June 13, 2017

MINGEI - Noh Masks of Demons and Tengu



noomen 能面 Noh Theater masks

. Noh (能 Nō), or Nogaku (能楽 Nōgaku) .

The demon masks kishin 鬼神: Tobide 飛出 portraying demons or savages, and 癋見 / 閉歯見 Beshimi portraying goblins such as Tengu.
beshimi means mouth clamped firmly shut.

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This is assumed to have appeared in the early stage of the history, describing supernatural substances such as demons or Tengu (long-nosed goblins). It is distinguishable by its forceful and wild appearance, and roughly classified into two types;
Tobide portraying demons or savages, and Beshimi portraying goblins such as Tengu.
- - - Featured in detail on the page on the-noh.com:
Fudō (不動)
Kurohige (黒髭)
Myōga-akujō (茗荷悪尉)
Shikami (顰)
Shishiguchi (獅子口)
Shōjō (猩々)
Tsuri-manako (釣眼)
Yakan (野干)
Ō-beshimi (大癋見)// Ko-beshimi (小癋見)// Kuro-beshimi (黒癋見)// Kiba-beshimi (牙癋見)// Hige-beshimi (鬚癋見)
Ō-tobide (大飛出) // Ko-tobide (小飛出)
- source : the-noh.com/sub/jp/index ... -




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