July 31, 2018

TENGU - Akagiyama Gunma


Gunma 群馬県 ............................

sugi no boo 杉の坊 monk of the cedar tree

The temple 紀州法燈寺 Hotto-Ji in Kishu had been burned down many times and
now the head priest could not re-build it again. A wandering monk came
by and said he could do it.
The priest said he was 赤木山の杉の坊 Akagiyama no Sugi no Bo, the Monk of
the Cedar Tree from Mount Akagisan in Gunma.
He asked all the villagers to put out the fires for one night - and oh
wonder, the next morning the temple with all its buildings was
standing there in fill splendor.

Akagisan 赤城山 Mount Akagi, Akagiyama (1,828 m)

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/tokics...

Sugi no Bo was 大天狗 a Big Tengu. His sanctuary is the Asuka Shrine
大沼湖畔の飛鳥社 at Lake Onuma.


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