Setsubun has its origins in tsuina (追儺),
a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the eighth century.
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- - - - - Oni
... According to Zeami's Fushikaden, oni appearing in Noh drama are either vengeful spirits (onryō) who possess human beings, or demons of hell. As the visible forms of oni were represented as misshapen and weird beings, popular iconography of oni was influenced by graphic portrayals of hell demons and "hungry ghosts," as well as by the four-eyed Chinese zhuīnuó (Jp. tsuina) masks worn by the demon exorcists called fangxiàng (Jp. hōsōshi).
Such rites of "demon exorcism" or tsuina were incorporated into the Buddhist rites of Shushōe and Shunie (Omizutori) held early in the New Year; these rites featured exorcisms of demons using the power of Buddhist tutelaries such as Bishamon and heavenly bodhisattvas (hiten). These rites became popular observances on the last day of winter (setsubun), and resulted in the formation of stereotypical demon images such as Shutendōji.
- source : Kawamura Kunimitsu, Kokugakuin 2005 -
During the tsuina rituals, people call out three times
oni yaroo 「鬼やろう」 (Demons get out!)
Especially in the Shrines of Kyoto, and Heian Jingu.
source :
... At 14:00, people representing warriors, onmyōji diviners, and the demon quelling oni Hōsōshi participate in the Tsuina no Gi, an exorcism once performed at the Imperial Palace in the Heian period. Men wearing fearsome ogre masks burst into the shrine and "terrorize" the assembled people from the courtyard, making their way to the main hall veranda where the oni leader does a victorious dance. However, shrine parishioners appear to banish the oni with lucky beans in a tradition called mamemaki (bean throwing), chasing them back out the shrine gates shouting "oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi" ("bad luck out, good luck in").
- reference and photos : -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .
Setsubun has its origins in tsuina (追儺),
a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the eighth century.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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- - - - - Oni
... According to Zeami's Fushikaden, oni appearing in Noh drama are either vengeful spirits (onryō) who possess human beings, or demons of hell. As the visible forms of oni were represented as misshapen and weird beings, popular iconography of oni was influenced by graphic portrayals of hell demons and "hungry ghosts," as well as by the four-eyed Chinese zhuīnuó (Jp. tsuina) masks worn by the demon exorcists called fangxiàng (Jp. hōsōshi).
Such rites of "demon exorcism" or tsuina were incorporated into the Buddhist rites of Shushōe and Shunie (Omizutori) held early in the New Year; these rites featured exorcisms of demons using the power of Buddhist tutelaries such as Bishamon and heavenly bodhisattvas (hiten). These rites became popular observances on the last day of winter (setsubun), and resulted in the formation of stereotypical demon images such as Shutendōji.
- source : Kawamura Kunimitsu, Kokugakuin 2005 -
During the tsuina rituals, people call out three times
oni yaroo 「鬼やろう」 (Demons get out!)
Especially in the Shrines of Kyoto, and Heian Jingu.
source :
... At 14:00, people representing warriors, onmyōji diviners, and the demon quelling oni Hōsōshi participate in the Tsuina no Gi, an exorcism once performed at the Imperial Palace in the Heian period. Men wearing fearsome ogre masks burst into the shrine and "terrorize" the assembled people from the courtyard, making their way to the main hall veranda where the oni leader does a victorious dance. However, shrine parishioners appear to banish the oni with lucky beans in a tradition called mamemaki (bean throwing), chasing them back out the shrine gates shouting "oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi" ("bad luck out, good luck in").
- reference and photos : -
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .
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