Azabuipponmatsuchoo , Azabuipponmatsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu district "one pine tree"
元麻布一丁目, 二丁目 Moto-Azabu, first and second sub-district
Around 1670, Ipponmatsu was created in the former Azabu mura 麻布村 Azabu village.
In the beginning there were many Samurai estates and temples, but later the townspeople and merchants took over.

Edo Meisho Zue
The print shows the compound of the temple 長伝寺 Choden-Ji and close to it many shops.
There was also a tea stall and next to it an old large single matsu 松 pine tree.
This tree was also called kanmuri matsu 冠松 "crown pine tree"
and provided shadow for the travelers.

source :
The old pine tree was destroyed by a fire in 1772, but has been replaced several times after that. The present tree was planted after WWII.

. matsu 松 pine tree - information .

江戸の華名勝會 / 江戸の花名勝会 Edo no Hana Meisho E - Sanbangumi 三番組
The Flowers of Edo: A Collection of Famous Places
An entertaining feature of the Edo-no-Hana Meisho-e prints is the use of double meanings, which often relate to place names, within the text that accompanies many of the famous landscape scenes.
..... The reference to the constant threat of flames in the city is also reinforced in each of the prints, by the display of the troop name, number and emblem of the firemen responsible for protecting the relevant Edo district pictured. Moreover, as fire-fighters were admired as great examples of enthusiasm and bravery, they were likely considered as much a Flower of Edo as any popular Kabuki actor or fashionable Ukiyo-e print artist of the period. .....
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. Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu .
Several legends surround Ippon-Matsu,
for example, it is also called "Kanmuri-no-Matsu" and "Shugetsutei-no-Hagoromo-no-Matsu."
There is also a common belief that offering sweet sake in a bamboo cylinder to the tree will help cure a cough and the tree is called one of the seven wonders of Azabu. These legends and superstitions are thought to stem from the belief that gods resided in the giant trees lining the old roads. Today's pine trees were planted by the local community association after the war.
It is said that a tanuki (raccoon dog) sometimes appeared and bewitched people. The slope is also called Asahi-zaka because it slopes upward toward the east. With Ippon-Matsu, one of the seven wonders of Azabu, as a landmark, there are four slopes branching off:
Tanuki-zaka, where the tanuki is said to have appeared;
Daikoku-zaka, site of Daiho-ji, a temple dedicated to Daikokuten, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune;
Kurayami-zaka, a slope that was always dark because of the trees covering it; and
Ippon-matsu-zaka, named for the lone pine tree. At the top of Ippon-matsu-zaka stands Hikawa-jinja (shrine) dedicated to Bishamonten (god of war).
Azabu Ipponmatsu-zaka 麻布一本松坂 Ipponmatsuzaka slope, Ipponmatsu slope
. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the many slopes of Edo .
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Azabuipponmatsuchoo , Azabuipponmatsu 麻布一本松町 Azabu Ipponmatsu district "one pine tree"
元麻布一丁目, 二丁目 Moto-Azabu, first and second sub-district
Around 1670, Ipponmatsu was created in the former Azabu mura 麻布村 Azabu village.
In the beginning there were many Samurai estates and temples, but later the townspeople and merchants took over.

Edo Meisho Zue
The print shows the compound of the temple 長伝寺 Choden-Ji and close to it many shops.
There was also a tea stall and next to it an old large single matsu 松 pine tree.
This tree was also called kanmuri matsu 冠松 "crown pine tree"
and provided shadow for the travelers.

source :
The old pine tree was destroyed by a fire in 1772, but has been replaced several times after that. The present tree was planted after WWII.

. matsu 松 pine tree - information .

江戸の華名勝會 / 江戸の花名勝会 Edo no Hana Meisho E - Sanbangumi 三番組
The Flowers of Edo: A Collection of Famous Places
An entertaining feature of the Edo-no-Hana Meisho-e prints is the use of double meanings, which often relate to place names, within the text that accompanies many of the famous landscape scenes.
..... The reference to the constant threat of flames in the city is also reinforced in each of the prints, by the display of the troop name, number and emblem of the firemen responsible for protecting the relevant Edo district pictured. Moreover, as fire-fighters were admired as great examples of enthusiasm and bravery, they were likely considered as much a Flower of Edo as any popular Kabuki actor or fashionable Ukiyo-e print artist of the period. .....
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Azabu Nana Fushigi 麻布七不思議 seven wonders of Azabu .
Several legends surround Ippon-Matsu,
for example, it is also called "Kanmuri-no-Matsu" and "Shugetsutei-no-Hagoromo-no-Matsu."
There is also a common belief that offering sweet sake in a bamboo cylinder to the tree will help cure a cough and the tree is called one of the seven wonders of Azabu. These legends and superstitions are thought to stem from the belief that gods resided in the giant trees lining the old roads. Today's pine trees were planted by the local community association after the war.
It is said that a tanuki (raccoon dog) sometimes appeared and bewitched people. The slope is also called Asahi-zaka because it slopes upward toward the east. With Ippon-Matsu, one of the seven wonders of Azabu, as a landmark, there are four slopes branching off:
Tanuki-zaka, where the tanuki is said to have appeared;
Daikoku-zaka, site of Daiho-ji, a temple dedicated to Daikokuten, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune;
Kurayami-zaka, a slope that was always dark because of the trees covering it; and
Ippon-matsu-zaka, named for the lone pine tree. At the top of Ippon-matsu-zaka stands Hikawa-jinja (shrine) dedicated to Bishamonten (god of war).
Azabu Ipponmatsu-zaka 麻布一本松坂 Ipponmatsuzaka slope, Ipponmatsu slope

. saka, sakamichi 坂道 the many slopes of Edo .
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