. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .
taki rei-oo, taki reio, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王
Spirit-king of the waterfall
鳥山石燕『今昔百鬼拾遺』 Illustration by Toriyama Sekien
諸国の滝つぼよりあらはるると云 青竜疏に一切の鬼魅諸障を伏すと云々
There are many waterfalls in Japan, where this Yokai appears..
One is mentioned in the 青竜疏 Blue Dragon Commentary by Saicho.
It is not really a Yokai, but seems to be Fudo Myo-O himself.
. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 最澄 伝教大師 .
(766 - 822) - established the Tendai Sect.
Another legend knows this as its origin:
Once the priest 相応和尚 So-o of the temple 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In Myo-O In in Shiga found a 霊木 divine tree in the waterfall basin and carved this statue of Fudo Myo-O out of it.
. 建立大師相応和尚 Konryu Daishi So-O Kasho .
(833 - 918)
and the Katsuragawa 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In
The statue of Fudo is a secret statue and only shown on the 28th day of the 8th month.
- - - - - Taki Rei-O in modern versions
. yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - ABC-List .
taki rei-oo, taki reio, taki reiō 滝霊王 / 瀧霊王
Spirit-king of the waterfall
鳥山石燕『今昔百鬼拾遺』 Illustration by Toriyama Sekien
諸国の滝つぼよりあらはるると云 青竜疏に一切の鬼魅諸障を伏すと云々
There are many waterfalls in Japan, where this Yokai appears..
One is mentioned in the 青竜疏 Blue Dragon Commentary by Saicho.
It is not really a Yokai, but seems to be Fudo Myo-O himself.
. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 最澄 伝教大師 .
(766 - 822) - established the Tendai Sect.
Another legend knows this as its origin:
Once the priest 相応和尚 So-o of the temple 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In Myo-O In in Shiga found a 霊木 divine tree in the waterfall basin and carved this statue of Fudo Myo-O out of it.
. 建立大師相応和尚 Konryu Daishi So-O Kasho .
(833 - 918)
and the Katsuragawa 葛川息障明王院 Katsuragawa Sokusho Myo-O In
The statue of Fudo is a secret statue and only shown on the 28th day of the 8th month.
- - - - - Taki Rei-O in modern versions
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