January 30, 2017




Koorinboo 宰府高垣高林坊 / 宰府高垣高森坊 Korin-Bo
宰府高垣高林坊 / 宰府高垣高森坊 - Korinbo, Saifu Takagaki - Fukuoka

Saifu is short for 太宰府 Dasaifu 

He lived on 竈門山(宝満山) Mount Homanzan, on the border between 筑紫野市 Chikushino and 大宰府町 Dasaifu.

Mount Hōman
The mountain is about 830 m high.
It is an important site for Shugendo, and a famous place for rock climbing.
- quote wikipedia-

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Jōdō 杖道 Jodo literally means the way of the stick.
Shinto Muso Ryu (SMR) evolved in the castle town of Fukuoka, in the north west of the main southern island of Kyushu.
SMR is a 17th Century art that matches a practitioner equipped with a 4-shaku 2-sun 1-bu (128 cm) long stick against a swordsman. In its complete "old school" (koryu) form SMR comprises seven sets of jo kata, and several ancillary weapon sets including kenjutsu, walking stick (tanjo), sickle and chain (kasuirgama), war fan (tessen) and other arts besides.
It was founded by Musō Gonnosuke Katsuyoshi, a master swordsman of the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu who embarked on warriors quest (musa shugyo), travelling Japan, looking for opponents to duel.
SMR tradition relates that he met Miyamoto Musashi (possibly in Edo) suffering his only defeat to the two sword (Nito) technique. Following this he travelled seeking answers to the juji-dome block.
At Mount Homan in Kyushu,
above the castle town of Fukuoka he spent 37 days meditating and training – and received a revelation from the Tengu (long-nosed winged demons, famous as the source of several martial traditions) to take the round pole and place it on the water of the moon (Water Moon, or Suigetsu, is the Japanese word used in budo to indicate the solar plexus on the human body).
- source : seitei-iaido-seitei-jodo-


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