March 26, 2017

EDO Tokugawa Ieyasu


Tōshōkō Goikun 東照公 御遺訓 Teaching of Tokugawa Ieyasu
Toshoko Go-Ikun

written on January 17, 1603 while he received the title of Shogun in February of the same year

人の一生は重き荷を負うて 遠き道を行くが如し 
急ぐべからず不自由を 常と思えば 不足なし
心に望みおこらば 困窮し足る時を思い出すべし
勝つことばかり知りて 負くるを知らざれば 害その身に至る
己を責めて 人を責むるな
及ばざるは 過ぎたるに 勝れり

Your life is like carrying full of burdens, traveling a long road,
do not hurry nor complain for lack of freedom.
When you have hope in mind, remember the poor times.
Patience is the foundation of peaceful long life.
Consider your anger as your enemy.
If you know of only victories and of no losses, the harm is within you.
Blame yourself but not others.
In so doing, eventually you will win in your life.

Tr. Yoshio Kusaba

- reference : 東照公 御遺訓 -


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