August 03, 2016

EDO MINGEI - katatsuke pattern makers


katatsukeshi 型付師 pattern maker for Edo komon
There were three different types of patterns,
the large, middle and small size (komon). The middle size was mostly used for Yukata.
The washi paper (katagami 型紙) was usually hand-made in Mino and prepared with kakishibu 柿渋 "persimmon dye" .
Three or four layers of this paper were glued together to make it strong.
Next the
katahori shokunin 型堀職人 pattern carver
begun his work

source :
江戸小紋型付実演 - Exhibition 2014

katatsuke, kata-tsuke 型付 pattern stamping, pattern dyeing
with paper templates and a special glue

- quote -
伊勢型紙  Ise-Katagami
Ise-katagami is a Japanese traditional handicraft handed down for about 1.000 years in Mie Prefecture. Kkatagami is Japanese paper stencil patterns for kimono. Kimono stencil has been called Ise-Katagami because it was made primarily in Ise province (present-day Mie Prefecture) and the stencil paper making was protected by the Kishu domain in the Edo period (1603-1868) as the industry of the domain's outland territory. They were sold all over Japan by itinerant traders called Ise Merchants.

Ise kimono stencil is made of Japanese washi paper with a persimmon stringent liquid, onto which elaborate and elegant kimono patterns are hand-carved. They are mainly used for dyeing kimono such as Yuzen, Yukata and Komon. Today they are also used for drawing patterns on pottery ware, glass ware, and goza-mats as well as for the background mon-gara patterns for newspaper names.

伊勢型紙 糸入れ Ise-katagami ito-ire 
Itoire Technique of Ise-Katagami

Itoire (literally meaning "thread insertion") is a technique employed in the making of Ise-katagami (paper stencil patterns), which is a traditional handicraft handed down in Mie Prefecture. Ise kimono stencil is made of Japanese washi paper with a persimmon stringent liquid, onto which elaborate and elegant kimono patterns are hand-carved.

In the case of patterns such as stripes, where there are substantial spaces between the uncut areas of the stencil, threads are fixed to the stencils to strengthen them and prevent movement during use, which technique is called "itoire."

As itoire is an elaborate technique to require a long period of training and painstaking efforts, successors of this technique are decreasing in number and the technique using silk gauze (called "sha-bari") are now replacing it. The itoire craftsperson Mie Jonokuchi was designated as a Living National Treasure together with 5 other Ise-katagami craftspeople in 1955; regrettably all have passed away now.
- source : -


. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .



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