. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Buzen 豊前国
- Now part of Fukuoka Prefecture and Ōita Prefecture
. Kappa legends from Kyushu 河童 九州 .
When people crossed the wide rivers of Buzen, they often met a Kappa who wanted to do Sumo wrestling. Among the retainers of 小笠原信濃守 Lord Ogawawara from Shinano there was a strong man named 大つか庄右衛門 Otsuka Shoemon , who tried a bout with Kappa. But Kappa moves very fast and his body was slippery like an eel. He has spikes like needles on his body and Shoemon was hurt all over. He fell ill after the bout.
Another story tells about Shoemon and his friend せ川藤吉 Segawa Tokichi. When they walked into the river and the Kappa appeared, Tokichi drew his sword and killed the Kappa. The Kappa was small like a child, had a whitish skin and sharp nails like a cat.
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. namazu なまず / 鯰 / 鮧 catfish - der Wels .
At the waterfall 千丈が滝 Senjogataki there is 観音堂 a Hall for Kannon Bosatsu.
When 大塚庄右衛門 Ozauk Shoemon and his dumb friend went to the bridge above it to cool down in summer, there is a catfish jumping up and churning the water. Almost like going to heaven, it soon begun to rain. So it must have been a ryuu 竜 dragon after all.
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munagi むなぎ dialect for unagi, eel
At the waterfall 千丈が滝 Senjogataki in Buzen there lives a special Munagi eel in the river.
Its ears are large like a handfan and he is crawling in the riverbed. Its stomach is almost golden. It is about 24 m long, they say.

. unagi うなぎ / 鰻 と伝説 Legends about the eel .
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早鞆明神社 Hayatomo Myojin shrine
Shows a Shinto priest carrying a firebrand and running to avoid a large wave. In his left hand he carries me, an edible seaweed which he has gathered. This ritual was carried out at night on New Year's Eve at the Hayatomo Myojin Shrine, in northern Kyushu.
The shrine is seen, top right, beneath a black sky.
- source : -
................................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県

. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends .
During the time of emperor 継体天皇 Keitai Tenno (?450 - ?531) there lived kijin 鬼神 a Demon Deity on 求菩提山 Mount Kuboteyama in 豊前国上毛郡 the district Koge who played many bad tricks on the villagers. Through the power of the venerable 卜仙 Bokusen he was exorcised and put into a bottle, which was buried on the top of the mountain.
Its soul in now worshiped here.
Kuboteyama, 782 m
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kobito 小人 a dwarf
In the 築城郡 Tsuiki district of Bungo there lived a farmer. His son 才次郎 Saijiro, who was 8 years old, was only 53 cm high. He was a decent boy and spoke politely, never causing trouble to others.
When he was born, he was so small he could be kept in the palm of both hands.
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shiratori 白鳥 a white bird
The emperor 景行天皇 Keiko Tenno (大足彦天皇) had dispatched 菟名手(うなて)Unate (Unade), an ancestor of the Bungo regents, to Bungo, to the village 中臣村 Nakatomi.
He saw a white bird coming from the North and caught it.
The bird turned into mochi 餅 rice cakes, then into many thousand ietsuimo 芋草 plants.
So the Emperor named this area 豊国 Bungo "rich and plentiful land".
. Nakatsu Kaido 中津街道 Nakatsu Highway .
Emperor Keikō (景行天皇, Keikō-tennō) (13 BC - 130)
also known as Ootarashihikooshirowake no Sumeramikoto (大足彦忍代別天皇) was the 12th Emperor of Japan
His son was Prince Ōsu" (Yamato Takeru).
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Emperor Keitai (継体天皇, Keitai-tennō) (?450 - ?531)
was the 26th Emperor of Japan. reigned from 507 to 531
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Bungo Province (豊後国, Bungo no kuni)
was a province of Japan in eastern Kyūshū in the area of Ōita Prefecture.
It was sometimes called Hōshū (豊州), with Buzen Province. Bungo bordered Buzen, Hyūga, Higo, Chikugo, and Chikuzen Provinces.
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- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Buzen 豊前国
- Now part of Fukuoka Prefecture and Ōita Prefecture
. Kappa legends from Kyushu 河童 九州 .
When people crossed the wide rivers of Buzen, they often met a Kappa who wanted to do Sumo wrestling. Among the retainers of 小笠原信濃守 Lord Ogawawara from Shinano there was a strong man named 大つか庄右衛門 Otsuka Shoemon , who tried a bout with Kappa. But Kappa moves very fast and his body was slippery like an eel. He has spikes like needles on his body and Shoemon was hurt all over. He fell ill after the bout.
Another story tells about Shoemon and his friend せ川藤吉 Segawa Tokichi. When they walked into the river and the Kappa appeared, Tokichi drew his sword and killed the Kappa. The Kappa was small like a child, had a whitish skin and sharp nails like a cat.
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. namazu なまず / 鯰 / 鮧 catfish - der Wels .
At the waterfall 千丈が滝 Senjogataki there is 観音堂 a Hall for Kannon Bosatsu.
When 大塚庄右衛門 Ozauk Shoemon and his dumb friend went to the bridge above it to cool down in summer, there is a catfish jumping up and churning the water. Almost like going to heaven, it soon begun to rain. So it must have been a ryuu 竜 dragon after all.
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munagi むなぎ dialect for unagi, eel
At the waterfall 千丈が滝 Senjogataki in Buzen there lives a special Munagi eel in the river.
Its ears are large like a handfan and he is crawling in the riverbed. Its stomach is almost golden. It is about 24 m long, they say.

. unagi うなぎ / 鰻 と伝説 Legends about the eel .
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早鞆明神社 Hayatomo Myojin shrine
Shows a Shinto priest carrying a firebrand and running to avoid a large wave. In his left hand he carries me, an edible seaweed which he has gathered. This ritual was carried out at night on New Year's Eve at the Hayatomo Myojin Shrine, in northern Kyushu.
The shrine is seen, top right, beneath a black sky.
- source : -
................................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県

. kishin, kijin, onigami 鬼神の伝説 Oni Deity Demon Legends .
During the time of emperor 継体天皇 Keitai Tenno (?450 - ?531) there lived kijin 鬼神 a Demon Deity on 求菩提山 Mount Kuboteyama in 豊前国上毛郡 the district Koge who played many bad tricks on the villagers. Through the power of the venerable 卜仙 Bokusen he was exorcised and put into a bottle, which was buried on the top of the mountain.
Its soul in now worshiped here.

Kuboteyama, 782 m
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kobito 小人 a dwarf
In the 築城郡 Tsuiki district of Bungo there lived a farmer. His son 才次郎 Saijiro, who was 8 years old, was only 53 cm high. He was a decent boy and spoke politely, never causing trouble to others.
When he was born, he was so small he could be kept in the palm of both hands.
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shiratori 白鳥 a white bird
The emperor 景行天皇 Keiko Tenno (大足彦天皇) had dispatched 菟名手(うなて)Unate (Unade), an ancestor of the Bungo regents, to Bungo, to the village 中臣村 Nakatomi.
He saw a white bird coming from the North and caught it.
The bird turned into mochi 餅 rice cakes, then into many thousand ietsuimo 芋草 plants.
So the Emperor named this area 豊国 Bungo "rich and plentiful land".
. Nakatsu Kaido 中津街道 Nakatsu Highway .
Emperor Keikō (景行天皇, Keikō-tennō) (13 BC - 130)
also known as Ootarashihikooshirowake no Sumeramikoto (大足彦忍代別天皇) was the 12th Emperor of Japan
His son was Prince Ōsu" (Yamato Takeru).
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Emperor Keitai (継体天皇, Keitai-tennō) (?450 - ?531)
was the 26th Emperor of Japan. reigned from 507 to 531
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Bungo Province (豊後国, Bungo no kuni)
was a province of Japan in eastern Kyūshū in the area of Ōita Prefecture.
It was sometimes called Hōshū (豊州), with Buzen Province. Bungo bordered Buzen, Hyūga, Higo, Chikugo, and Chikuzen Provinces.
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- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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