. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .
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江戸艶本(えほん)ベストセラー Edo Ehon Bestsellers
林美一 Hayashi Yoshikazu (1922 - 1999)
- - - - - besutoseraa ベストセラー bestseller authors :
Jippensha Ikku 十返舎一九 (1765 – 1831)
. Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige 東海道中膝栗毛 Shank's Mare .
Yajirobē (彌次郎兵衛) and Kitahachi (喜多八) walking along the Tokaido road.
Santo Kyoden 山東京伝 (1761 - 1816)
心学早染草 Shingaku Hayasomegusa / "Quick-dye Mind Study"
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Santō Kyōden - Kyōya Denzō 京屋伝蔵
He wrote Kibyōshi, Sharebon, Yomihon and Historical works
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 / Kyokutei Bakin 曲亭馬琴 (1767 - 1848)
曲亭 馬琴 Kyokutei Bakin, 澤興邦 Takizawa Okikuni
南総里見八犬伝 Nansō Satomi Hakkenden
The Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansô
In 1803 the first Haikai Saijiki Shiorigusa (Kanzoo) 俳諧歳時記栞草 was compiled by Takizawa Bakin, with about 2600 seasonal themes and topics (kidai) and 3300 kigo.
. History of Saijiki .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Ryutei Tanehiko 柳亭種彦 (1783 - 1842)
偐紫田舎源氏 Nise Murasaki inaka Genji
The Rustic Genji, False Murasaki and a Country Genji
A Fraudulent Murasaki's Bumpkin Genji
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - ABC List - - - - -
. Baba Bunkoo, Baba Bunkō 馬場文耕 Baba Bunko . (1718 - 1759)
Domyaku Sensei 銅脈先生 (1752 - 1801)
. Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 . (1728 - 1780)
Author, Inventor, Naturalist, free spirit of Edo
Ichikawa Kansai 市河寛斎 (1749 - 1820)
Songs of the Northern Quarter
日本詩紀 -
Kawatake Mokuami 河竹黙阿弥 (1816 - 1893)
. Karai Senryu 柄井川柳 . (1718 - 1790)
Haifu-Yanagidaru 誹風柳多留 Senryu Poetrt Collection
Ryutei Rijo 滝亭鯉丈 (?- 1841)
花暦八笑人 Eight footloose fools
Shiba Zenko 芝全交 (1750 - 1793)
Shikitei Sanba 式亭三馬 (1776 - 1822)
In the world of men, nothing but lies
Tadano Makuzu 只野真葛 (1765 - 1825)
Tales from the North 奥州波奈志(おうしゆうはなし)
Tamenaga Shunsui 為永春水 (1790 - 1843)
The Plum Calendar 春色梅児誉美うめごよみ
Terakado Seiken 寺門静軒 (1796 - 1868)
An account of the prosperity of Edo 江戸繁昌記

Tsuruya Nanboku IV 鶴屋南北 (1755 - 1829)
Ebiya Genzō
Dramatist and Kabuki playwrite
He wrote plays with supernatural themes and macabre and grotesque characters.
- reference : tsuruya nanboku -
Umebori Kokuga 梅暮里谷峨 (1750 - 1821)
At a fork on the road to hiring a hooker
Yamaoka Matsuake 山岡浚明 (1726 - 1780)
跖婦人伝 Seki the Night Hawk

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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .
. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .
. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .
. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Edo - the EDOPEDIA - on 11/02/2016 11:06:00 am
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