February 02, 2017

TEMPLE - Toji nana fushigi seven wonders


Tooji, Tō-ji 東寺 Toji, To-Ji
Kyoo Oo Gokokuji 教王護国寺 Kyoo-Gokoku-ji


To-Ji Nana Fushigi 東寺七不思議 Seven Wonders of Temple To-Ji

Neko no magari 猫の曲り "The Cat Corner"
The corner of the South-East 築地塀(ついじべい) Tsuiji fence of temple To-Ji is called "Neko no Magari" and is feared as a place where ghosts and spooks reside. If people pass around this corner, they will experience misfortune. So even today a bridal procession will never pass along this corner.
This explanation goes back to the Heian period and the belief in the animal deities of the Four Directions. A statue of each one had been erected at the appropriate corner of the temple.
The statue of Byakko 白虎, the White Tiger in the West, had looked very much like a cat and people called it neko no magari-kado 猫の曲がり角 , the corner where the cat turns. But the statue had been removed at the beginning of the Meiji period.
Careful, maybe the protector deity of the West had been mis-placed in the South-East for some unknown reason and thus caused trouble ?!

There is another simpler explanation:
Since this corner is located in daily sunshine, many alley cats have come to live here.


hyootanike 瓢箪池 the Hyotan-ike "gourd pond".
During a strong earthquake around 1854-60 the 五重塔 five-storied pagoda begun to lean to the side. To counterbalance the effect, the pond Hyotanike was dug out by the people.
The pond is also called Hasuike 蓮池 Lotus Pond.


akezu no mon 不開門(あけずのもん)the gate that is not opened
anamon 穴門(あなもん) gate with a hole
hoozoo宝蔵(ほうぞう) Hozo treasure store house
rengemon 蓮華門(れんげもん) Lotus gate
tenkooseki 天降石(てんこうせき)a stone fallen from heaven

- reference source : cyber-world.jp.net/tougi-nanafushigi -

. Nanafushigi, nana fushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" .
There are many places which boast "seven wonders" in Japan.


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