome means "Green Ume", a kind of plum tree known as Japanese Apricot.
An important postal station of the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway from Shinjuku to Koshu.
It was a sort of shortcut to 甲府 Kofu in Yamanashi and often called the 甲州裏街道 Koshu Ura Kaido .
First only used for the transportation of lime to Edo, it soon turned into a busy road for all kinds of merchandise.
Now it is one of the modern "emergency access roads", kept open for ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles during national and Tokyo emergencies.
. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa.
The name Ome comes from just one plum tree. It had fruit which stayed green until autumn and never changed color.
People thought this very strange and called the tree
"green plum tree" - ao ume 青梅, soon shortened to Ome.
There is a legend linking this strange plum tree to Taira no Masakado.
When Masakado passed the temple Kongō-ji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (Ome shi Amagase 青梅市天ヶ瀬町), he planted one branch of a plum tree, which he had used as a whip, in the ground and prayed for his long-lasting success as a warrior. Masakado eventually was killed in battle. But the branch became a tree with fine blossoms and fruit.
The tree is often called "Masakado chikai no ume" 将門誓いの梅 "Plum tree of the vow of Masakado".
. ao-ume, ao ume 青梅 green plum .
Kooshuu ume 甲州梅(こうしゅううめ)plum from Koshu
- kigo for mid-summer -
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 - (? – 940) .
In 1922, this tree became 金剛寺の青梅 Kongo-Ji no Ome
and was registered as a 天然記念物 Natural Monument of Tokyo.
Omejima, ome-jima 青梅縞 striped fabrics, weaving from Ome
Dates back to 759 !
江戸中期 青梅が宿場町として栄える
1661年 青梅桟留(サントメ)縞の生産開始
- reference source : -
. Ome hime daruma 青梅姫だるま Princess Daruma doll from Ome .
and 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
Oome 青梅 / おうめ Ome village
Ome means "Green Ume", a kind of plum tree known as Japanese Apricot.
An important postal station of the 青梅街道 Ome Kaido highway from Shinjuku to Koshu.
It was a sort of shortcut to 甲府 Kofu in Yamanashi and often called the 甲州裏街道 Koshu Ura Kaido .
First only used for the transportation of lime to Edo, it soon turned into a busy road for all kinds of merchandise.
Now it is one of the modern "emergency access roads", kept open for ambulances, fire trucks, and police vehicles during national and Tokyo emergencies.
. Kōshū Kaidō 甲州街道 Koshu Kaido Road .
The Highway from Edo via Kofu to Suwa.
The name Ome comes from just one plum tree. It had fruit which stayed green until autumn and never changed color.
People thought this very strange and called the tree
"green plum tree" - ao ume 青梅, soon shortened to Ome.
There is a legend linking this strange plum tree to Taira no Masakado.
When Masakado passed the temple Kongō-ji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji (Ome shi Amagase 青梅市天ヶ瀬町), he planted one branch of a plum tree, which he had used as a whip, in the ground and prayed for his long-lasting success as a warrior. Masakado eventually was killed in battle. But the branch became a tree with fine blossoms and fruit.
The tree is often called "Masakado chikai no ume" 将門誓いの梅 "Plum tree of the vow of Masakado".
. ao-ume, ao ume 青梅 green plum .
Kooshuu ume 甲州梅(こうしゅううめ)plum from Koshu
- kigo for mid-summer -
. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 - (? – 940) .
In 1922, this tree became 金剛寺の青梅 Kongo-Ji no Ome
and was registered as a 天然記念物 Natural Monument of Tokyo.
Omejima, ome-jima 青梅縞 striped fabrics, weaving from Ome
Dates back to 759 !
江戸中期 青梅が宿場町として栄える
1661年 青梅桟留(サントメ)縞の生産開始
- reference source : -
. Ome hime daruma 青梅姫だるま Princess Daruma doll from Ome .
and 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
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