. Kashozan 迦葉山 a Tengu mountain .
群馬県 沼田市上発知町445番地 / Numazu Kami-Hochimachi
. Myogisan 妙義山日光坊 Nikko-Bo, Nikkobo Tengu .
He is venerated in Gunma at Mount Myogisan (Myogizan).
. Yamanokami 山の神 and Tengu legends from Gunma .
Yama no kami is also called 山祇 Yamasomi, Yama Somi.
............................................................................... Tone 利根郡
片品村 Katashina village
Shiranesan 白根山 Mount Shirane (2610 m)
on the border between Katashina and Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture.

At Katashina village, the farmers from the hamlets 上小川、穴沢、仲井 and 下小川 all climb up together to Mount Shiranesan.
In former times it used to be the 16th day of the 6th lunar month, but recently it could also be in the 8th month. People who have to climb up use the time from the 12th day of the 6th lunar month to start preparing shoojin ショウジン with ritual purifications and then all the men gather at one place to climb up.
If a woman climbs up, she will be picked up by a Tengu and thrown down the valley.
昭和町 Showa town
. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 fire balls and Tengu .
There is a Tengu by the river. Once a man went fishing by the river and caught quite a large amount of fish. The thought this was quite strange and then he heard a sound ゴロゴロ gorogoro like stoned falling and he saw a large ball of fire.
At this point his net suddenly became very heavy and he could not pull it up any more. Than called out:
"天狗が出た The Tengu has come!" and fled as fast as he could. He had to stay in bed for 3 days.
. Kashozan 迦葉山 a Tengu mountain .
群馬県 沼田市上発知町445番地 / Numazu Kami-Hochimachi
. Myogisan 妙義山日光坊 Nikko-Bo, Nikkobo Tengu .
He is venerated in Gunma at Mount Myogisan (Myogizan).
. Yamanokami 山の神 and Tengu legends from Gunma .
Yama no kami is also called 山祇 Yamasomi, Yama Somi.
............................................................................... Tone 利根郡
片品村 Katashina village
Shiranesan 白根山 Mount Shirane (2610 m)
on the border between Katashina and Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture.

At Katashina village, the farmers from the hamlets 上小川、穴沢、仲井 and 下小川 all climb up together to Mount Shiranesan.
In former times it used to be the 16th day of the 6th lunar month, but recently it could also be in the 8th month. People who have to climb up use the time from the 12th day of the 6th lunar month to start preparing shoojin ショウジン with ritual purifications and then all the men gather at one place to climb up.
If a woman climbs up, she will be picked up by a Tengu and thrown down the valley.
昭和町 Showa town
. hinotama, hi no tama 火の玉と伝説 fire balls and Tengu .
There is a Tengu by the river. Once a man went fishing by the river and caught quite a large amount of fish. The thought this was quite strange and then he heard a sound ゴロゴロ gorogoro like stoned falling and he saw a large ball of fire.
At this point his net suddenly became very heavy and he could not pull it up any more. Than called out:
"天狗が出た The Tengu has come!" and fled as fast as he could. He had to stay in bed for 3 days.
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