July 13, 2017

Fwd: [Gokuraku - Jigoku ] Henro Tama list

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

Tama Shikoku Henro 多摩四国八十八箇所 Pilgrimage

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


- source : kushikey1941.at.webry. -

- go-eika ご詠歌 - chant of the temple -
. Shikoku Henro Temple Chants - go-eika - .


- - - - - Table of contents - - - - -

Henro 阿波(徳島)発心の道場 -- hosshin awakening - Tokushima Awa 23 temples

1 岸光山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 武蔵野市
2 八幡山 延命寺 えんめいじ 真言宗智山派 文殊菩薩 武蔵野市
3 神龍山 井口院(三鷹不動尊) いこういん 新義真言宗 薬師如 Yakushi Nyorai 三鷹市
4 応神山 長久寺 ちょうきゅうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 三鷹市
5 三栄山 大正寺 たいしょうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 調布市
6 医王山 常性寺 じょうしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 調布市
7 草香山 威光寺 いこうじ 真言宗豊山派 金胎両部大日如来 稲城市
8 岩船山 高勝寺 こうしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 胎蔵界大日如来 稲城市
9 権現山 宝蔵院 ほうぞういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O 稲城市

10 見星山 高蔵寺 こうそうじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 町田市
11 瀧本山 慶性寺 けいしょうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 町田市
12 岩子山 千手院 せんじゅいん 真言宗豊山派 千手千眼観世音菩薩 町田市
13 青木山 東福寺 とうふくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 多摩市
14 唐沢山 吉祥院 きちじょういん 真言宗智山派 不動明王 多摩市
15 和中山 高蔵院 こうぞういん 真言宗智山派 大聖不動明王 多摩市
16 慈眼山 観音寺 かんのんじ 真言宗豊山派 聖観世音菩薩 多摩市
17 清谷山 真照寺 しんしょうじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 日野市
18 神秀山 法音寺 ほうおんじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
19 八幡山 最照寺 さいしょうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市

20 吟松山 正光院 しょうこういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
21 梅華山 光明院 こうみょういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
22 大悲山 普門寺 ふもんじ 新義真言宗 正観世音菩薩 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 府中市
23 本覚山 妙光院 みょうこういん 真言宗豊山派 延命地蔵菩薩 府中市

Henro 土佐(高知)修行の道場 -- shugyo austerities - Kochi Tosa 16 temples

24 是政山 西蔵院 さいぞういん 真言宗豊山派 金剛界大日如来 府中市
25 泰明山 宝性院 ほうしょういん 真言宗豊山派 薬師瑠璃光如来 府中市
26 立川山 正楽院 しょうらくいん 真言宗智山派 大日如来 立川市
27 福寿山 観音寺 かんのんじ 新義真言宗 聖観世音菩薩 国分寺市
28 武野山 東福寺 とうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 国分寺市
29 医王山 国分寺 こくぶんじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 国分寺市

30 貫井山 真明寺 しんみょうじ 真言宗豊山派 胎蔵界大日如来 小金井市
31 天神山 金蔵院 こんぞういん 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 小金井市
32 鈴木山 宝寿院 ほうじゅいん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 小平市
33 田無山 総持寺 そうじじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 西東京市
34 慈光山 宝樹院 ほうじゅいん 真言宗智山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 西東京市
35 光明山 如意輪寺 にょいりんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 西東京市
36 金輪山 寳晃院 ほうこういん 真言宗智山派 大聖不動明王 西東京市
37 宝塔山 多聞寺 たもんじ 真言宗智山派 毘沙門天 東久留米市
38 愛宕山 圓乘院 えんじょういん 真言宗智山派 錐鑚不動明王 東大和市
39 輪王山 三光院 さんこういん 真言宗豊山派 阿弥陀如来 東大和市

Henro 伊予(愛媛)菩提の道場 -- bodai enlightenment - Ehime Iyo 26 temples

40 石澤山 蓮華寺 れんげじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 東大和市
41 白部山 慶性院 けんしょういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 東大和市
42 龍華山 真福寺 しんぷくじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 武蔵村山市
43 七国山 薬王寺 やくおういん 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 青梅市
44 星谷山 真浄寺 しんじょうじ 真言宗豊山派 虚空蔵菩薩 青梅市
45 成木山 安楽寺 あんらくじ 真言宗 愛染明王 青梅市
46 龍光山 梅岩寺 ばいがんじ 真言宗豊山派 虚空蔵菩薩 青梅市
47 青梅山 金剛寺 こんごうじ 真言宗豊山派 白不動明王 青梅市
48 大柳山 東光寺 とうこうじ 真言宗豊山派 地蔵菩薩 青梅市
49 高水山 常福院 じょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 浪切白不動明王 青梅市

50 金剛山 宝蔵寺 ほうぞうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡檜原村
51 愛宕山 即清寺 そくせいじ 真言宗豊山派 不空羂索大忿怒明王 青梅市
52 友田山 花蔵院 かぞういん 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 青梅市
53 登覚山 西福寺 さいふくじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
54 登学山 光明寺 こうみょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
55 仏石山 西光寺 さいこうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
56 月向山 常福寺 じょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
57 鎮守山 大行寺 だいぎょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 あきる野市
58 引田山 真照寺 しんしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 あきる野市
59 金色山 大悲願寺 だいひがんじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 あきる野市

60 宝生山 大光寺 だいこうじ 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 あきる野市
61 今熊山 正福寺 しょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 八王子
62 田守山 大仙寺 だいせんじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 八王子市
63 犬目山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
64 凉水山 西蓮寺 さいれんじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
65 大幡山 宝生寺 ほうしょうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市

Henro 讃岐(香川)涅槃の道場 -- nehan entering Nirwana - Kagawa Sanuki 23 temples

66 千手山 浄福寺 じょうふくじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
67 一乗山 吉祥院 きちじょういん 真言宗智山派 金剛界大日如来 八王子市
68 高尾山 高尾山薬王院(高尾山) やくおういん 真言宗智山派 飯縄権現 八王子市
69 宝生山 金南寺 こんなんじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 八王子市

70 正名山 大光寺 だいこうじ 真言宗 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai 八王子市
71 常光山 真覚寺 しんかくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
72 摩尼山 萬福寺 まんぷくじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
73 慈高山 金剛院 こんごういん 高野山真言宗 不動明王 八王子市
74 南清山 観音寺 かんのんじ 真言宗智山派 十一面観世音菩薩 八王子市
75 醫王山 妙藥寺 みょうやくじ 真言宗 不動明王 八王子市
76 龍華山 大義寺 たいぎじ 真言宗智山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 八王子
77 安榮山 福傳寺 ふくでんじ 真言宗智山派 十一面観世音菩薩 八王子市
78 鳥栖山 長福寺 ちょうふくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
79 増寶山 龍光寺 りゅうこうじ 真言宗智山派 胎蔵界大日如来 八王子市

80 宮沢山 阿弥陀寺 あみだじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 昭島市
81 金東山 西蓮寺 さいれんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
82 清満山 天龍寺 てんりゅうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
83 有王山 延命寺 えんめいじ 真言宗智山派 延命地蔵菩薩 日野市
84 土淵山 普門寺 ふもんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 日野市
85 田村山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 日野市
86 愛宕山 石田寺 せきでんじ 真言宗智山派 延命地蔵菩薩 日野市
87 平水山 寿徳寺 じゅとくじ 真言宗智山派 金剛界大日如来 日野市
88 高幡山 金剛寺(高幡不動) こんごうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 日野市

Many of the temples are in 八王子市 Hachioji.
- reference : Wikipedia -

多摩八十八ヶ所霊場の案内 - reference for each temple
- reference source : tesshow.jp/tama/tama8... -


goshuin 御朱印 stamp book

It is only important to start the Tama Henro pilgrimage at temple number 01 and end at temple number 88.


. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages - 薬師霊場巡り Introduction 薬師如来 .

. Tama Henro - Yakushi Nyorai Temples .
03 Ikooin 井口院 Iko-In
06 Jooshooji 常性寺 Josho-Ji
22 Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji
25 Hooshooin 宝性院 Hosho-In
29 Kokubunji 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji
34 Hoojuin 宝樹院 Hoju-In
42 Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji
43 Yakuooji 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji
61 Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji
76 Daigiji 大義寺 Daigi-Ji / Taigi-Ji


. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - - - - #tamahenro #henrotama #henroyakushitama - - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 5/18/2015 01:19:00 pm

July 07, 2017

Darume European Commission EUJapan



European Commission July 2017

Good meeting today between EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström and Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida.
They ironed out the few remaining differences in the #EUJapan trade negotiations and recommended to leaders to confirm the agreement at the EU-Japan Summit on 6 July.

- Look at the video here
- source : facebook.com/EuropeanCommission... -


July 06, 2017

Fwd: [DARUMA MUSEUM (02) ... DARUMA ARCHIVES] Ryukodo Store Kyoto


Ryuukodoo 龍虎堂 だるま Ryukodo Store Kyoto

A store specializing in all kinds of Daruma dolls, some made from Washi paper.

龍虎堂 - ちぎり和紙 だるまシリーズ Daruma from chigiri torn Washi paper
- reference source : kyoto-ryukodo.com/c-washi -

龍虎堂 - Homepage

- source : kyoto-ryukodo.com/index... -

- more photso -


- #ryukodo #ryukododaruma -

Posted By Gabi Greve to DARUMA MUSEUM (02) ... DARUMA ARCHIVES on 7/04/2017 10:05:00 pm

DARUMA - Zen no Kaze



禅の風 第46号 Zen no Kaze - Nr. 46 2017

- reference source : suiyosha.hondana.jp/book -

and the magazine

. 禅の友 Zen no Tomo Magazine .



A rather old magazine about Japan was sent to my by Mr. Tajima.
Thank you so very much!

Japan Illustrated Autumn 1974

04 Japan Illustrated

Daruma, the Carricatured Patriarch
by Douglas M. Kenrick
Asiatic Society of Japan

05 page 1

06 page 2

07 page 3

08 page 4

09 page 5

To read the text, click for further enlargement .

10 detail 01

The taste of Zen and the taste of Tea are the same.

11 detail 01 END


週刊 世界百不思議(29)
Wonders of the World Weekly Magazine


「だるまさん」が招ぶ 開運講座
Daruma san ga yobu Kaiun Koza
Why does Daruma bring good luck?


01 Daruma Koza

02 explanations

03 next page


PERSON - Kiichi Hogen



Ushiwakamaru (Yoshitsune) and Minatsuru-hime

source : www.mfa.org/collections
by Ichirakutei Eisui

- quote
Kiichi Hôgen, Kiichi Hoogen 鬼一法眼 Kiichi Hogen
According to legend, Minamoto no Yoshitsune trained with Kiichi Hogen in the art of martial strategy. Kiichi's daughter, Princess Minatsuru eventually falls in love with him and he ends up using the daughter to steal some books of strategy 兵法書. Hogen tries to kill him for the theft, but Yoshitsune killed him instead.

- Kiichi Hogen and the Secret of Aikido
- source : aikidosangenkai.org/blog/kiichi-hogen... -

. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -

- Kabuki  歌舞伎 -
- quote -
Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki
The play "Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) and staged for the first time in the 9th lunar month of 1731 in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza. It was adapted for Kabuki at the end of the same year and produced for the first time in the 12th lunar month of 1731 at the Kado no Shibai. The zamoto was Arashi Kokuseki (unknown casting). It was produced by Arashi Koroku I in the first quarter of 1732 in Kyôto with the actors Mihogi Gizaemon I and Ichiyama Sukegorô I playing the roles of Yoshioka Kiichi Hôgen and Ichijô Ôkura Naganari. Arashi Kokuseki produced the play one more time in Ôsaka at the Kado no Shibai in March and 4th lunar month of 1732. It was performed for the first time in Edo, at the Moritaza, in the 1st lunar month of 1757.
- Structure
The play "Kiichi Hôgen Sanryaku no Maki" is in 5 acts. "Kikubatake", or "the Chrysanthemum Garden" in English, is the 2nd scene of 3rd act. The following scene, "Okuniwa" ("the Inner Garden) is added to "Kikubatake" on extemely rare productions. Here are the scenes names:

今出川鬼一法眼館菊畑 Imadegawa Kiichi Hôgen Yakata Kikubatake
今出川鬼一法眼館奥庭 Imadegawa Kiichi Hôgen Yakata Okuniwa

- Summary
Imadegawa Kiichi Hôgen Yakata Kikubatake
The Chrysanthemum Garden at Kiichi Hôgen's Mansion in Imadegawa
- Read the story here
- source : kabuki21.com/kikubatake... -

唖侍鬼一法眼 Oshizamurai Kiichi Hogan

- Kiichi Hogen and Bunraku 文楽 -

Kiichi Hogen Sanryaku no Maki 鬼一法眼三略巻 Kiichi Hogen's Book of Strategy

and his head as an old man

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .


July 05, 2017

Fwd: [Edo - the EDOPEDIA -] Ian Buruma - about Edo

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. Famous Persons and People of Edo .

Ian Buruma

The New York Review of Books - Editor

- quote -
Ian Buruma (born December 28, 1951) is a Dutch writer, editor and historian who lives and works in the United States. In May 2017, he was named editor of The New York Review of Books.[1] Much of his writing focuses on the culture of Asia, particularly that of China and 20th-century Japan. He has been the Paul W. Williams Professor of Human Rights and Journalism at Bard College since 2003.

- - - - - Works
The Japanese Tattoo. Weatherhill. 1980. ISBN 978-0834801493. with Donald Richie
Behind the Mask: On Sexual Demons, Sacred Mothers, Transvestites, Gangsters, Drifters, and Other Japanese Cultural Heroes. New American Library. 1983. ISBN 978-0452010543.
A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture. London: Jonathan Cape. 1984. ISBN 978-0224020497.
Tokyo: Form and Spirit (1986) with James Brandon, Kenneth Frampton, Martin Friedman, Donald Richie ISBN 978-0-8109-1690-6
God's Dust: A Modern Asian Journey (1989) ISBN 978-0-7538-1089-7
Great Cities of the World: Hong Kong (1991)
Playing the Game (1991) novel ISBN 978-0-374-52633-7
The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and in Japan (1994) ISBN 978-0-452-01156-4
Introduction for Geisha: The Life, the Voices, the Art (1998) by Jodi Cobb ISBN 978-0-375-70180-1
Voltaire's Coconuts, or Anglomania in Europe (UK title) (1998) or Anglomania: a European Love Affair (US title) (1999) ISBN 978-0-7538-0954-9
The Missionary and the Libertine: Love and War in East and West (2000) compilation ISBN 978-0-571-21414-3
De neo-romantiek van schrijvers in exil ("Neoromanticism of writers in exile") (2000) ISBN 90-446-0028-1
Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from Los Angeles to Beijing (2001) ISBN 978-0-679-78136-3
Inventing Japan: From Empire to Economic Miracle 1853–1964 (2003) ISBN 978-0-679-64085-1
Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies (2004) with Avishai Margalit ISBN 978-0-14-303487-2
Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo Van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance (2006) ISBN 978-1-59420-108-0 winner of The Los Angeles Times Book Prize for the Best Current Interest Book.
Conversations with John Schlesinger (2006) ISBN 0-375-75763-5
Commentary on the History of China for the time period of The Last Emperor, The Criterion Collection 2008 DVDs (ASIN: B000ZM1MIW, ISBN 978-1-60465-014-3).
The China Lover (2008) novel ISBN 978-1-59420-194-3
Taming the Gods: Religion and Democracy on Three Continents (2010) ISBN 978-0-691-13489-5, with some historical examples of the value the separation of religion and national governance with the separation of church and state as one example.
Grenzen aan de vrijheid: van De Sade tot Wilders (Limits to Freedom: From De Sade to Wilders) (2010) ISBN 978-90-477-0262-7 – Essay for the Month of Philosophy in the Netherlands.
Year Zero: A History of 1945. New York, NY: The Penguin Press. 2013. ISBN 978-1594204364.
Their Promised Land: My Grandparents in Love and War (2016)

- - - - - Essays
Theater of Cruelty: Art, Film, and the Shadows of War ISBN 978-1590177778
China's class ceiling, published in the Los Angeles Times
The Pilgrimage From Tiananmen Square, published in The New York Times

- source : wikipedia-

The 'Indescribable Fragrance' of Youths
A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Edo-Period Prints and Paintings (1600–1868)
- source : nybooks.com/articles ...

Myth-Maker of the Brothel - Utamaro

The Sensualist

What makes "The Tale of Genji" so seductive.

Who Can Put Across Genji?

Nymphets in the New Japan

Chinese Shadows
Tokyo Boogie-Woogie
Weeping Tears of Nostalgia

- further reference : nybooks.com/search -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #ianburuma - - - -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 7/03/2017 02:04:00 pm

July 03, 2017

HAIKU - Buson - tokoroten



. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 .

tokoroten sakashima ni ginga sanzenjaku

Jelly noodles
in a black bowl -- an upside-down
Milky Way

Tr. Allan Persinger


June 30, 2017

ONI - Kawanabe Kyosai



. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

Hidari Jingoro and a Kyoto Beauty

- quote -
Oni no inu ma ni sentaku (Doing the Laundry While the Demon is Away)
This original Kawanabe Kyosai (Gyosai) woodcut is printed on nineteenth century Japanese mulberry (rice) paper and with full margins as published by Okura Magobei between 1881 - 1886 in the Kyosai Hyakuzu, 'Kyosai Hyaku-zu' (One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai).
It depicts scenes from Japanese folklore & proverbs dealing with household chores, games & demons (Yokai & Oni). The image is constructed by means of two horizontal subjects, the first scene contains a Japanese proverb or expression (Kotowaza), that reads; "Oni no inu ma ni sentaku" which loosely translates to (Doing the Laundry While the Demon is away) or (When the cat is away, the mice will play). The scene depicts a woman washing clothes and a large cat sitting nearby while a grumpy old man goes out for a walk.
The Japanese proverb for he lower scene reads; "Oya ni ninu ko wa oni no ko" which translates to (A child that does not resemble its parents is a Demon Child). Depending on the context, this expression can refer to a child who is misbehaving and is not adapting to the family expectations or it may refer to a simple children's game known as hide and seek. Here the artist depicts children at play, a mother, with her naked child wrapped around her shoulders, chasing a diminutive demon, who in turn is chasing after several frightened children. However, the expression of laughter on the mother's face as she grabs at the little red demon, indicates that it is all in fun. Laughter, in fact, appears to be the connecting link within these delightful and bizarre scenes.
- source : artoftheprint.com/artistpages/kyosai -

..... scenes from Japanese folklore and proverbs dealing with household chores, games and demons (Yokai and Oni).
from the series 'Kyosai Hyaku-zu' 狂斎百図 - One Hundred Pictures by Kyosai.
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 Ukiyo-E with Tengu by Kawanabe .


- #kawanabekyosai #kawanabe -

June 26, 2017

MINGEI - Nomura Silk Ehime


Nomura town 野村  Seiyo  西予

- quote -
Nomura Silk 野村シルク
Known as "the town of milk and silk," Nomura Town in Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture has long thrived on stockbreeding and sericulture. Its sericulture industry, which makes raw silk yarn from silkworm cocoons, started in the early Meiji Period (1868-1912), and by the early Taisho Period (1912-1926) as many as 1,138 sericultural farmhouses filled the town.

There are various reasons for the development of sericulture in this semi-mountainous town: the local farmland occupied a large area of sloping land, necessary for growing the mulberry trees needed to feed silkworms; a large number of workers were available compared to the area of the farmland; and sericulture was highly profitable.

In 1933, a silk-reeling factory was established in Nomura, and the locally produced raw silk was registered with the trademark name of Camellia Silk, receiving high acclaim both domestically and internationally. However, Nomura's silk-reeling industry declined over time, under pressure from high-volume imports of cheaper products from abroad. Today only about 10 sericulture farmers remain.

Nonetheless, the high quality of Camellia Silk has been passed down over the years. It features a unique bulkiness, which means its yarn has more expansion per unit of length than the average yarn, and also offers a fine gloss. Riding on the enduring strength of the Nomura brand, Camellia Silk is still sold in Kyoto and other areas of Japan.

Furthermore, Japan's shrines have a tradition known as Sengu, when their enshrined deity is moved to a temporary shrine during reconstruction work. At Ise-jingu Shrine, one of the most important shrines in Japan, every 20 years the entire shrine is reconstructed in a ceremony referred to as Shikinen Sengu—and Camellia Silk is designated as a provider of raw silk yarn for the ceremony. It is used for making formal attire for the ceremony as well as new offerings to the god of the shrine.

Nomura's Silk Museum presents a number of valuable items related to the industry that supported the town's modernization in terms of both industry and economy. Its displays include both historical documents and tools that were used in the production of cocoons and raw silk yarns. There are also programs where guests can experience making products using Camellia Silk themselves.

- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -

西予市野村シルク博物館 Seiyo Nomura Silk Museum

- reference source : Nomura Silk Museum -


June 22, 2017

PERSONS - Keishoin mother of Tsunayoshi


Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉
inu kuboo, Inu-Kubō 犬公方 Inu Kubo, the Dog Shogun

(1646 - 1709)

and his mother, Keisho-In.


Keishooin 桂昌院 Keisho-In, Keishoin

- quote -
Keisho-in - Biography (1627-1705).
The birth mother of the fifth shogun Tsunayoshi Tokugawa. The second daughter of Nizaemon, a green grocer of Horikawa, Kyoto.
Keisho-in entered into service at the inner palace as the adopted daughter of Munemasa Honjo, the Keishi (an officer responsible for running the household) of Nijo Kampaku (Imperial Regent). She was chosen by Kasuganotsubone (the nurse of the shogun Iemitsu), became the concubine of the third shogun Iemitsu, and gave birth to Tsunayoshi. She was called Otamanokata (O-Tama no Kata), became a nun after the death of Iemitsu, and called herself Keisho-in. She rose to Juichii, the highest position for women, and became the power behind Tsunayoshi's policies. She was also very religious and contributed to building Gokoku-Ji Temple and restoring many temples and shrines.
- snip -
When Otamanokata was a small girl, a priest was said to have predicted that she would rise to greatness.
Just as in the prediction, from being a daughter of a green grocer, Keisho-in rose to the highest possible position a woman could attain. It is a widely accepted theory that her name is the pronoun of Tamanokoshi (Japanese expression for marrying into money) because of her name and how she advanced in the world. In 1680, when Tsunayoshi assumed the role of shogun, she moved into Sannomaru in Edo Castle and intervened in politics.
It is generally believed that the famous law against the harming of animals was drawn up by Keisho-in pressuring Tsunayoshi following the suggestion made by her favorite high priest, Takamitsu. The Matsu no Roka Jiken (the incidence in the Matsu hallway) caused by Asano Takuminokami Naganori at Edo Castle happened during a visit by the Imperial envoy to announce Keisho-in's new position as Juichii. In Zojo Temple in Shibakoen, where Keisho-in is buried, there are tombs of six shoguns, including the second shogun, Hidetada, and the sixth shogun, Ienobu, as well as the wives and concubines of each shogun.
The Inukimon Gate of the Tokugawa tomb is registered as the City's tangible cultural property and was originally in front of Ienobu's tomb. It is a Chinese-style bronze gate decorated with castings of ascending and descending dragons on either side of the gate. The 10 hollyhock crests on the door were added after World War II.
- source : lib.city.minato.tokyo.jp/yukari -

. 神齢山 Shinreizan 悉地院 Shitchi-In 護国寺 Gokoku-Ji .
This temple was founded in 1681 by 亮賢僧正 high priest Ryoken (1611 - 1687)
on behalf of Shogun Tsunayoshi for his mother, 桂昌院 Lady Keisho-In (徳川綱吉 生母).

. Yanagimori Jinja 柳森神社 Yanagimori Shrine .
The shrine was built in the late 17th century by a woman named Keisho-in 桂昌院, the daughter of a lowly greengrocer. As a teenager she was 'scouted' by representatives of Edo castle to join the O-oku -- the harem of women who serviced the Shogun.


June 18, 2017

MINGEI - Iwami ware Shimane


Iwami village 石見

- quote -
yakimono 石見焼物 / 石見陶器 Iwami Ware
Iwami ware may not be very well known to Japanese people these days, but every family used to have one at home back in the day when running water was not available. Each family needed a large pot to store water. The Iwami giant pot, called "Hando", was of a size big enough for a child to hide inside. It was very popular, and faced a huge demand from all over Japan. The special ceramic method that Iwami made famous was first introduced to this area from Iwakuni province around Yamagata prefecture in 1763. It had a strong water resistance characteristic because of the type of local clay used and the high temperature of its firing. Thus, it was ideal for making a water pot.

As municipal water systems became more prevalent in the 1950s, storing water became less necessary. Furthermore, the introduction of plastic containers caused a further deterioration of the Iwami wares industry. However, the craft survived by adapting to social changes and catering its pottery to the masses. The most common Iwami pots were for storing pickled vegetables/fruits and miso, because they helped food from being spoiled from acidification and alkalization. Iwami ware was registered as one of the Traditional Crafts of Japan in 1994.

Iwami ware originally came in reddish brown and/or semi-clear blue glazes. However, that eventually changed, and different glazes were introduced as well. Flower vases, tableware, mugs and umbrella stands are also made in the Iwami style, and they all radiate the warm energy of the earth. Recently, local businesses announced a collaboration had begun between the nearby hot spring resort of Arifuku Onsen and Iwami ware makers to showcase a fine dining experience with Iwami-made tableware. This type of project is sure to attract nationwide publicity.
- - - - - 405 I Kakushicho Gotsu-shi Shimane-ken
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -


June 16, 2017

ONI - Kishitsu Jinja Shiga


Shiga 滋賀県

鬼室神社 Kishitsu Jinja
滋賀県蒲生郡日野町 Shiga, Gamo district, Hino

The grave of 鬼室集斯 Shusui Kishitsu, a respected and cultured visitor from Korea more than 1,300 years ago, is located behind the main shrine here.
This is where the shrine gets its name from. It is the oldest shrine in Hino.
Kishitsu Shusui fought during the 白村江の戦い Hakusonko no tatakai

- quote -
The Battle of Baekgang, also known as Battle of Baekgang-gu or by the Japanese name
Battle of Hakusukinoe (白村江の戦い Hakusuki-no-e no Tatakai or Hakusonkō no Tatakai), was a battle between Baekje restoration forces and their ally, Yamato Japan, against the allied forces of Silla and the Tang Dynasty of ancient China. The battle took place in the lower reaches of the Geum River in Jeollabuk-do province, Korea. The Silla-Tang forces won a decisive victory, compelling Yamato Japan to withdraw completely from Korean affairs and crushing the Baekje restoration movement.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote -
Kishitsu Shrine in Hino Town in Shiga Prefecture is an old shrine enshrining Gwisil Jipsa (Japanese: Kishitsu Shushi), an exiled nobleman from Paekche.
Gwisil Jipsa was the son of Gwisil Boksin (Japanese: Kishitsu Fukushin), a general of Paekche. When Paekche fell in 660, his father tried to save the nation by raising an army, but the restoration movement was besieged by the Silla-Tang allied forces. Gwisil Jipsa migrated to Japan with 700 men and women and settled in Hino Town. It is said that he was a person of culture.
Being called Fudo-do, the shrine had functioned and had been worshipped as the shrine guarding the west direction of the village until the Edo period (1603-1868). The festivals and rituals of the shrine had been performed by Muroto-kabu, the Miyaza (a specially empowered village guild concerning with shrine festivities) of the village.
In 1429, the shrine pavillion was constructed and it was named Kishitsu Shrine in honor of Gwisil Jipsa, for it is thought that Jipsa was buried in the stone chamber in back of the main hall of the shrine.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -


EDO - place names -backup

backup June 15 2017



Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo and the Edo period

source : Wikipedia
canal system of Edo

. machi, choo 町 small town or village - districts and Haiku   .
chiku 地区 area

The wikipedia has now extensive coverage about Tokyo and the districts of Edo.
The special wards of Tokyo are:
Adachi Arakawa Bunkyo Chiyoda Chūō Edogawa Itabashi Katsushika Kita Kōtō Meguro Minato Nakano Nerima Ōta Setagaya Shibuya Shinagawa Shinjuku Suginami Sumida Taitō Toshima
The "three central wards" of Tokyo – Chiyoda, Chūō and Minato – are the business core of the city,
- source : wikipedia -

The Landmarks of Edo in Color Woodblock Prints
484 nishiki-e picturing 103 landmarks of Edo
... links to illustrated geographical booklets Edo Meisho Zue
- source : National Diet Library-

Edo Meishō Zue 江戸名所図会 "Guide to famous Edo sites"
... an illustrated guide describing famous places and depicting their scenery...
20 books divided among seven volumes. Initially published in 1834.
... conceived by Saitō Yukio Nagaaki (1737–1799) ...
- source : wikipedia -

under construction

. Aomonochoo 青物町 Aomonocho "vegetable" district .

"Full moon at Arakawa River" 荒川の月
川瀬 巴水 - Hasui Kawase (1883-1957) - 1929

Aoyama 青山 - names after the estate of the Tokugawa retainer 青山忠成 Aoyama Tadanari (1551 - 1613)

Arakawa 荒川 river Arakawa

. Asakusa 浅草 district .
- - - - - . Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音, temple 浅草寺 Senso-Ji . .

Ayasegawa 綾瀬川 Ayase-gawa Asakusa-dera
ukiyo-e by Kobayashi Kiyochika 小林清親
- reference : -

Azabu 麻布 a place where asa 麻 hemp grew.
- Azabu juuban 麻布十番 Asabu Juban: the 10th part of the river waterworks

. Bakurochoo, Bakuro-chō 馬喰町 Bakurocho district .

Banchoo 番町 Bancho and . Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district .

Chiyoda Ku 千代田区 Chiyoda Ward - list of village names 町名
Kanda chiku 神田地区 Kanda Area
- source : wikipedia -

. Daikuchoo 神田大工町 Kanda Daikucho, carpenter district .

Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井

Edojoo 江戸城 Edojo, Edo Castle

Edogawa 江戸川  river Edogawa
. WKD : Haiku by Kobayashi Issa.

. Eitaibashi 永代橋 Eitai-Bashi bridge .

Fujimi chaya, Fujimijaya 富士見茶屋 "tea shop to view Mount Fuji"
There were quite a few in the region.
. Meguro, 目黒 Fujimi chaya .
Zôshigaya Fujimi chaya - Teahouse at Zoshigaya / print by Hiroshige
Otome-toge Fujimi-chaya, Hakone

. Fukagawa 深川 .

. Fukiyachoo 葺屋町 Fukiyacho District of roof thatchers .
- and Kayabacho 茅場町, 南茅場町 Minami-Kayabacho

. Ginza 銀座 "Silver Guild" district .
- - - - - Ginpari, Gin Pari 銀巴里 chanson cafe in Ginza

. gofukuchoo 呉服町 Gofukucho, district of the Kimono shops .
..... Gofukubashi 呉服橋. / Gofukubashi Mitsuke Mon 呉服橋見附門 Gofukubashi Mitsuke Gate

. Gofunai, Funai 御府内 "The Lord's City" .
御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo

. Gyootoku, Gyōtoku 船橋 と 行徳 Gyotoku .
..... Gyotoku enden 行徳塩田 Gyotoku salt fields

. Hachiman 八幡 Shrines in the Edo period .

. Hakkei 八景 Eight Views .
Sumida-gawa hakkei 隅田川八景 by Hiroshige II 広重 II
Sumida Hakkei in Edo 隅田八景
Zashiki Hakkei 座敷八景 Eight Parlor Views
Oomi Hakkei 近江八景 Omi Hakkei, Eight Views of Omi .

Hamamatsuchoo 浜松町 Hamamatsu-Cho - In the Genroku period (around 1700) the headman of this district moved in from Hamamatsu in Shizuoka.

. Himonochoo 檜物町 / 檜物丁 HimonoCho District .
quarters of the craftsmen of Hinoki cypress wood

. Hongokuchoo 本石町 Hongoku District .

. Honjo 本所 and Honchoo (Motomachi) 本町 Honcho .

. Honryoogaechoo 本両替町 Hon-Ryogae-Cho district .
- Kanefukichoo 金吹町 Kanefukicho // Kinsukechoo 金助町 Kinsukecho - related to Ginza and 金座 Kinza

. Honzaimokuchoo 本材木町 Honzaimokucho, Honzaimoku-cho district .
..... 楓川 Kaedegawa / 海運橋 Kaigunbashi

Hooraikan 鳳来館 Horaikan now an exhibition hall in Aichi

. Horidomechoo 堀留町 Horidomecho District / Horidome rivers .

. Hyakuninchoo 百人町 Hyakunincho district . - Aoyama, Shinjuku

. Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji  temple .

Iogi 井荻
- source : japanthis.com -

. Iwamotochoo, Iwamotochō 神田岩本町 Kanda Iwamotocho .
--- Benkeibashi 弁慶橋 Benkeibashi bridge / Aizomegawa 藍染川 river Aizome-gawa

. Kagurazaka - Kagurasaka 神楽坂 Ushigome Kagurazaka 牛込神楽坂 .

. Kajibashi 鍛冶橋 Kajibashi Bridge, "Blacksmith Bridge" .
Kajiyamachi 神田鍛冶屋町 "Blacksmith district" - also called
. Kanda Kajichoo, Kajimachi 千代田区 神田 鍛冶町 .

. Kamakurachoo 鎌倉町 Kamakura-Cho in Kanda, Chiyoda ward.
and - - - - - Kamakuragashi 鎌倉河岸 - 鎌倉川岸 Kamakura riverbank, Kamakura waterfront
and - - - - - Toshimaya 豊島屋 first "Izakaya 居酒屋" pub in Edo

Kameido 亀戸
. Kameido daikon 亀戸大根 large radish from Kameido .

. Kameyama 亀山 "Turtle Mountain" .

. Kamisukichoo 紙漉町 Kamisuki-Cho, paper maker district .

Kanamachi 金町
. Kanamachi kokabu 金町こかぶ small turnips .

Kanda 神田 "field for the gods" : The land was under the directive of Ise Jingu Shrine to grow rice for the Shrine offerings.
. . Kanda - The Estate of Lord Matsudaira 松平屋敷 . - and legends

. Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town . - Setagaya

. Kasugachoo 春日町 Kasugacho District, Kasuga-Cho - 練馬 Nerima, Bunkyo

. Kawasaki district 川崎 - Tokaido .

. Kiba 木場 "place for wood" - lumberyards and carpenters .

. Kijichoo 雉子町 Kiji-Cho "pheasant district" wood-craft workers .
Kanda Kijibashi bridge 雉子橋 Kiji-Bashi, now in 千代田区神田 Chiyoda ward

Kioichoo 紀尾井町 Kioi-Cho : The main estate (kami yashiki) of the Tokugawa family estates from 紀州徳川家 Kishu and 尾張徳川家 Owari were located here. The 中屋敷 "middle estate" of the 井伊家 Ii clan was also located here. In the Edo period, this was mainly the name of the slope.

. Kodenmachō 小伝馬町 Kodenmacho district .
- - - - - with the royashiki 江戸幕府が牢屋敷 main prison

Koganei 小金井
. Koganei 小金井 vegetables .

. Koishikawa 小石川 - and Koishikawa Garden .

. Konyachoo, Konyachō 神田紺屋町 Kanda Konya-Cho, Kon'ya cho
Konyamachi, district for indigo cloth dyers . .

. Koogazaka 甲賀坂 Koga slope . Chioda, Surugadai

. Koojimachi, Kōjimachi 麹町 / 麴町 Kojimachi district .

. Kuramae 倉前 The Bakufu Rice Granaries .

. Kyoobashi 京橋 Kyobashi Bridge .


お江戸の地名の意外な由来 - - 中江克己


Magome 馬込
. Magome vegetables .

. Matsuchiyama 真乳山 / 待乳山 .

. Meguro 目黒 and Meguro no Sanma  目黒の秋刀魚 .
- - - . Meguro Fudoo 目黒不動 Meguro Fudo Temple .
- - - - - Kami-Meguro - The Shogun's Hawk-Hunting Grounds
- source : Edomatsu -

. Nagasaki 長崎 in Toshima ward .

Naitoo 内藤 Naito see Shinjuku, 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku
. Naito Kabocha Pumpkin .

Negishi 根岸
. WKD : wabizumai 根岸の里の侘び住まい - the abode of Masaoka Shiki in Negishi   .

. nihon, nippon  日本 Japan .

Nihonbashi 日本橋 "Japan Bridge" in Edo / Tokyo  

. Ningyoochoo, Ningyōchō  人形町 Ningyocho, Ningyo-Cho .

Odaiba お台場 a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay for defensive purposes.
Egawa Hidetatsu 江川英龍太郎左衛門 designed and built the battery emplacements at the entrance of Edo harbour at Odaiba in 1853/54, following the 1853 visit of Commodore Perry and his promise to return the following year.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - Odaiba, Eco-friendly Town - source : web-japan.org/tokyo/ -

. Odenmacho 大伝馬町 The Communications Center .

. okechoo, okemachi、桶町 Okecho, "Bucket district" in Edo .

Ootemachi 大手町 Otemachi : The place of the former 大手門 Ote-Mon "Big, main Gate" to Edo castle.

. Renjakuchoo, Kanda renjaku machi 神田連雀町 Renjaku-Cho district .

. Rokugō no watashi 六郷の渡し Rokugo river crossing .

. Ryoogoku, Ryōgoku 両国 Ryogoku district and bridge 両国橋  .

. Sakai Cho 堺町 Sakai in Edo .
- - - - - Edo Sanza 江戸三座 - the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo
堺町・葺屋町 Sakai Machi
木挽町 Kobiki choo
猿若町 Saruwaka choo. later renamed Nakamura-za

. Sakuradamon Gate 桜田門 and Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 (1860) .

. Sengakuji (Senkakuji) 泉岳寺 Sengaku-Ji and the 47 Ronin .

Senju 千住

. Setomonocho 瀬戸物町 "Potter's district" .

. Shakujii 石神井 - Nerima ward .

. Shiba 芝 / 柴村 Shiba mura / 芝町 Shiba machi   .

. Shiba-Ura 芝浦 Shibaura and fishing in Edo .

. Shinagawa (品川区, Shinagawa-ku) .

Shinbashi 新橋 "new bridge" : Around 1705, the river 汐溜川 Shiodomegawa became a new bridge. The original name of the bridge was 芝口橋 Shibaguchibashi.

. Shinjuku 新宿 - Naitoo Shinjuku 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku .

. Shin-Yanagibashi 新柳橋 . ... and Kappa raincoats

. Shirakabechoo 神田白壁町 Kanda Shirakabe-Cho district .

. Shitaya 下谷 . - Ueno

. Shizutani Gakkoo 閑谷学校 Shizutani School of the Ikeda clan, Okayama .

. Somei 染井 - uekiya 植木屋 gardeners .
伊兵衛三之烝 Ihei Sannojo

. Sotobori 外堀 / そとぼり / 外濠 outer moat of Edo castle .

. Sumidagawa River 隅田川 and Katsushika 葛飾 .

. Surugadai 駿河台 . - Chioda
Suidobashi Surugadai 水道橋駿河台 / Kanda Surugadai 神田駿河台
Surugachoo 駿河町 Suruga Cho, Suruga Quarter, Suruga village, Suruga street (near Nihonbashi) / Suruga-Machi 駿河町 

Tansumachi 箪笥町 - Gofunai temple 22

. Takanawa district 高輪, Takanawadai 高輪台   .
Takanawa Okido 高輪 大木戸 The Great Gate of Takanawa  

Takinogawa 滝野川
. Takinogawa ninjin 滝野川人参 carrots .

. Tamagawa Joosui 多摩川上水 Tamagawa Josui Kanal .

. Tooriaburachoo, Tōriabura-chō 通油町 Toriaburacho District .

. Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場 .
. . . . . Tsukiji - Visit to a Kabuki Theater
- source : Edomatsu -

. Tsukudajima 佃島 / 佃嶌 The Island Tsukuda  .
. . . . . and Tsukuda Sumiyoshi Shrine 住吉神社

. Ukiyo-e ni miru Edo no meisho  浮世絵 Famous places in Edo on Ukiyo-E paintings .

. Unemegahara 采女ヶ原 Uneme plain - Unemebashi 采女橋 Uneme bridge .
Matsudaira Uneme no Sho 松平采女正 Sadamoto 定基 (1687 - 1759)

. Uogashi 魚河岸  the Fish Market .
- - - - - now - Tsukiji Fish Market 築地市場

. Ushigome 牛込 .

Waseda 早稲田

. Yagenbori 薬研堀 "Yagen Canal".

. Yaguchi no watashi 矢ノ口渡 river crossing at Yaguchi village .
and the death of Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 (? - 1358)

. Yanaka 谷中 Temple town .

. Yaraichoo 矢来町 Yarai-Cho "Palisade quarter" - Ushigome Yaraicho 牛込矢来町 .

. Yatsukooji 八つ小路 Yatsukoji district . - "Eight small streets"

. Yayosugashi district 八代洲河岸 / Yaesu 八重洲 .

. Yokoyamachoo, Yokoyama-chō 日本橋 横山町 Nihonbashi Yokoyama-cho .
Bakuro-Yokoyama is a now district in Tokyo Shitamachi.

. Yoshiwara 葦原 / 吉原 pleasure quarters, red-light district .
- - - - - Okabasho 岡場所 "Place on a Hill"

. Yoyogi 代々木 .
- - - - - Yoyogi Hachimangu, Yoyogi Shusse Inari

. Yushima 湯島 - Yushima Tenjin Shrine .

. Yuurakuchoo, Yūrakuchō 有楽町 Yuraku-Cho district, Yurakucho .


. Shrines of Edo 江戸の神社 - INFO .

. Temples of Edo 江戸のお寺 - INFO .


地名で読む江戸の町 / 大石学


Explore Edo - Nineteenth-Century Edo Project
-- Maeda Ai

"There is congealed in the ōezu maps of Edo a peculiar compositional mode that fades from view when we look back from the perspective of a maps of Tokyo which introduced modern surveying techniques. At the center of the map is the white space of the shogun's castle overlaid with the hollyhock crest of the Tokugawa around which is a mosaic of streets and daimyō residences reproduced with great precision. [...] This cartographic vision which scarcely changed for two hundred years suggests an image of urban space as it was understood by the people of early modern Japan.
It is a series of concentric circles with the castle at the center."
- source : -


. WKD : Place Names used in Haiku - Utamakura .



June 15, 2017

OMAMORI - Kurume Suitengu


omamori 水天宮 久留米 お守り amulet with special letters

It is printed on very thin paper.

You have to carefully tear out the middle character, put it in your mouth, make a wish and swallow it with water.
That way your body will be even closer to the Deity.

For more wishes, you have to tear out the other characters in the given order:

It is also used if you do not feel well or a child is ill. Sawllowing one letter will bring healing.


June 14, 2017

HAIKU - Issa taira no masakado


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 (1763 - 1828) - Introduction .

ume saku ya heishinoo no on tsukiyo

plums are blossoming -
this moonlit night
of Prince Taira

Hei Shinoo 平親王 is another tame for Taira no Masakado.
In 1810, Issa has been to the temple 西林寺 Sairin-Ji in memory of Masakado at least 9 times.

この句は文化7年(1810)12月23日一茶が西林寺を尋ねた時に詠んだもの ...
- reference source : t-aterui.jp/hitachi -


Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門
(? – 940) - 延喜3年(903年)? - 天慶3年2月14日(940年3月25日)

A lot has been written about this hero of old !

Shoomonki, Shōmonki 将門記 Shomonki - The Records of Masakado, Masakado Chronicle

June 13, 2017

MINGEI - Noh Masks of Demons and Tengu



noomen 能面 Noh Theater masks

. Noh (能 Nō), or Nogaku (能楽 Nōgaku) .

The demon masks kishin 鬼神: Tobide 飛出 portraying demons or savages, and 癋見 / 閉歯見 Beshimi portraying goblins such as Tengu.
beshimi means mouth clamped firmly shut.

- quote -

This is assumed to have appeared in the early stage of the history, describing supernatural substances such as demons or Tengu (long-nosed goblins). It is distinguishable by its forceful and wild appearance, and roughly classified into two types;
Tobide portraying demons or savages, and Beshimi portraying goblins such as Tengu.
- - - Featured in detail on the page on the-noh.com:
Fudō (不動)
Kurohige (黒髭)
Myōga-akujō (茗荷悪尉)
Shikami (顰)
Shishiguchi (獅子口)
Shōjō (猩々)
Tsuri-manako (釣眼)
Yakan (野干)
Ō-beshimi (大癋見)// Ko-beshimi (小癋見)// Kuro-beshimi (黒癋見)// Kiba-beshimi (牙癋見)// Hige-beshimi (鬚癋見)
Ō-tobide (大飛出) // Ko-tobide (小飛出)
- source : the-noh.com/sub/jp/index ... -


