November 17, 2018

EDO - Ota ward legends


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Ota ward 大田区

. Aragamisama, Koojinsama 荒神様 Arakami Sama, Kojin Sama .
. Benjogami 便所神 Female God of the Toilet .
. Hōkigami 箒神 Hokigami, Hahakigami .

These three deities show up for a birth. So pregnant women have to venerate them every day to get their help when they need it.
The toilet has to be kept especially clean.
If a newborn baby has a bruise at the bottom, it signifies that Arakami Sama has been there and pinched it to come out fast.
The Hokigami must be honored be never stepping over a broom. A broom must never be used to hit people, otherwise the birth might become a problem.


. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 Legends about fire balls .

The Hinotama fireball has a different red color that then hitodama 人魂 a human soul fireball and makes a sound like パチパチ pachipachi.
It is also called kanetama カネ玉 "money ball". It appears if someone goes bankrupt.


. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉と伝説 Legends about the human soul fire .

On an early winter night when it was quite dark, a visitor to a local food store saw a soul fire hovering in the persimmon tree like a red full moon and then disappearing fast.
Others see the soul fire as a light red turning into white-blueish, sometimes round ball with a small tail. One person observed it falling to the ground and later found something like soap on the road.


. Nitta Yoshioki 新田義興 (? - 1358) .
A shrine at 矢口渡 Yaguchi no Watashi, the Nitta Shrine, is dedicated to Yoshioki, who was executed there. He is revered under the name Nitta Daimyōjin (新田大明神).
Wilthin the shrine compound, it is not allowed to page leaves from plants. If people do so, they will be cursed by Yoshioki.


sensama Sen sama せんさま
Children of the 6th grade were having a lesson of natural science, when one girl suddenly fell to the ground and became unconscious.
The other 10 girls in the class begun to chant:
sen sama ni toritsuita せんさまに取り憑かれた
She has been posessed by Sen sama!
This is one of the chants of invoking a fortune-telling game.


ushi - 牛に生まれ変わる僧侶 a priest who was reborn a bull
The townspeople near Ota ward believe that a priest had been reborn as a bull.
During the end of the Meiji period, around 1910, the priest of a temple had died. The representative of the parishioners carved a letter into the bone of the body before the burial.
A while later they found a bull with the letters on his body.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


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