unagi kaidoo うなぎ街道 Unagi Kaido Highway
From Izumo, 安来港 Yasugi port over the mountains to 勝山町 Katsuyama (Okayama).
From Katsuyama by boat downriver to Okayama, from there to Osaka.

The porters had to be very strong to carry about 30 kg of eel in two baskets on shoulder poles, stopping every 4 km to water the fish, running day and night for four days.
Along the road were houses with Unagi ponds especially for this transport.
The most difficult part was the pass 四十曲峠 Shijumagaritoge with 40 bending curves.
The runners were under the special protection of 聖護院宮 Shogoin no Miya, a temple in Kyoto and ferry boats had to come back from the river to give them a first go.
うなぎ街道 - 悪路の中国山地越え
- reference source : -
. Kaido: The Ancient Highways 日本の街道 .
unagi kaidoo うなぎ街道 Unagi Kaido Highway
From Izumo, 安来港 Yasugi port over the mountains to 勝山町 Katsuyama (Okayama).
From Katsuyama by boat downriver to Okayama, from there to Osaka.

The porters had to be very strong to carry about 30 kg of eel in two baskets on shoulder poles, stopping every 4 km to water the fish, running day and night for four days.
Along the road were houses with Unagi ponds especially for this transport.
The most difficult part was the pass 四十曲峠 Shijumagaritoge with 40 bending curves.
The runners were under the special protection of 聖護院宮 Shogoin no Miya, a temple in Kyoto and ferry boats had to come back from the river to give them a first go.
うなぎ街道 - 悪路の中国山地越え
- reference source : -
. Kaido: The Ancient Highways 日本の街道 .
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