April 23, 2017

DARUMA - renjishi


Daruma with the special KUMADORI 隈取りmake-up of a kabuki actor.

- quote -
Kumadori (隈取) is stage makeup worn by kabuki actors,
particularly when performing in the bold and bombastic aragoto style. Kumadori makeup generally consists of brightly colored stripes or patterns over a white foundation, the colors and patterns symbolizing aspects of the actor's character. Though kumadori was originated and developed extensively by members of the Ichikawa Danjūrō line of actors, some conventions are creations of the Onoe Kikugorō line.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


renjishi 連獅子 dance of two lions

- quote -
The dance "Renjishi"
was staged for the first time in 1861, starring the dance master Hanayagi Jusuke I and his son Hanayagi Yoshijirô. The music was written by Kineya Katsusaburô II and his piece was called "Katsusaburô Renjishi". The first performance of this dance with Kabuki actors occured in the 7th lunar month of 1872 at the Murayamaza, starring Bandô Hikosaburô V and Sawamura Tosshô II in the roles of the shishi parent and cub. The music piece for this performance was not "Katsusaburô Renjishi", but a new piece written by Kineya Shôjirô III and called "Shôjirô Renjishi".
The theme of "Renjishi" stays close to that of the Nô play "Shakkyô", and it is classified as a matsubame dance. That is, a dance that's performed before the symbolic backdrop of a large pine tree flanked by bamboo which is copied from the Nô stage. This scenery has no connection with the dance's content. The first section features a pair of Kyôgen actors who come to dance the story of the shishi parent and cub. The actors each carry a wooden mask of a shishi head, one with white hair representing the parent shishi and the other with red hair to represent its child. A shishi is a mythological lion-like animal said to be the king of beasts and always associated with the Buddhist deity Monju. For this reason, any portrayal of the shishi should not only bring out its wild, beastial nature, but also a sense of dignity and authority that goes with this divine status.
The shishi is in many ways a spiritual creature.
- story -
This dance has come to be staged often recently and is popular for its spectacular ending as well as for the opportunity to see a father and son combination of actors in the leading roles. A special version with one father and 2 cubs was created for Nakamura Kankurô and his two sons, Nakamura Kantarô and Nakamura Shichinosuke.
- source : kabuki21.com/renjishi -


Beckoning Cat with Kabuki Makeup

2004 Kasukabe Hariko Ningyo Ten - exhibition

April 20, 2017

Fwd: [Gokuraku - Jigoku ] Daikomyo

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Daikoomyoo, Daikōmyō 大光明 Daikomyo, Great Illumination

- quote -
四拳 波羅蜜 大光明 Shiken haramitsu daikomyo
大光明 daikomyo means great komyo.and 光明 komyo means the 'bright light' of illumination - the light of your heart - the radiance of a deity. The manifest expression of the light of wisdom:
the means by which illumination "dawns on us". A brilliant, enlightened aura.

光明 komyo also literally means bright future, or hope.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

the "great light" (daikômyô) is the radiant big light of Dainichi Nyorai . . .

大光明世界 The Realm of Daikomyo

大光明修持法 Rituals and Meditation of Daikomyo

Kon Koomyoo Kyoo 金光明経 Kon Komyo-Kyo, Golden Splendor Scripture
(Sk: Suvarnaprabhasa-sutra)

Konkoomyoo Saishoooukyoo Mandara 金光明最勝王経曼荼羅 Kon Komyo-Kyo Saisho-Okyo Mandala

Koomyoo-Oo 光明王 Komyo-O

Koomyoo Koogoo, Kōmyō kōgō 光明皇后 Komyo Kogo, Emperess Komyo


Daikoomyoo Jizoo, Daikōmyō Jizō 大光明地蔵 Daikomyo Jizo

He is Nr. 3 in the realm of Animals 畜生 / 宝処 of the Six Jizo

(1) 地獄−大定智悲地蔵−左手宝珠、右手錫杖
(2) 餓鬼−大徳清浄地蔵−左手宝珠、右手与願印
(3) 畜生 − 大光明地蔵 −左手宝珠、右手如意
(4) 修羅−清浄無垢地蔵−左手宝珠、右手梵篋
(5) 人間−大清浄地蔵 −左手宝珠、右手施無畏
(6) 天上−大堅固地蔵 −左手宝珠、右手経冊

. Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .


大光明童子 Daikomyo Doji

source : ..rokuriyu.or.jp

- - - - - Mantra
noomaku samanda kanman kiriku
のうまく さまんだ かんまん きりく

. 大光明童子 Daikomyo Doji .

Daikomyo Doji is Number 21 of the
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県 

大光明 / ダイクハウメウ

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府 

Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来

................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県 
守山市 勝部町



- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
光明 komyo - 64 to explore (00)


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #daikomyo -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 4/15/2017 02:30:00 pm

ONI - Gagoze from temple Gango-Ji


But there are some regions in Japan
where the Oni are welcomed into the home - for various reasons.

oni wa uchi 鬼は内 Demons come in!
oni MO uchi 鬼も内
(Good luck come in and) Demons also come in!

01 - 「福は内、鬼は内」- Fuku wa Uchi, Oni wa Uchi!
- 元興寺 Temple Gango-Ji (奈良県奈良市)
A demon named Gagoze 元興神 drives out evil.
The name of this demon is also spelled 元興寺 / ガゴジ / ガンゴジ

元興寺節分絵馬 ema votive tablet with Gagoze

(さらに詳しい解説はこちら「元興寺の鬼」)and even more details
- reference source : gangoji.or.jp/tera/jap/annai/gagoze -

- quote -
Gagoze is a horrible-looking ghost who haunts the ancient temple Gango-ji in Nara prefecture. His story dates back to the Asuka period (550-710 CE). He is first depicted in illustration in Toriyama Sekien's Gazu Hyakki Yakko, and he is said to take the appearance of a demon in monk's garb.
His story says
that during the time of Emperor Bidatsu, in old Owari province (now Nagoya in Aichi prefecture), lightning struck the ground near an farmer's house. From the lightning emerged a thunder god in the form of a young boy, and the farmer ran outside with a stick to kill the boy. The boy pleaded with the farmer to spare his life, and promised that he would return the deed by giving the farmer and his family a young boy as strong as the thunder god. The farmer agreed, and allowed the thunder god to return to the sky.
Sure enough,
the farmer's wife soon bore a child, and the child was as strong as a thunder god! However, the child was born with a snake wrapped around his head, with the head and tail going down the back like a ponytail. When the boy turned 10, he had grown so strong and proud that he challenged a member of the imperial family to a contest of strength and won.
After this,
the boy was apprenticed to Gango-ji temple. Shortly after that, the belltower boys began dying very strange deaths one-by-one, and rumors began to spread that an oni, or demon, was behind the deaths. The boy wanted to solve the mystery, so he said he would catch the oni. He waited all night by the belltower, and towards dawn finally the oni came. The boy grabbed the oni by the hair and dragged him around so hard that he ripped his entire scalp off, and the oni was able to escape. The boy followed the blood trail left by the oni all the way to its end, where he found the grave of a (former) very lazy and bad temple servant. The lazy servant's ghost had become this terrible ghost-demon, and the boy had defeated it! The boy became famous and grew up to be a priest at the temple, and the oni's scalp became one of the holy treasures of Gango-ji.
The story doesn't really tell too much about the yokai itself, but it does at least explain who Gagoze was: a lazy priest-servant-turned-demon-ghost who liked to kill children! ...
- source : Matthew Meyer -

source : fukunaga.deviantart.com/art/Gagoze

- quote -
Wie es kam, dass einer dem Donner einen Gefallen tat
und ihm ein Kind von großer Kraft geboren wurde.

Zur Zeit des Bidatsu Tennō 敏達天皇,
in der Provinz Owari 尾張国, bewässerte ein Bauer ein Reisfeld, als es zu regnen begann und der Blitz vor ihm einschlug. Der Blitz nahm die Gestalt eines Kindes an. Der Bauer wollte das Kind mit einer Stange züchtigen, wurde aber vom Kind angehalten es zu verschonen. Als Gegenleistung werde es ihm seine Nachsicht mit einem Kind belohnen, wenn der Bauer ihm ein Kampferboot baue.
Kurze Zeit später
wurde dem Bauer ein Kind geboren, das eine zweimal herumgewundene Schlange um den Kopf hatte. Als das Kind sein Jugendalter erreichte, hörte es von einem starken Prinz der nordöstlich des Kaiserlichen Palast lebte. Also machte er sich auf die Stärke dieses Prinzen auszutesten. Es kam zu einem Weitwurfwettbewerb mit einem schweren Stein zwischen dem Knaben und dem starken Prinz. Als der Prinz dem ebenfalls kräftigen Knaben unterlag, versuchte er diesen zu fassen, schaffte es aber nicht ihn einzuholen. So musste er den Knaben als ihm überlegen anerkennen. Einige Zeit später wurde der Knabe ein Gefolgsmann des Gangō-Tempel 元興時. Dort wurde jede Nacht ein Novize des Tempels ermordet. Der Knabe nahm sich vor, dem ein Ende zu setzen. Er vertrieb den Unhold, nachdem er ihm alle Haare ausgerissen hatte, erfolgreich. Dies stellte sich als der Geist eines schlechten Tempeldieners 悪奴 heraus.
Der Knabe
wurde ein Laienmönch und lebte weiter im Gangō-ji. Als die Prinzen die Bewässerung der Felder des Tempels verhindern wollten, nahm er einen Stein der zu schwer für 100 Männer war und blockierte den Zugang zur Wasseröffnung. Die Prinzen waren verschreckt von seiner Stärke und ließen den Tempel fortan in Ruhe.
Der Laienmönch wurde bekannt als
Dharma Meister Dōjō 道場法師, der Held des Gangō-ji. Seine enorme Kraft war die Belohnung für Wohltaten in seinen vergangenen Leben.
- source : univie.ac.at/rel_jap/ryowiki -

鳥山石燕『画図百鬼夜行』Toriyama Sekien

. Gangōjil 元興時 Temple Gango-Ji .


April 13, 2017

MINGEI rentai shiki laquer

Fukuoka .................................................................................................................................................................
Kurume town 久留米市

rantai shikki 籃胎漆器 Rantai laquer ware
This fine lacquer ware, which uses only long-jointed bamboo from Kyushu, is characterized by its elegant gloss and refinement.
The bamboo ware is available in many varieties, ranging from chopsticks, coasters, baskets to chairs.

- quote -
The technique whereby bamboo strips are woven into shapes and coated with lacquer.
Also called kagoji 籠地 (basket base) when a basket is made with peeled bamboo or vines and lacquered. Made in Han period China and late Jomon period Japan, there are examples in the Shosoin 正倉院. It is still made in Thailand and Burma and, in modern Japan, in Takamatsu 高松 Kagawa prefecture, Kurume 久留米 Fukuoka prefecture, and Beppu 別府 Ooita prefecture.
- source : JAANUS -

- quote -
Rantai lacquer ware is the traditional lacquer ware made in Kurume City, Fukuoka Pref.

In Rantai lacquer ware, lacquer is applied many times to a bamboo basket. Then the lacquered basket is polished up and given decorations to finish. The word "rantai" literally means the lacquer ware which has a bamboo basket inside.
The technique of making such lacquer ware was already seen in the excavated articles of the Jomon period, but the present style of making Rantai lacquer ware was established in the early Meiji period, and it is said that the name "Rantai" began to be used since the middle of the Meiji period. This lacquer ware is elegant and light in weight, but lasting and acid / alkaline resistant. It increases its beauty and takes on refined taste as you use it longer.
At the present this lacquer ware is produced only in Kyushu District.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -


Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] oni proverbs kotowaza

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

- 鬼とことわざ ONI to kotowaza - proverbs and sayings with demons

鬼学 ― Oni-ology - Oniology
松岡義和 Matsuoka Koshikazu (1943 - )

- This is a growing list. Please come back !

geji ni namerareru to kami ga ochiru げじになめられると髪が落ちる
If a GEJI licks your head, your hair falls out.
Other versions quotge gejigeji げじげじ, the galley worm house centipede. But in fact this is not about the animal, but about gejiki下食(げじき), a Demon Deity 鬼神 Onigami (Kishin).
There is an illness called kishitoo 鬼舐頭, when the hair falls out in a circle 円形脱毛症.


. oni ga warau 鬼が笑う to make an Oni laugh . *


. oni ni kanabō 鬼に金棒 Oni with an iron club .


oni no inu ma ni sentaku 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯
Doing the laundry while the devil is away

the mice enjoy the home while the cat is away / When the cat's away,the mice will play


. oni no me ni mo minokoshi 鬼の目にも見残し even demons fail to see some things .

. oni no me ni mo namida 鬼の目にも涙 tears even in a demon's eyes .


oni no nyooboo ni onigami (kijin) 鬼の女房に鬼神
oni no nyooboo ni kijin ga naru 鬼の女房に鬼神がなる

'the wife of a demon becomes a demon deity'
- the apprentice surpasses/outstrips the master

oya ni ninu ko wa oni no ko 親に似ぬ子は鬼の子 a child that does not resemble its parents is the child of an oni

鬼が住むか蛇が住むか / 鬼が出るか蛇が出るか

oni mo juuhachibancha mo debana 鬼も十八番茶も出花
oni ni koromo 鬼に衣
oni no kakuran 鬼の霍乱
oni no kubi o totta yoo 鬼の首を取ったよう
oni no me ni namida 鬼の目にも涙
oni no sora nenbutsu 鬼の空念仏 / oni no nenbutsu 鬼の念仏
oni o azamuku 鬼を欺く
oni o su ni shite kuu 鬼を酢にして食う
oni to mo kumu 鬼とも組む


. oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!"  .


- calendar 2011 with Oni proverbs :
鬼も角折る、 鬼も笑顔、 鬼も一八番茶も出花、 鬼も寝る間、 鬼も頼めば人食わぬ、 知らぬ仏より馴染みの鬼、 心を鬼にする、 来年のことを言えば鬼が笑う、 姉姑は鬼千匹、小姑は鬼十六に向かう、 嫁に小姑、鬼千匹、 渡る世間に鬼はない、 鬼を酢に指して食う、 鬼を一車に載す、 鬼に衣、 鬼の霍乱、 鬼の起請、 鬼の首を取ったよう、 鬼の念仏、 鬼の一口、 鬼の目にも涙、 鬼の目にも見残し、 鬼の中にも仏が居る、 鬼が住むか蛇が住むか、 鬼が出るか蛇が出るか、 鬼が仏の早変わり、 鬼が笑う、 鬼瓦にも化粧、 鬼と戯れ言、 鬼に金棒、 鬼に瘤を取らる、 鬼の居ぬ間に洗濯
- reference source : zakki.kinoko.sub.jp/?eid -


- reference source : kotowaza-allguide.com -
172 to explore (00)

- reference source : nohmask21.com/oni -


. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs - ABC-List .


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #onikotowaza #kotowazaoni #oniproverbs #proverbsoni -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 4/12/2017 08:00:00 am

Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] oni benevolent helpful

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Benevolent and helpful Oni Demons 優しい鬼 yasashii oni

Not all Oni are bad, destructive, eating humans or causing much harm and trouble.
Some are quite nice, kind, helpful and benevolent.

- Look at more of them on this page :
- reference source : matome.naver.jp/odai -

- - - - - This is a growing list, please come back.

青森県 Aomori

. Oniko 鬼子 - The Oni-ko of Onizawa 鬼沢 .

京都府 Kyoto 竹野郡 Takeno district 網野町 Amino

. The Adachi clan 安達氏 .


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #onibenevolent #benevolentoni #helpfulldemons #yasashiioni -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 4/12/2017 09:39:00 am

April 10, 2017

Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] oni hone bones


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

hone 鬼の骨 伝説 Oni Demon Legends about its bones

Kikotsuji 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Demon Bones"

There are various temples with this name:
- reference : 鬼骨寺 -

徳島県鳴門市北灘町折野字屋敷129 / Yashiki-129 Kitanadacho Orino, Naruto, Tokushima


. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .

horns of an Ushioni demon

. tsuno 角の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends about their horns .


kikotsu no hito 鬼骨の人 Human with demon bones
author 津本陽 -- Illustrations 村上豊

....................................................................... BOOKS

鬼の骨 (1969年)
早乙女貢 Saotome Mitsugu (1926 - 2008)

三宅宗悦 Miyake Muneyoshi (1905 - 1944)


gakibone 餓鬼骨 bones of a Gaki "hungry demon"
small pieces 下骨 to stabilize a hand fan, shoji 障子 sliding door or a byoobu 屛風 folding fan.


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

愛知県 Aichi 名古屋市 Nagoya

In Nagoya, 鬼の写真 photos of the bones of Oni have been on display.
They were taken by 葦原みづほ / 葦原瑞穂 Ashihara Mizuho.

岩手県 Iwate 九戸郡 軽米町 karumai

On the first of the sixth lunar month, people cut the 鏡餅 Mochi rice cake offerings from the new the New Year and eat them. They are called "bones of the demons". On this day the Oni come into the homes, but the mochi are much too hard for them to chew and so they get out soon.

長崎県 Nagasaki

In various parts of Nagasaki:
On the second day of the New Year people grill オンノホネ at a fire named 鬼火焚き Onibi-yaki.
On the seventh day, people it 七草ズーシ(雑炊) rice gruel.
Once upon a time, when the Oni were repelled from 鬼ヶ島 Onigashima, people had grilled and burned their bones.
The Mochi rice cakes grilled on this day might get stuck in the throat, so with the soft rice gruel they can be swallowed easier.

大阪 Osaka

The Demon bones shown in Osaka at a certain temple, and the photos shown in Nagoya and Kyushu might have been the same thing.
The temple has the bones from an upper body and looked quite scary, they say.
But eventually people realized that the boned and horns of a Demon are just made-up stories and forgot about them.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
29 to explore
鬼の骨 OK

- reference - 鬼の骨 -


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #bonesofoni #onibones #onihone -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 4/06/2017 10:58:00 am

ONI - reference books links


oni links books reference

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

reference, books and links about ONI


- books -

馬場 あき子 Baba Akiko

グループSKIT Group Skit

近藤喜博 Kondo Yoshihiro (1911 - 1977)
日本の鬼 日本文化探求の視角

岡村知彦 Okamura Tomohiko
浅間山信仰の歴史 火の山の鬼と仏と女神たち


- online links -

- JAANUS - architecture -
ichi-no-oni 一の鬼
onidai 鬼台
Kikokushi 鬼谷子
oni-arashikou ganna 鬼荒仕工鉋
oni-ita 鬼板
oniwaku 鬼枠


- Kokugakuin - Kawamura Kunimitsu 2005
A Shinto aspect about Oni


Reider Noriko T. Reider
Transformation of the Oni (PDF file)
From the frightening and diabolical to the cute and sexy
- source : nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp -


- Wikipedia - Oni and list of Yokai -


- nichibun yokai database -

1202 legends about ONI to explore !


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #onibooks #onilinks #onireference -

SHRINES - Konjin Deity


Konjin (金神 "God of metals")

is an itinerant kami (spirit) from Onmyōdō (a traditional Japanese cosmology and system of divination based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing (Five Elements) and Yin and yang). Konjin is associated with compass directions, and said to change position with the year, lunar month, and season.


天地七面金神 Konjin with Seven Faces, Heaven and Earth

He has six faces above the main face.

奥河内の極楽寺 Nagano, Gokuraku-Ji
- reference source : minamino-town.com/yokoyama/sinnbutu_kenngaku -


Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] oni shrine names


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

Shinto shrine names including 鬼 ONI

Aomori 青森県

. Kijinja, Ki Jinja 鬼神社 "Demon Shrine" , Oni Shrine .
鬼沢 Onizawa - 鬼沢菖蒲沢地区


Gankizan Jinja 巖鬼山神社 Iwa Oni Yama Shrine 
青森県弘前市十腰内字猿沢78 / Sarusawa-78 Tokoshinai, Hirosaki-shi

-- 帽子を被った狛犬
-- こっちも
- reference source : genbu.net/data/tugaru/gankizan -

This Shrine is also called 十腰内 観音堂 Tokoshinai Kannon-Do Hall


鬼泊巌屋観音堂 Onidomari Iwaya Kannon-Do Hall
青森県東津軽郡今別町奥平部砥石 / Toishi Okutairahe, Imabetsu-machi, Higashitsugaru-gun

On a pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples in Tsugaru.

【今別町大泊の海岸には、奇岩怪石におおわれた岩場があり、その中に「鬼の穴」と言われる洞窟もある。その昔、この岩穴に鬼が住みつき、海を通る船や、田畑を荒らしたり、村人たちは困りはてていた。そこへ、兄・頼朝に追われ蝦夷へ向かっていた義経一行が通りかかり、話をきいた義経はその鬼を退治してしまったという。青森には各地に鬼伝説が残っているが、この「大泊」という地名も鬼が住んでいた「おにどまり」からきているといわれている。※今別の伝説「 大泊の鬼 」より】
- reference source : madamada888.blog.fc2.com -

Kagoshima 鹿児島

Onimaru Jinja 鬼丸神社        鹿児島県根占町
Onimaru Jinja鬼丸神社        鹿児島県南大隅町
Onimaru Jinja鬼丸神社        鹿児島県日吉町

Kyoto 京都

. Kijin Jinja 嵐山町鬼鎮神社 at Ranzan, Kyoto .

鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onigake Inari Jinja

Oita 大分県

. Oni jinja 鬼神社 "Demon Shrine" .


大分県、国東(くにさき)半島の六郷満山(ろくごうまんざん)(天台宗の諸寺院)に伝わる修正会(しゅしょうえ)の行事。「~おによ」「~おにお」ともよばれ、修正会に種々の芸能的行法(ぎょうぼう)が付随するところに特徴がある。かつては隆盛を極めてい .

Yamanashi 山梨県

鬼島神明社 Onijima Myojin Sha 

 山梨県鰺沢町 / 鰺ケ沢町 Ajigasawa
This shrine has been renovated and looks quite new.

- - - - - to be added

Onizuka Yabemura Kitayabe, Yame-shi, Fukuoka

福岡県椎田町 Fukuoka
鬼塚観音 / 鬼塚子宝観音


鬼生神社        福島県滝根村 Fukushima

福島県会津若松市河東町倉橋字槻木60番 /
Tsukinoki-60 Kawahigashimachi Kurahashi, Aizuwakamatsu


鬼神社 Kijinja         広島県西城町 Hiroshima

鬼屋神明社 Oniya Myojin-Sha      
石川県輪島市門前町鬼屋地区 / Monzenmachi Oniya, Wajima, Ishikawa


鬼士別神社 Oni Shibetsu Jinja      北海道猿払村

鬼祠          北海道登別市 / Noboribetsu
- reference source : noboribetsu-spa.jp -


鬼太神社 Onita Jinja       三重県四日市市 Mie
and - - - Mie-ken, Suzuka-shi, Kidachō


鬼塚神社 Onizuka Jinja        長崎県佐世保市 Nagasaki


鬼鎮神社        埼玉県嵐山町

埼玉県比企郡嵐山町川島1898 / 1898 Kawashima, Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama
- reference source : route254.com/shrine_temple/kijin_shrine -

鬼林稲荷神社 Kirin Inari Jinja
埼玉県 深谷市 東方 3389-3 / 3389-3 Higashigata, Fukaya-shi, Saitama


鬼室神社 Kishitsu Jinja 
滋賀県日野町 Shiga
- reference source : wikipedia -


鬼神社 Ki Jinja        東京都板橋区宮本町 Tokyo

鬼神社 Ki Jinja         山口県和木町 Yamaguchi


. - - - Join the Onipedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #onishrines #jinjaoni #shrineoni #onitemples -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 4/06/2017 02:45:00 pm

March 26, 2017

TEMPLEs Hotei statue



CLICK for more photos !

「布袋の大仏」-The Great Hotei Statue
Aichi prefecture, Konan town 愛知県江南市

- - - The Grandfatherly Buddha of Hotei
Visible from the train between Hotei Station and Konan Stations on the Meitetsu Inuyama Line, the 18m high Hotei Buddha was erected in 1954 by successful local Moxibustion practitioner, Maeda Hidenobu. The Hotei Buddha is popular with travelers on the train line, and with photographers, particularly in spring, when the Buddha is surrounded by clouds of pink cherry blossom.
- source : aichi-now.jp/en/features-


EDO Tokugawa Ieyasu



Tōshōkō Goikun 東照公 御遺訓 Teaching of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Toshoko Go-Ikun

written on January 17, 1603 while he received the title of Shogun in February of the same year

人の一生は重き荷を負うて 遠き道を行くが如し 
急ぐべからず不自由を 常と思えば 不足なし
心に望みおこらば 困窮し足る時を思い出すべし
勝つことばかり知りて 負くるを知らざれば 害その身に至る
己を責めて 人を責むるな
及ばざるは 過ぎたるに 勝れり

Your life is like carrying full of burdens, traveling a long road,
do not hurry nor complain for lack of freedom.
When you have hope in mind, remember the poor times.
Patience is the foundation of peaceful long life.
Consider your anger as your enemy.
If you know of only victories and of no losses, the harm is within you.
Blame yourself but not others.
In so doing, eventually you will win in your life.

Tr. Yoshio Kusaba

- reference : 東照公 御遺訓 -


March 24, 2017

SHRINES - Iwado shrine Noto



. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

CLICK for more samples !

saruoni, saru-oni 猿鬼 at Iwaido Shrine
This is an old shrine dedicated to Ônamuchi-no-Mikoto (or Iwatsukuwake no mikoto, according to another theory) and Kukurihime-no-Kami.
It is not known when the shrine was founded, but it is known as a shrine related to the legend of Saru-oni, which has been passed down from generation to generation in Yanagida, Noto Town. The legend goes like this:
Once upon a time,
a monster or preternatural creature called Saru-oni that lived in a rock cave bit cows and horses to death and did evil to humans. Then Keta Myojin (a gracious deity) of the highest ranking shrine in Noto shot Saru-oni in the eye. His corpse was buried in the cave and a shrine was built.
Iwaido Shrine has its origins in the legend. Local people call it "Saru-oni-no-miya" or "the shrine of Saru-oni". There are places in the neighborhood that have names related to the legend.
The name "Tôme" (hit in the eye) comes from the legend according to which an arrow hit Saru-oni in the eye. The name "Kuro-kawa" (black river) is derived from a story according to which a river of Saru-oni's black blood was formed. In addition, Saru-oni, who had his eye shot with an arrow, cleansed his eyes with ôbako (a kind of herb), which gave the name Ôbako to a local area.
source : noto-satoyamasatoumi.jp/detail

妖怪と絵馬と七福神 - Yokai and Ema and the Seven Gods of Good Luck
岩井宏実 Iwai Hiromi
- 「妖怪の軌跡」「絵馬の系譜」「七福神の来歴」-
第1章 異界からの使者―妖怪(妖怪の軌跡;妖怪の王者―鬼・天狗・河童 ほか)
第2章 祈りの記念物―絵馬(絵馬の系譜;本音の世界―小絵馬 ほか)
第3章 福を授ける群神―七福神(七福神の来歴;七福神めぐり)
- reference source : 7fukujin.macanow.com/book -


YOKAI mogura monsters



Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋暁斎 (1831-1889)
Dancing yokai monsters, including the mogura !

Kawasaki Imogura 川越イモグラ Satsuma imo sweet potato monster
mascot from Kawasaki town  紅葉狩り

. satsumaimo, satsuma-imo 薩摩芋, サツマイモ .
Batate, Ipomoea batatas

- - - - -

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters – ABC-List .


March 21, 2017

YOKAI - narigama narukama


Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社
Okayama. 岡山県岡山市吉備津931

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Called Kibi-no-kuni in ancient times, the Kibi region was so powerful that it could even compete with the Yamato Dynasty (government that ruled over Japan mainly in the Yamato region during 4th-7th centuries). Even today, valuable cultural assets and huge burial mounds remain in this peaceful rural area.
The Kibitsu Shrine in the eastern part of the Kibi region is where the Okibitsuhiko-Daijin is enshrined. Okibitsuhiko-Omikami is the general who brought stability and peace to this region.

As legend goes, he was the one who built the foundation of the current Kibi culture. The shrine's Honden and Haiden were reconstructed in 1425 and both are designated as national treasures. Here at the Kibitsu Shrine, a special ritual called Narukama-Shinji 鳴釜神事 is conducted in which a pot is beaten and the sound that comes from doing so is used to determine if your wish will come true or not.
Additionally, this is the shrine where the legend of driving away the ogres has been handed down which served as the base for the folk tale Momotaro (story of a boy born from a peach who, after growing up, drove the evil ogres away).
source : www.japan-i.jp

Some legends say it is the severed head of Ura, boiled in the huge pot, and it sometimes makes a noise, crying.


. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters – ABC-List .


鳴釜(なりがま) Narigama Yokai Monster
A tsukumogami originating from the myth of an iron kettle which could predict one's fortune.


. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

. Okayama Shrines .

- #kibitsujinja #kibitsuhiko #narukama -

March 17, 2017

EDO - yaraigaki fences


yaraigaki矢来垣, ootsugaki 大津垣 Otsugaki, Lit. Ootsu fence

- quote -
chousengaki 朝鮮垣, and chousen yarai 朝鮮矢来 (chosen yarai, Korean fence).
A type of simple wooden fence. In 1711 a Korean mission traveling from Ootsu 大津 to Edo attracted so much attention that the government ordered people to erect fences along the road on which the Koreans passed. These fences were made with pieces of uncut bamboo tied on intersecting diagonals between two or three cross bars of split bamboo. Often the projecting bamboo at the top is cut to create a sharp edge.
- source : JAANUS -

. Yaraicho 矢来町 - "Palisade quarter" in Edo .


Ushigome Yaraicho 矢来町 - "Palisade quarter"
yarai - short arched (traditionally bamboo) fence around walls of traditional townhouses
With a legend about the lord of Wakasa, Sakai.
During a great fire the Shogun's castle had burned down and Shogun Iemitsu sought refuge in the estate of Sakai. To protect him, his men thrust their lances in the ground to make a sort of fence.


March 15, 2017

GOKURAKU - Jorokai Jizo



joroo-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Joro-kai Jizo buying a prostitute
at the temple 大雲寺 Daiun-Ji in 桶川宿 Okegawa town (Postal station Nr. 6 on the Nakasendo Road)

女郎買い地蔵 - This state has been put in place in 1557.

Okegawa was quite a busy postal station and had many brothels. Not only the travellers, but also locals frequented these places. Soon there was the rumor that even the Jizo statue of the temple was out there enjoying himself. So the head priest tried to solve the problem. He fixed a clamp on the back of the statue and used a chain to bind it.
Since then, the Jizo did not move any more.

To tell the truth (maybe?) there was a young priest in the temple who went out every night . . . but got stopped when he saw his master fix the Jizo to teach him a lesson and save him.
The clamp on the back of the statue can be seen to our day.


March 14, 2017

FUDO - Taki Rei-o Waterfall



. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .

taki rei-oo, taki reio, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王
Spirit-king of the waterfall

鳥山石燕『今昔百鬼拾遺』 Illustration by Toriyama Sekien
諸国の滝つぼよりあらはるると云 青竜疏に一切の鬼魅諸障を伏すと云々

There are many waterfalls in Japan, where this Yokai appears..
One is mentioned in the 青竜疏 Blue Dragon Commentary by Saicho.
It is not really a Yokai, but seems to be Fudo Myo-O himself.

. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 最澄 伝教大師 .
(766 - 822) - established the Tendai Sect.

Another legend knows this as its origin:
Once the priest 相応和尚 So-o of the temple 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In Myo-O In in Shiga found a 霊木 divine tree in the waterfall basin and carved this statue of Fudo Myo-O out of it.

. 建立大師相応和尚 Konryu Daishi So-O Kasho .
(833 - 918)
and the Katsuragawa 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In

The statue of Fudo is a secret statue and only shown on the 28th day of the 8th month.

- - - - - Taki Rei-O in modern versions


March 06, 2017

MINGEI - Arimatsu shibori Aichi


Arimatsu shibori 有松絞り tie-dying from Arimatsu
愛知 Aichi

In 1608, Arimatsu succeeded 桶狭間 Okehazama Village, of historical interest for the Battle of Okehazama, and became the main production area of Shibori tie-dyeing.

- quote -
- - - - - Arimatsu Tie Dyeing 
The technique of tie-dye – a process of creating patterns on fabrics by tying them in a variety of ways to prevent the coloring of the tied parts – actually can be found in a number of countries, yet "Arimatsu Shibori" of Aichi Prefecture is a traditional and folksy style of tie-dye which uses simple colors such as deep blue on fabrics like cotton.

The patterns are first "drawn" by making holes in a paper template. Then the paper, which now has countless holes, is placed on a fabric, and a water-erasable dye made from the juice of an Asiatic Dayflower is applied so that it only gets through the parts where the holes are made. Its initial draft set, the fabric is now ready to be tie-dyed, and the ones with the most complicated design are sometimes handled by 4 to 5 shibori artisans. Each applies their own execution of shibori by tying the fabric minutely, with more than 10 major techniques in their repertoire. The tools and time required to complete the work vary as well.

After the shibori is done comes the most complicated step of the process. It is called itonuki, the task of unbinding the string. This requires the expertise of a skillful artisan, who is to pluck the cloth to unbind the countless shibori – the string makes a snapping sound while this happens. A little damage to the cloth would wreck everything that has been done in the process. If shibori is applied to a whole set of kimono, it might take a few days to get its itonuki done.

Because it takes so much time and effort, there were times when the technique of drawing patterns with brushes such as yuzen came to prosper more, yet Arimatsu shibori developed itself with the support of the Owari Domain, turning into one of the biggest fields of production after the 17th century. With its handmade warmth, Arimatsu shibori is used not only for kimono, but in many other products such as handkerchiefs, paper fans, lap robes, ties, scarves, clothing, aprons, table clothes, table center clothes and store curtains, giving us a sense of excitement in the everyday moments of our life.
- source : japan-brand.jnto.go.jp/crafts -

Arimatsu Tie-Dyeing Museum

有松絞りの歴史や資料 - 有松絞商工協同組合
- reference -
