There was a special district in Edo where most of the carpenters lived :
Kanda daikuchoo 神田 大工町 carpenter district in Kanda
tate daikuchoo 竪大工町 (now in Uchi Kanda 内神田三丁目14番 )
yoko daikuchoo 横大工町 / minami daikuchoo 南大工町
This district was founded around 1640 in the Kanei period 寛永 and is mentioned in the
"Edo Map of Kanei 寛永江戸図".
Many carpenters who lived here worked directly for the Bakufu government for the official buildings of Edo.
source : 無涯塾日記
One famous (but fictional) character is the carpenter 吉五郎 Kichigoro in the story
三方一両損 sanbo ichiryo zon, where the famous magistrate 大岡越前守忠相 Oka Echizen is holding court.
The shop of a craftsman making the matoi 纏 standards , a pole with the fire fighters brigade mark, is also located here.
纏屋治郎右衛門 Matoiya Jiroemon
. shokuninmachi 職人町 district with craftsmen in Edo .
Now the 龍谷大学 Ryukoku University is located in this district.
Another district where carpenters lived was
Umibedaikuchmachi 海辺大工町 Umibe Daikumachi carpenter district on the coast
Umibe Daikucho, Umibe Daiku-Cho , Umibe Daiku-machi
along the river 小名木川 Onagigawa.
Umibe is a district in 江東区 Koto Ward, next to Fukagawa.
River Onagigawa joins the Sumidagawa with the bridge 高橋 Takahashi as main access. Another bridge was 万年橋 Mannenbashi and then
the Shin-Takahashi 新高橋 New Takahashi Bridge. The bridge Takahashi (High Bridge) was build much higher than other bridges to avoid being swept away by flooding of the rivers.
After reclaiming the land the settlement along the river Onagigawa became w river port and was named Umibe Daikumachi in 1713.
Many carpenters skilled in building ships and boats came to live here, hence the name.
funadaiku 船大工 shipbuilder carpenter
The bottom of a wooden boat was often burned to make it more resistant to rotting.
source :
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Detail from 東都三ツ股の図 Toto Mitsumata no Zu
View of Mitsumata in the Eastern Capital
. River Onagigawa 小名木川 .
and The Gyotoku Salt Fields 行徳塩田 Gyotoku enden
- - - - - . Bashō-An 芭蕉庵 Basho-An in Fukagawa 深川 .
- Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Haiku Poet
source :
Basho-An was near the Mannenbashi 万年橋 "Ten Thousand Year Bridge".
There was a special district in Edo where most of the carpenters lived :
Kanda daikuchoo 神田 大工町 carpenter district in Kanda
tate daikuchoo 竪大工町 (now in Uchi Kanda 内神田三丁目14番 )
yoko daikuchoo 横大工町 / minami daikuchoo 南大工町
This district was founded around 1640 in the Kanei period 寛永 and is mentioned in the
"Edo Map of Kanei 寛永江戸図".
Many carpenters who lived here worked directly for the Bakufu government for the official buildings of Edo.
source : 無涯塾日記
One famous (but fictional) character is the carpenter 吉五郎 Kichigoro in the story
三方一両損 sanbo ichiryo zon, where the famous magistrate 大岡越前守忠相 Oka Echizen is holding court.
The shop of a craftsman making the matoi 纏 standards , a pole with the fire fighters brigade mark, is also located here.
纏屋治郎右衛門 Matoiya Jiroemon
. shokuninmachi 職人町 district with craftsmen in Edo .
Now the 龍谷大学 Ryukoku University is located in this district.
Another district where carpenters lived was
Umibedaikuchmachi 海辺大工町 Umibe Daikumachi carpenter district on the coast
Umibe Daikucho, Umibe Daiku-Cho , Umibe Daiku-machi
along the river 小名木川 Onagigawa.
Umibe is a district in 江東区 Koto Ward, next to Fukagawa.
River Onagigawa joins the Sumidagawa with the bridge 高橋 Takahashi as main access. Another bridge was 万年橋 Mannenbashi and then
the Shin-Takahashi 新高橋 New Takahashi Bridge. The bridge Takahashi (High Bridge) was build much higher than other bridges to avoid being swept away by flooding of the rivers.
After reclaiming the land the settlement along the river Onagigawa became w river port and was named Umibe Daikumachi in 1713.
Many carpenters skilled in building ships and boats came to live here, hence the name.
funadaiku 船大工 shipbuilder carpenter
The bottom of a wooden boat was often burned to make it more resistant to rotting.
source :
歌川国芳 Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Detail from 東都三ツ股の図 Toto Mitsumata no Zu
View of Mitsumata in the Eastern Capital
. River Onagigawa 小名木川 .
and The Gyotoku Salt Fields 行徳塩田 Gyotoku enden
- - - - - . Bashō-An 芭蕉庵 Basho-An in Fukagawa 深川 .
- Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Haiku Poet
source :
Basho-An was near the Mannenbashi 万年橋 "Ten Thousand Year Bridge".
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