. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 Grand Hiyoshi Shrine .

Yasaka Koshindo Hall 八坂庚申堂 clay bells

yubizaru 指猿 finger monkey

shin en omamori (Masaru) 神猿お守り まさる talisman of the sacred monkey
. hajiki saru はじき猿 "flicking monkey" .
from Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine
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- o-mamori kuda saru お守りくだ さる please give me an amulet
(a pun with the word saru and kudasaru)
. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 Grand Hiyoshi Shrine .

Yasaka Koshindo Hall 八坂庚申堂 clay bells

yubizaru 指猿 finger monkey

shin en omamori (Masaru) 神猿お守り まさる talisman of the sacred monkey
. hajiki saru はじき猿 "flicking monkey" .
from Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine
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- o-mamori kuda saru お守りくだ さる please give me an amulet
(a pun with the word saru and kudasaru)
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