Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heian. Show all posts

June 12, 2016

HEIAN - sakaki Shinto tree

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

sakaki 榊 と伝説 Legends about the Sakaki tree

Cleyera japonica, the sacred tree of Japanese Shinto.

The Japanese word sakaki is written 榊 with the Kanji character that combines
ki 木 "tree, wood" and kami 神 "spirit, god",
depicting a "sacred tree; divine tree".

Branches of the Sakaki tree are decorated with paper streamers (紙垂 shide) to make ritual purifying wands (玉串 tamagushi).

. sakaki さかき【榊】 sakaki tree, Cleyera japonica .
- Introduction -

The tree is
imiki, imi ki 忌み木 "taboo tree"
. imi 忌み / 斎み imi - taboo .
in the context of Shintoism. There are other trees of this kind, where deities come to reside during their travels in this world and the other.

source :

The proper way to make an offering of a Tamagushi at a funeral.


There are also various shrines with the name Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Sakaki Shrine in Japan.

Niigata - 榊神社

新潟県上越市大手町4-12 - Joetsu town

To venerate one of the four famous retainers of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Sakakibara Yasumasa 榊原康政 (1548 - 1606)


第六天榊神社 DairokuTen Sakaki Jinja
1 Chome-4-3 Kuramae, Taito, Tokyo

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 ......................................
揖斐郡 Ibi district

In 揖斐郡 the Ibi district someone threw a Sakaki branch from the Shrine 上花長神社 /花長上神社 Hananagakami Jinja and it flew all the way to Ichinomiya town to the Shrine 阿豆良神社 Azura Jinja, where it took hold and begun to produce blossoms.

.......................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 ......................................
神石郡 Jinseki district (Divine Rok District)

A pilgrim to the Ise Shrine had forgotten a parcel on a rock where he had rested. A villager found it and threw it away. But on the next morning it was back on the rock. This continued for a few days. When he finally opened the parcel there was a Tamagushi inside. Now the family of this villager made the rock their ritual prayer place and venerated the Deity.
Later a member of the family split the rock with a chisel, and red blood begun to flow from the rock. This rock begun to grow little by little every year and soon was as high as the house. It was the Ishigamisan, Ishigami San 石神さん Divine Rock Deity.

.......................................................................... Kagoshim 鹿児島県 ......................................
大島郡 Oshima district 竜郷村 Tatsugo

yamawaro ヤマワロ Mountain Kappa

.......................................................................... Kochi 高知県

幡多郡 Hata district大正町 Taisho

The Sakaki tree located between the mountain and the valley is the seat of the 山の神 Deity of the mountain and can not be cut down.
谷榊うね榊 (尾根 une). This tree is an 忌み木 Imi-Ki.

.......................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 ......................................
南丹市 Nantan town

At the temple 安養寺 Anyo-Ji when someone tries to cut the Sakaki tree, he will become a terrible stomach ache. During the time of the 明治維新 Meiji Restoration a man with a wild temper tried to cut the tree with a sickle, but from the cut red blood begun to flow. The man cried out loudly and held his body in a strong stomach ache.

.......................................................................... Miagi 宮城県 ......................................

sanboo 三宝 three treasures

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

Once there was a fire at 伊勢神宮 the Grand Ise Shrine around 1825. Suddenly the door of the shrine 荒祭宮 Aramatsuri no Miya opened all by itself. At the 外宮 Geku a Tamagushi begun to bear fruit.

zuitoo 瑞稲 abundant rice plant at 玉串御門 Tamagushi Go-Mon gate
Once out of the Tatami mats of the gate there grew a special rice plant with an abundant crop in autumn. It was seen as an auspicious sign for the realm.

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県 ......................................
北佐久郡 Kitasaku district

Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Sakaki Shrine.
During the Sakaki Matsuri 榊祭 Festival, 榊様 Sakaki Sama make a line and walk through the village. When they reach the home of a villager who is thought to be bad by others, they stop and try to enter the home by force. A home where Sakaki Sama has entered will have a death in the family soon after.
- - - Nagano-ken, Hanishina-gun, Sakaki-machi, Sakaki

.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 ......................................


加茂市 Kamo

During the rituals for the New Yeara Sakaki Tamagushi is used and then placed at the entrance to the village to protect the place and hinder the deities of disease and misfortune to come inside.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 ......................................
落合町 Ochiai

. senzo no misaki 先祖のミサキ Misaki for the ancestors .

.......................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 ......................................



- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
73 榊 (10)


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #sakaki #sakakitree #Cleyerajaponica -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 6/08/2016 09:43:00 am

June 05, 2016

HEIAN - Sakaki tree legends


observance kigo for mid-winter

Click for more photos

sakaki oni 榊鬼(さかきおに) Sakaki demon

during a kagura performance at the Mikawa Matsuri

Sakaki Oni, one of the demon, dances the, "Henbai 返閇 / 反閉 / 返閉 /反陪" moves and stomps on the ground to invoke a good and plentiful harvest of the five main crops, safe homes, and good health.
He is infusing the earth with renewed life and vitality.
The Sakaki Oni is also known for answering questions.

Yamami Oni performs a dynamic movement of splitting the large iron pot as if the pot was a mountain being split into two pieces.

The Mokichi Oni (Asa Oni) hits and brings down a beehive by using his beetle. The bee hive is a mesh shaped bag made with different (five) coloured papers. The paper bag is hung above the iron pot by the hosts of the festivals and the host puts many coins into the beehive. When Mokichi Oni hits the beehive, people rush it and snap up the coins because they believe the coins will bring them happiness.

The Hana Matsuri festivals are held in Shimotsuki (November of the lunar calendar). Fukawa's Hana Matsuri is held a on the first Saturday and Sunday of March. It is much warmer than the other Hana Matsuri events. This marks the beginning of the Spring season.
source :

. Kagura Dance in Japan .

hanamatsuri, hana matsuri 花祭 (はなまつり)
flower festival

Mikawa hanamatsuri 三河花祭(みかわはなまつり)
hana kagura 花神楽(はなかぐら)flower kagura
sakaki oni 榊鬼(さかきおに)Sakaki demon

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Kamo Mikate Matsuri 賀茂御蔭祭
"honorable shadow festival"

. Sakaki and the Kasuga Shrine Mandala  


CLICK for more photos of the dance !

hoshi itete chi o utsu mai no sakaki oni

the stars are cold -
the Sakaki demon dances
and stomps the ground

橋本榮治 Hashimoto Eiji (1953 - )





. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

...................................................... Gifu 岐阜県

In 揖斐郡 the Ibi district someone threw a Sakaki branch from the Shrine 上花長神社 /花長上神社 Hananagakami Jinja and it flew all the way to Ichinomiya town to the Shrine 阿豆良神社 Azura Jinja, where it took hold and begun to produce blossoms.

...................................................... Nagano 長野県

In 北佐久郡 the Kitasaku district there is the
Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 Sakaki Shrine.
During the Sakaki Matsuri 榊祭 Festival, 榊様 Sakaki Sama make a line and walk through the village. When they reach the home of a villager who is thought to be bad by others, they stop and try to enter the home by force. A home where Sakaki Sama has entered will have a death in the family soon after.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
73 to explore (02)




June 01, 2016

HEIAN - Aterui and Tamuramaro

One of the most respected leaders of the Emishi and also by Tamuramaro was
Aterui / Akuro-o / Acro-o アテルイ / 阿弖流爲 (? - 802)

"Tamo-no-kimi Aterui took up the leadership of this resistance. In 789, Aterui defeated a larger force at the Battle of Kitakami River, and remained at-large until 801, when he was defeated by Sakanoue Tamuramaro. Fighting continued until a court edict in 805, with one last campaign in 811, after which the pacification of the area was considered complete by Imperial edict."
. Mutsu 陸奥 in Tohoku 東北 .

- quote -
..... the most prominent chief of the Isawa (胆沢) band of Emishi in northern Japan.
Aterui was born in Isawa, Hitakami-no-kuni, what is now Mizusawa Ward of Ōshū City in southern Iwate Prefecture.
"Lord of the Bad Road" (悪路王 Akuro-o).
..... In 802 Tamuramaro returned to Michinoku and built Fort Isawa in the heart of Isawa territory. Then on April 15 he reported the most important success of all in this campaign: The Emishi leaders Aterui and More surrendered with more than 500 warriors. General Sakanoue delivered Aterui and More to the capital on July 10. Despite General Sakanoue's pleadings the government, "...cut them down at Moriyama in Kawachi province." .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

田村麻呂と阿弖流為 - 古代東北 / 新野直吉 
- reference source : -


Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811)
Sakanouye Tamuramaro -
... a general and shogun of the early Heian Period of Japan.
Serving Emperor Kammu, he was appointed shogun and given the task of conquering the Emishi
(蝦夷征伐 Emishi Seibatsu), a people native to the north of Honshū, which he subjugated and drove from the Tohoku region of Honshu to the island of Hokkaido. After emperor Kammu's death, the general continued to serve the emperors Heizei and Saga.

Recent evidence suggests that a migration of Emishi from northern Honshū to Hokkaidō took place sometime between the seventh and eighth centuries, perhaps as a direct result of this policy that pre-dated Tamuramaro's appointment. However, many Emishi remained in the Tōhoku region as subjects of the expanding Japanese Empire, and later established independent Fushu domains. After Emperor Kammu's death, the general continued to serve Emperor Heizei and Emperor Saga as Major Counselor (大納言 dainagon) and Minister of War (兵部卿 Hyōbu-kyō). He was the second man to given the title of shogun.
The first to receive this title was Ōtomo no Otomaro 大伴弟麻呂 (731 - 809).

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro first built Kiyomizu Temple (Kiyomizu-dera), one of the most famous landmarks to be seen in Kyoto.

... It is said that the famous Tanabata festivals and parades of Aomori prefecture (also celebrated in the city of Sendai in Miyagi prefecture), which draw over 3 million people to the prefecture a year, were popularized in remembrance of Sakanoue no Tamuramaro's campaign to subdue the tribal societies then living in Tōhoku. These annual matsuri are called the Nebuta festival in Aomori City and Neputa festival (ねぷた祭り) in Hirosaki City.

... Tamuramaro is reputedly buried at Shōgun-zuka, and his spirit is said to be guarding Kyoto still; but even if part of that tale is only myth, the recorded final resting place of the old warrior was near the village of Kurisu (Kurisu-mura 栗栖村) in Yamashiro's Uji district.

According to the Shoku Nihongi, an official historical record, The Sakaue clan is descended from Emperor Ling of Han China. And Sakaue clan's family tree shows that Tamuramaro is a 14th-generation descendent of Ling.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro is known for having founded the

Three - (Six) Kannon Temples in Oshu province 奥州六観音
also called 奥州三観音や6カ寺

to appease the dead bodies of the Emishi burried, and also their "demon deities" 鬼神.
He usually erected mounds for their heads (kubizuka 首塚) and a temple.

奥州三観音 - Three Kannon of Oshu

1 牧山観音(石巻市)- Ishinomaki (Iwate)
2  箟嶽観音(涌谷町)-  Wakuya (Miyagi)
3  富山観音 (松島町)- Matsushima (Miyagi) 

6カ寺 - Six Kannon Temples of Oshu

1 牧山観音(石巻市)- Ishinomaki (Iwate)
2  箟嶽観音(涌谷町)- Wakuya (Miyagi)
3 大武観音(登米市)- Tome (Miyagi) 
4  長谷観音(登米市)- Tome
5 鱒淵観音(登米市)- Tome
6 小迫観音(栗原市)- Kurihara (Miyagi)

- Check this link for further information and photos:
- source :

. Chookonji 長根寺 Chokon-Ji - Miyako, Iwate .
The first Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 had been founded by
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 in 807.
A bronze bell from this time is still existing. Sakanoue seems to have founded three Kannon temples in Nagane (Chookon) 観音長根.

Fudo Temple 23 達谷西光寺 天台宗 - 姫待不動尊 - Himemachi Fudo
Takkoku Saiko-ji
... Probably the Japanese people in later generations blindly wanted to believe Tamuramaro Sakanoue as a most respectable hero and "Akuo-o" 悪路王 who fought with Sakanoue as an evil figure.
. Himemachi Fudo, Hiraizumi, Iwate .

. Kubizuka, memorial stone pagodas and mounds for the beheaded ... 首塚 .

. beraboo tako ベラボー凧 kite with a face sticking out the tongue .
from Akita, Noshiro 能代市, said to be used by Tamuramaro

May 31, 2016

HEIAN - Hebigami snake deity

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity

Ikegami 池神 Snake "Deity of the Pond"
Nagagami (Choojin) 長神 Serpent "Long Deity"

source :

Hebigami 蛇神 Snake Deity at a dragon Shrine in Osaka
- with two heads in the 阿吽 A-Un formation, one mouth open, one closed.
大阪市東成区中本4丁目2-48 / Nakamoto, Higashinari-ku,


- quote -
Hebigami (蛇神; snake god), Tobyo or Tonbogami.
As you can see by the name, these snakes were not typical snakes, but where thought to be snake gods with the ability to possess humans.

In many descriptions they do not even resemble snakes, but are more like great earthworms.
to be bewitched by a snake - hebi-tsuki
- source : -

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 ......................................

. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 Legends .
and shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
108 to explore (03)
志摩市 OK


. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


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- #hebigami #snakegod #serpentgod -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 5/26/2016 02:34:00 pm

May 25, 2016

HEIAN - Shinchu silkworm moth monster


- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -

- quote -
Shinchuu, Shinchū 神虫 "The Divine Insect"
a deity depicted as a silkworm moth. It was known for miracles.
The painting measures 25.8 by 70 centimetres (10.2 by 27.6 in).
Extermination of Evil (辟邪絵 Hekija-E) is a set of five paintings depicting traditional Asian deities banishing evil. The other four are:
Tenkeisei (天刑星, literally meaning "the star [that metes out] heavenly punishment"),
Sendan Kendatsuba (栴檀乾闥婆)
Shōki (鍾馗)
Bishamonten (毘沙門天)
- source : wikipedia -


It is a large insect with 8 legs and wings, often shown eating a Demon and leaving the ground in blood.
Its body is much bigger than that of the Demons it is supposed to fight and they fear it greatly.
It resides in the Buddhist continent of 瞻部州 Nanzenbushu [or Nansen bushu]. It has a great appetite for Oni demons, devouring 3000 in the morning and 300 in the evening.
- reference : -


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