May 14, 2018

EDO - Shinsakanacho district "new fish market"

Ginza and
Shin Sakanachoo 新肴町 Shin-Sakana Cho, Shinsakanacho district
"New Fish Village - Market"

Ginza Sanchome 銀座三丁目
Before Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Edo, there was a small fishing village at the Hibiya Inlet, Rogetsumura 老月村.

. 日比谷の入江 Hibiya no Irie inlet / 日比谷入江 .
Next to Hibiya mura were 桜田村 Sakurada mura, 老月村 Rogetsu mura and other villages.

As the town of Edo begun to grow and more and more people needed food, especially fresh fish, Rogetsu-Mura became a well-frequented fish market.
But in 1627, the Hibiya region was restructured and the land came under the control of the Bakufu government. Rogetsu-Mura was relocated near the Sotobori canal and renamed
"New Fish (market ) Village".

江戸魚市場めぐり(3)-新肴場 Shin Sakanaba
「新肴場」、略して「新場」New Market と称しました
The major fish market at 魚河岸 Uogashi was then called 「古場」 Old Market
- reference source : -

There is also a bridge now, the
新場橋 Shinbabashi bridge.

Nearby is the
Momijidoori もみじ通り Edo Momiji-dori Avenue.

. Uogashi 日本橋魚河岸 fish market .


May 04, 2018

HEIAN - hebi snake serpent legends

- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents
hebi 蛇 / へび / ヘビ snake - Schlange

In the traditional Kagura dance, the serpent is called Orochi 大蛇 .

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .

. Hebigami 蛇神 Snake Deity in Ise - Mie .

. mekura hebi メクラヘビ the blind snake from Sekigahara .

. nuibari and snake 縫針 sewing needle .

. shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope and serpents .

- collecting -
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

............................................................................... Nara 奈良県
吉野郡 Yoshino district 下北山村 Shimo-Kitayama

hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 white serpent
At Eboshi no taki, エボシ滝 / えぼしの滝 the Eboshidaki waterfall in エボシ谷 the Eboshi valley once there hang a white serpent like a Shimenawa at the top of the waterfall.
To keep it alive, people are not allowed to make a fire near the tail part of the serpent.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
2374 蛇 (00)
956 ヘビ (00)
115 hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 white serpent (01)


. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. plants and their legends  植物と伝説 - - ABC list .

. trees and their legends  樹木, 木と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
- Introduction -


. Join the friends on Facebook ! .


- - - - - #hebisnake #daijaserpent #serpent #snake -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 5/01/2018 01:29:00 pm

May 02, 2018

Fwd: [Gokuraku - Jigoku ] - - - - - backup butsusen

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

- Backup April 2018 -

The original is here :

. .


Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits

Butsusen-kai 仏仙界 the realm of Buddhist immortals is the realm where the immortals live
(as opposed to the shinsen-kai 神仙界, the realm were the Shinto deities reside, in the famous mountains like 富士山 Fujisan or 蓬莱山 Horaisan.)

These Sennin practise sendo 仙道修行 to become Immortals and budo shugyo 武道修行 martial arts.
They live a hermit life with little contact to the world, with no pain and no joy.
Usually when someone enters this realm, he is not allowed to come back.

There are various types of Butsusen:
tensen 天仙 Sennin of the heavenly realm. chisen 地仙 Sennin of the earthly realm
shikaisen 尸解仙 Shikaisen, rikusen 陸仙、suisen 水仙 、shinsen 新仙、doosen 童仙 child Sennin,
gyokujo 玉女 "treasure women", sennyo 仙女 female Sennin

The Butsusen Hermits are also called Daisen 大仙、Sensei 仙聖、or simply Sen 仙.

- - - Shikaisen is the realm where the body survives after death.
. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .


日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan

. 01 Koma no Kikori 高麗山樵 woodcutter from Mount Komayama .

. 02 Udohama Nyosen 宇度浜女仙 female Sennin from Udohama beach .
03 Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 Female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama

. 04 Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁 Old Man Suzuka .


05 Yagara no Okina 箭柄翁 / 煎柄翁 Old Man Yagara
no information found yet
ya 箭 a kind of bamboo, Pseudosasa japonica


. 06 Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .

. 07 Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin .
and Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)

. 08 Kan Shiwa 飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi Kan Shiwa .
a master carpenter of Hida Takayama

. 09 Ono no Takamura 小野篁 .


10 Shirohashi no Okina 白箸翁 (しろはしのおきな)Old Man selling white chopsticks

source : 国際日本文化研究センタ

He was a strange old man, living in the Early Heian period.
Around (859-877) he sold white chopsticks in the streets of Kyoto. He always seemed to be about 70 years. After his death his body was buried in the earth.
But a few years later people saw him, clad like a monk, reading the 法華経 Hoke-Kyo Sutra

Hakucho-o den 白箸翁伝 ハクチョオウデン Legend of Hakucho-O
book by 紀長谷雄 Ki no Haseo (845 – 912) , Literat of the Heian Period


. 11 Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 .
and the Seiwa Genji 清和源氏 Minamoto clan

. 12 Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平朝臣 .

. 13 Ikoma Sennin 生馬仙人 / 生馬仙 Ikoma Sen .
and 僧明達 the priest Myotatsu

. 14 Miyako no Yoshika 都良香 .

. 15 Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .

. 16 Saga no In Kunshi 嵯峨の隠君子 / 嵯峨隠君子 .


. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Here the most important ones are introduced.
There are 僧侶 18 priests, 8 仙人 sennin (including 3 仏仙 like Kume Sennin).
The other 11 are humans.
聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi and 役ノ行者 En no Gyoja have a special relationship to Buddhism.


- reference source : -

- reference source : nihonkogaku . com 日本古学 -


Hotokegasen 仏ヶ仙(ほとけがせん)736 m
peak in the Hiruzen mountain range, Okayama 蒜山仏ヶ山


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #buddhistsennin #buddhistimmortals -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/17/2018 12:50:00 pm

Fwd: [Heian Period Japan] Sennin Glossary

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Glossary about the Sennin

- reference source : kotobank dictionary -

せん【仙】 sen
1 仙人。
2 仙人の術。仙術。
3 仙人の住む所。
1 山中で修行して不老不死の術を修めた人。「仙境・仙骨・仙術・仙女(せんにょ・せんじょ)・仙人/神仙・謫仙(たくせん)・登仙」
2 世俗にとらわれない人。非凡な才能を持つ人。「歌仙・詩仙・酒仙」


jintsuuriki じんつう‐りき / 神通力 supernatural powers, divine power

senjutsu せんじゅつ【仙術】 techniques of a Sennin, wizardry

senkai 仙界 same as senkyoo


senkaku 仙客 / センカク
1 仙人。same as sennin
2 鶴の別名。 another name for crane
3 Cyclamen persicum


senkotsu せんこつ【仙骨/薦骨】

senkyoo 仙境/仙郷 realm of the Sennin

sennin 仙人/僊人 / センニン
1 俗界を離れて山中に住み、不老不死で、飛翔(ひしょう)できるなどの神通力をもつといわれる人。道教で、理想とされる神的存在。仙。神仙。仙客。
2 無欲で世事に疎い人。

senpoo 仙方 / センポウ
same as senjutsu

senshi 仙椎 sacral region of the human spine, os sacrum

shinsen 神仙 【しんせん】immortals
1 不老不死で、神通力をもつ人。仙人。「―譚(たん)」
2 (神仙)shinzen《「しんぜん」とも》日本音楽の十二律の一。基音の壱越(いちこつ)より一〇律高い音で、中国の十二律の無射(ぶえき)、洋楽のハ音にあたる。

shinsenden 神仙伝 legends about immortals

shinsendoo 神仙道 Shinsendo "the way to gain longevity"

shinsen shisoo 神仙思想 cult of immortality

takusen たくせん 【謫仙】 Sennin driven out of the Sennin realm

toosen とうせん 【登仙】 Sennin going to paradise
1 天に登って仙人となること。また、仙人。「羽化登仙」same as uka toosen
2 貴人、特に天子を敬って、その死をいう語。〈運歩色葉〉

ukatoosen, uka toosen うかとうせん 【羽化登仙】
1 Sennin growing wings (and flying to paradise)
A Sense of Release (As if One had Wings and were Riding on Air.)
2 Being nicely drunk.

source : 島添酒販
米焼酎 Schnaps, Shochu /Shiga 佐賀県唐津市


- quote -
Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death, unending existence.
It is repeatedly stated in Lüshi Chunqiu that death is unavoidable.
Henri Maspero noted that many scholarly works frame Taoism as a school of thought focused on the quest for immortality.
- More in the Wikipedia - -


Taoist Tosen Immortal, China


. The Elixir of Life and Immortality .
Sennin no tabemono 仙人の食べ物 Food of the Sennin


National Diet Library 国立国会図書館
本朝神仙記伝. 上之巻
- reference source : -

本朝神仙記伝. 下之巻
- reference source : -


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninglossary #glossarysennin #senninvocabulary -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Heian Period Japan on 3/29/2018 06:00:00 pm

April 19, 2018

DARUMA yaoki senbei


Darums Senbei from Maebashi だるま煎餅 

Gunma Prefecture

Nanakorobi yaoki
seven times down, eight times up
- - - Daruma Lore

八起せんべい Yaoki Senbei


April 16, 2018

MINGEI - pottery Shimane Tottori


Shussai yakimono 出西窯 Shussai pottery
島根県出雲市斐川町出西3368 // 3368 Hikawachō Shussai, Izumo city, Shimane
- reference source : -

Yumachigama 湯町窯 Yumachi kiln / owner 福間琇士
965-1 Tamayucho Yumachi, Matsue, Shimane
- reference source : -

Fujina 布志名

- quote -
布志名焼 Fujina-yaki Fujina ware, pottery
Fujina ware is pottery made in Fujina in the town of Tamayu, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, and is situated near Shinji Lake.
It is said that the pottery began with a man called Funaki Yojibe Muramasa, who started making pottery at Fujina. The clan chief of Matsue, Matsudaira Harusato liked his work and became a patron.
There are many kilns around here and each has its own name. It is collectively called Izumo ware; the place where pottery is prosperous.
In the Showa period, a technique of patterning with cosmetic mud, called 'slip ware', was adopted. It gives an original feel to the pottery.
Most of the works have soft and warm images and consisted of everyday ware with yellow or blue glazes, called Izumo Blue. Now four kilns are at work. They also produce ware in European style, and are constantly creating new designs.
- source : -

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Iwami village 石見

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yakimono 石見焼物 / 石見陶器 Iwami Ware
Iwami ware may not be very well known to Japanese people these days, but every family used to have one at home back in the day when running water was not available. Each family needed a large pot to store water. The Iwami giant pot, called "Hando", was of a size big enough for a child to hide inside. It was very popular, and faced a huge demand from all over Japan. The special ceramic method that Iwami made famous was first introduced to this area from Iwakuni province around Yamagata prefecture in 1763. It had a strong water resistance characteristic because of the type of local clay used and the high temperature of its firing. Thus, it was ideal for making a water pot.

As municipal water systems became more prevalent in the 1950s, storing water became less necessary. Furthermore, the introduction of plastic containers caused a further deterioration of the Iwami wares industry. However, the craft survived by adapting to social changes and catering its pottery to the masses. The most common Iwami pots were for storing pickled vegetables/fruits and miso, because they helped food from being spoiled from acidification and alkalization. Iwami ware was registered as one of the Traditional Crafts of Japan in 1994.

Iwami ware originally came in reddish brown and/or semi-clear blue glazes. However, that eventually changed, and different glazes were introduced as well. Flower vases, tableware, mugs and umbrella stands are also made in the Iwami style, and they all radiate the warm energy of the earth. Recently, local businesses announced a collaboration had begun between the nearby hot spring resort of Arifuku Onsen and Iwami ware makers to showcase a fine dining experience with Iwami-made tableware. This type of project is sure to attract nationwide publicity.
- - - - - 405 I Kakushicho Gotsu-shi Shimane-ken
- source : -


Iwai hot spring 岩井温泉

Iwai Pottery Kiln 岩井窯
- reference source : -


Nakai Pottery Kiln 中井窯
鳥取県鳥取市河原町中井243-5 // 243-5 Kawaharachō Nakai, Tottori town, Tottori
- reference source : -

- quote -
Kurayoshi Pottery Studio 陶芸館
Kurayoshi Pottery Studio is situated in Akagawara 11th Bldg.
One can learn the art of making 打吹焼 Utsubuki pottery through step-by-step hands-on instructions.
- source : -

Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] Tengu matsuri festivals

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Tengu matsuri 天狗祭り Tengu festivals

Shimokita tengu matsuri しもきた天狗まつり - Shimokitazawa, Tokyo

Dontsuku Festival, Inatori City with Tengu lanterns (MS)
Tengu matsuri 天狗まつり - Osaka, Saiko-Ji
Otaru 小樽天狗まつり Hokkaido
Donki 鈍器祭り Toyokawa

- - - collecting

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

................................................................................. Fukui 福井県 

Tengu matsuri 天狗祭 Tengu festival
During a local Tengu festival, someone put a glass of Sake 酒 rice wine on a branch of the tree. And a few days later, the Sake had all gone . . . Tengu like to drink!

美浜町新庄 Mihama Shinjo

- quote -
Hassaku Festival 八朔祭
Hassaku means August 1 according to the lunar calendar.
At the Hassaku Festival of the 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrine located in Shinjo, young men pray for a good harvest and run all over carrying the barrel mikoshi portable shrine and singing the Hassaku Ondo. They then dedicate it to the shrine. Moreover, the main attraction of the festival is the Riot Tengu (a long-nosed goblin).
The Tengu chases after young women and children by showing "the symbol of a man" slightly from his clothes. The symbol is made of wood.
It is said to be the most unusual festival in Fukui Prefecture.
- source : -

午前も午後も天狗が飛び出して暴れまわり、衣の間に木でこしられた長さ50cm、太さ8cmほどの「男のシンボル」をちらつかせながら、見物している女性や、子どもを追っかけまわす、 天狗が持つ男根で突いてもらうと 良い児が生まれて稲の花がつつがなく交配され、今年は豊年万作である」と昔の人たちは考えていたのだと思います。天狗がちらつかせながら女性たちをつつきまわる "男のシンボル"に、今年の豊作の願いをこめているのです。
- reference source : -

. hassaku 八朔 first day of the eighth month .
of the lunar calendar

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 


................................................................................. Ibaraki 茨城県 
笠間市 Kasama

Akutai Matsuri 悪態まつり Akutai festival "cursing festival"
Atago Shrine, 102 Izumi, Kasama

- quote -
Welcome to the annual cursing festival in Ibaraki Prefecture, where young and old are encouraged to verbally abuse 13 monks dressed as tengu (long-nosed goblin). Meanwhile, the people gathered around the tengu have a tug-of-war over what looks like a bamboo mat used to roll sushi with a small prize inside. Whoever manages to pry the mat from the other desperate contestants' hands, according to the Atago shrine, will be lucky in the year to come.
Cursing is welcome here, so spit all that stress out on the last days of the year.
- source : -

................................................................................. Ishikawa 石川県 
白峰村 Shiramine mura (Hakusan)


................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県 

. Sakaide 坂出の天狗まつり Tengu Festival in Sakaide .
centered on Saganbo Tengu, a long-nosed goblin from Mount Shiramine near Sakaide.

Bowls of udon うどん hot wheat noodles with ten no gu (ten kinds of ingredients) are available at every festival site.

................................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県 

. Chichibu 秩父 Tengoo matsuri 天狗祭(テンゴー祭り) Tengo (Tengu) Festival .
原の天狗まつり Hara no Tengu Matsuri

................................................................................. Shimane 島根県 


................................................................................. Tokyo 東京 

Hachioji Tengu Matsuri 八王子天狗祭


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -

- Reference -

国境の芸能と天狗信仰:一 天狗祭り
八木洋行 Yagi Yoko




. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #tengumatsuri #tengufestival #matsuritengu -

Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 3/10/2018 09:20:00 am

April 14, 2018

MINGEI - Oku-Aizu Fukushima baskets


OkuAizu 奥会津 is famous for its kago かご baskets and zaru ざる sieves made from natural materials.
braided craft -

- quote -
Oku-Aizu Amikumi Zaiku 奥会津編み組細工  (Mishima-machi)

Oku-Aizu Amikumi Zaiku", or Oku-Aizu braided craft products, is said to have been started by farmers as a handiwork during the off-season in winter. The daily necessities such as baskets and sieves made with plants of wild vine and silver vine are popular for their simple taste.
610 Kawaitenyabara, Mishima-machi, Onuma-gun, Fukushima
- source : -

- CLICK for more photos !


EDO - Torigoe Torikoe district


Torigoe 鳥越 (とりごえ)Torigoe Ward (Torikoe)
With the sub-districts Torigoe 1 and 2 and Asakusabashi 3 to 5

The name of this district dates back to the Heian period, the village Torigoe mura 鳥越村, and the legend about
. Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro 源八幡太郎義家 / 源義家 .

In the Edo period, after the removal of a small hill the new flat area was called Asakusa Torigoe Cho 浅草鳥越町 in 16435.

- quote -
In this map, the area outlined in red and labeled "頒暦所御用ヤシキ" (Hanrekishogoyouyashiki: Observatory for the Calendar; the lettering is upside-down from this angle) is the Astronomical Observatory in Asakusa constructed in 1782 (2nd year of the Tenmei Era). At first, this observatory was used to compile the Kansei Calendar. Afterwards, the Tenmonkata (Official Astronomer) continued to use it for observations until the fall of the Shogunate.
Torigoe Hill had been located in the northern part of the area shown in this map; and farther north was a pond named Himegaike. But to help ease the land shortage inside of Edo (now Tokyo), the pond was filled in and the hill was flattened. With the hill to the north gone and low lying river banks to the east and the south, this site had clear lines of sight, making it suitable for an observatory. Perhaps that's why it was chosen.
In modern times
when we think of observatories, we envision sites located far from urban areas to optimize the observing conditions. But looking at this map, to the north-west of the observatory is Torigoe Shrine; to the north is Jyusyo Temple; and to the north-east is Saifuku Temple, which is listed on maps of important Edo sites. Turning to the south where the Torigoe River is located, we find Fudasashi Gokaisei Kaisyo (a government accounting office). It can definitely be said that this is an urban area. On the other hand, since the observations don't seem to have suffered due to being located within a city, we can get a sense of how dark the Edo nights must have been. The Astronomical Observatory in Asakusa is also included in Hokusai Katsushika's "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji" under the name Torigoe-no-fuji (Torigoe's Unparalleled [View of Mt. Fuji]).
- source : -

. tenmondai 天文台 The Edo observatory .

. Torikoe Jinja 鳥超神社 / 鳥越神社 Shrine Torikoe Jinja .
also spelled とりごえじんじゃ Torigoe Jinja.
The shrine is the final resting place of the legendary leader 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru no Mikoto. A former prince and ruler in Japan, stories of Yamato Takeru have been told for centuries.
The deity of the shrine was first called Hakuchoo Myoojin 白鳥明神 Hakucho Myojin (Swan Deity).
In the late Heian period, Minamoto no Yoshiie was shown his way through the wetlands by 白い鳥 "white birds" 越 crossing over.
To show his gratitude, Yoshiie venerated 鳥越大明神 Torigoe Daimyojin.
Thus the name Torigoe (birds crossing over) was given to the whole district.

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 (? - 940) .
and his head at shrine Torikoe Jinja 鳥越神社


April 13, 2018

MINGEI nanbu tekki ironworks morioka


Nanbu tekki 南部鉄器 Ironware from Nanbu (Morioka)
casting work, Nambu tekki

- CLICK for more photos !

Initially ironwork production here was dominated by cauldrons, however as the tea ceremony grew in popularity, the iron kettle is said to have been created by making these cauldrons smaller and adding a spout and a handle. Nowadays the ironworkers of this region produce around 35 different products – not only iron kettles but also wind chimes, bottle openers, ashtrays, ornaments, wall hangings and vases.
Nanbu ironware was designated a traditional craft by the Japanese government in 1975.
- source : -


- read : -


MINGEI - Okinawa Yomitan


- quote -
Yomitan Pottery Village (Yachimun No Sato)
This adorable little village is comprised of a series of small houses, kilns and shops that sprawl over a small hill in Yomitan, just north of Kadena Air Base.
... There are about 45 practicing potters and glass artists who work in this little district.
- source : yomitan-pottery-village... -


YAKUSHI legends from Tohoku

Yamagata 山梨県

. Yakushisan, Yakushi San 薬師山 Mount Yakushi .

鶴岡市 Tsuruoka 大広 Daiko

. katame no buna 片目の鮒 crucian carp with one eye .

米沢市 Yonezawa

. Ono no Komachi no rei 小野小町の霊 spirit of Ono no Komachi .
Captain Fukakusa (Fukakusa no Shoushou 深草少将)
- bijo zuka 美女塚 mound of the beauty


4 Kayoi Komachi 通小町.
Captain Fukakusa no Shosho (Fukakusa no Shoushou 深草少将) fell in love with Komachi. She promised to spend a night with him if he slept 100 nights outside her door. The captain braves the elements for 99 nights, marking each night by notch on the carriage shaft bench, but expires on the 100th. The poem reads:
"One hundred times or more, I hear the fluttering of the snipes' wings as I count the lonely hours till dawn when you have not come."
[Akatsuki no/shiji no hanegaki/momohagaki//kimi ga konuyo wa/warezo kazukazu
Typically in painting the captain is visiting Komachi by an oxcart on a snowy night.

- - - - - Yamagata 山形県 / 米沢市 Yonezawa

Ononokomachi no rei 小野小町の霊 spirit of Ono no Komachi
After her affair with Fukasa Komachi fled the capital of Kyoto. She fell very sick. Before she died, she wanted to see her father one more time and walked towart Tohoku.
In the mountains of Yonezawa she collapsed. Yakushi Nyorai took pity on her and let her to the river 小野川 Onogawa and a hot spring. But she died at 塩井 Shioi.
The villagers took pity on her and built a mound with a Jizo Bosatsu hall over her grave.
About 200 years later a mendicant priest read the Sutras at the mound, when the spirit of Komachi appeared and told him that Fukasa was reborn as the son of a dry goods dealer in Yonezawa.
When the man heard this, he fell ill and died soon. He was buried in the West of the mound, now called 美男塚 Binanzuka, "Mound of the beautiful man".
There are other versions of this story.

bijoozuka 美女塚 mound of the beautiful woman (with Jizo Bosatsu)

April 09, 2018

MINGEI - Tsutsumi ningyo Sendai Miyagi

Tsutsumi ningyoo 堤人形 Tsutsumi dolls

This naming has been introduced in the Showa period. Before that they were called
ohinakko, o-hinakko おひなっこ (little Hina dolls).


source :

Tanikaze Kajinosuke 谷風梶之助 from Mutsu 陸奥
A famous Sumo wrestler name.
The second Tanikaze lived from 1750 - 1795. He had won 22 competitions in Edo.

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling toys .


Another famous theme is the

taki nobori, takinobori 滝のぼり climbing up a waterfall
Tsutsumi Mud doll - Koinobori Carp s climb in waterfall

. koi 鯉 carp dolls and amulets .


達磨担ぎお福 Two O-Fuku carrying Daruma san
This is a special auspicious combination.

. Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku お多福 .

- More Tsutsumi dolls on this page:
- reference source : 堤人形 -
一人舞 // 熊抱え金時 // 敦盛
天神 // 内裏雛 // 獅子頭持ち // 太鼓打ち唐子
三番叟 // 花魁 // 子守 // 子連れ

獅子頭持ち boy with lion-head mask


April 07, 2018

Fwd: [Kappa - The Kappapedia] Hakusanbo

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Hakusanboo 白山坊 Hakusan-Bo, Hakusanbo
The Priest from Hakusan

Hakusan (Shirayama) 白山 "White Mountain", Mount Haku

. Shirayama Hongu Shrine 白山本宮 Ishikawa .
- Introduction -
There are many Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan.
白山寺 Hakusan-ji Temple

CLICK for more photos !

Taichoo, Taichō 泰澄上人 Saint Taicho Shonin
Taicho-Daishi 泰澄大師 Taicho Daishi (682 ?683 - 767)
Etsu no Daitoku 越の大徳 - Great Man of Virtue from Etsu
Unpen Shoonin 雲遍上人 Saint Unpen Shonin
Shiramine Daisoojo 天狗 白峰大僧正 Tengu Shiramine Daisojo

He was a teacher of Buddhism and later became a Tengu at Mount Hakusan.
He was the second son of the samurai family of Mikami no Yasuzumi 三神安角(みかみのやすずみ)and became a monk at age 14.

He practised austerities at 愛宕山 Mount Atago together with En no Gyoja 役小角 En no Ozunu, where they met three Tengu and got special teachings and training.
While they were at the mountain, a strong rain hindered their meditation and they prayed for help.
Suddenly three Great Tengu 大天狗 appeared, Nichiryo from India 天竺(インド)の日良, Zegai from China 唐の善界 and Tarobo from Japan 日本の太郎坊.
"We have protected the Buddhist Law for more than 2000 years and helped the people who lived there."
Then they disappeared.
Taicho declared the huge sugi cedar tree 杉 where this happened「清滝四所明神」Kiyotaki Shisho Myojin and on orders from the Court built a mausoleum for the emperor where the Deity 愛宕大権現 Atago Gongen was venerated, now 白雲寺 Hakuun-Ji(愛宕神社 Atago Jinja).
(This legend became popular in the Edo period.
And thus 愛宕山太郎坊 Tarobo from Mount Atago became the Boss of all Japanese Tengu.)

. Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 The Atago shrines of Japan .
Mount Atago 愛宕山, Kameoka, Kyoto.

Priest Taicho kept on travelling. In 117年 he climbed mount Hakusan in Echizen province and enshrined a "super Bosatsu" :
Myoori Daibosatsu 妙理大菩薩 The Godess Myori Daibosatsu.

In 717, the great Buddhist monk and teacher, Taicho Daishi, guided by a woodcutter Gongoro Sasakiri, climbed high up Mount Hakusan, an isolated sacred mountain, in order to meditate.
One night,
while Taicho was sleeping after beginning his rigorous regime of spiritual exercises, the guardian deity of Mount Hakusan appeared to him in a dream and said:
'Lying about twenty-three kilometers from the foot of the mountain is a village called Awazu. There you will find an underground spring of hot water with wondrous, curative powers, which have been bestowed upon it by Yakushi Nyorai, the Divine Healer. However, the villagers are unaware of this blessing. Go down from the mountain and go to Awazu. With the people of the village, unearth the hot spring and it will serve them forever.'"


- quote -
Hooshi Ryookan 法師旅館 Ryokan Hotel Hoshi
石川県小松市粟津温泉 Ishikawa, Komatsu, Awazu Onsen
The roots of (Hooshi) Hoshi, the most ancient inn all over the world are truly divine. According to legend in 717 a noted monk Taicho hiked high up Mt Hakusan, a saint and isolated mountain. While Taicho was asleep one night after starting his rigid training exercises, the God of Hakusan turned up while sleeping.

He ordered him to go to a village known as Awazu as there was an underground hot spring with wondrous powers. The people of the village did not know of the good fortune. After dreaming Taicho made his way down to the village and uncovered the gem laying underneath the earth's surface. Afterwards the priest requested his disciple to build and operate a spa at the site.

Generation after generation, Hoshi proprietors got the name 善吾楼 Zengoro Hoshi. The first Zengoro guided Taicho Daishi to the top of Mt. Hakusan. Quite a few people undergoing illnesses visited the spa built. People started making donations. He then used the money to expand the services he offered.
- reference source : -

- quote -
Kippoji Temple 吉峰寺 
It is believed that this temple was established by Taicho Daishi (the great teacher). Dogen Zenji stayed at this Dojo (Buddhist's training school) from the start of his days in the Echizen province. ...
... there is also 'Kaizan Zazen Ishi' which is a rock where it is said that Dogen sat in Zen meditation. Next to it is a spring flowing from Mt. Hakusan.

Yoshinogatake - Zaosan
This mountain is one of top 5 mountains in Echizen. Many holy and miraculous spots are found there, such as 'Zao Gongendo' that Taicho Daishi is said to have enshrined. Ruins of an accommodation for the people who were training on the mountain during the Heian period can be found here, along with the holy spring called 'Akamizu', which mountain ascetics in training offered to the gods and Buddha.
- source : -

- quote -
Power of Water: Mt. Haku
Height: 2702.14m
Location: Gifu, Fukui and Ishikawa prefectures
Mt. Haku was first scaled in 717 by Shintoist Taicho, and has since then attracted many worshippers.
- source :  -


- quote
北陸白山御前峰の天狗 - 白峰大僧正
The Tengu Shiramine Daisoojo 白峰大僧正 Shiramine Daisojo

- source : Toyota Toki とよた 時 / 画房【とよだ 時】 Toyoda Toki

The "White Mountain" has three important peaks
Gozenpō 御前峰 Gozenpo (2,702 meters), Ōnanjimine 大汝峰 Onanjimine (2,684 meters) and 剣ヶ峰 Kengamine (2,677 meters). A bit further away is 別山 Mount Bessan.
Taicho climbed the moutani with a disciple and eventually became
白峰大僧正という天狗 the Great Tengu Priest of Shiramine.


- quote -
- - - 役小角と泰澄が太郎坊と出会う天狗伝説
- reference source : -

- reference - 白山坊 -
- reference - Hakusanbo -


- quote -
Hakusanbo is a white fox Yokai !
妖怪キツネ白山坊 Yokai Kitsune Hakusanbo
by Mizuki Shigeru

An old white fox of more than 100 years, appears in the movie ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 Gegege no Kitaro
The origin dates back to the Edo period collection of Yokai
絵本百物語 Ehon Hyaku Monogatari.

CLICK for more photos !

白山坊 ビバ! お化け屋敷

- reference source : wikipedia -

source : Stan on facebook


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

higa tonde Taichoo gyooretsu hajimareki

a fire moth flies along -
the procession of Taicho
is now beginning

Tr. Gabi Greve

田上さき子 Tagami Sakiko

. hi ga 火蛾 "fire moth" .
- kigo for all summer -

白峰のかんこ踊り Kanko Odori

During the Hakusan Matsuri festival in July:
The procession is in memory of Taicho coming down from the mountain. Taicho is represented by a man age 36, the same as Taicho at that time.
There are yamabushi 山伏 mountain priests blowing the horagai ほら貝 conch and young boys holding torches.
When the procession reaches the center of the village,
they stop and perform the kanko odori かんこ踊り Kanko dance.

kanko odori かんこ踊 Kanko dance, in honor of Taicho coming down from the mountain.
Once upon a time
a man saw smoke coming from the side of the mountain. When he went there, he found a priest and two companions. The priest said his name was Taicho and asked the man to lead him to the village.
The villagers thought the deity of Mount Hakusan had come down from the mountain and performed a welcoming dance for the group.
kanko 神迎(かんこ)踊 means "welcoming the deity".


Taichoo no hirakitaru yu ni toshi wasure

to the hot spring
opened by Taicho -
end of the year

新田祐久 Nitta Sukehisa


. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals and Hermits .

. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Taicho is number 07 泰澄大徳 Taicho Daitoku (682 - 767)


................................................................................. Fukui 福井県 
大野市 Ono city 五箇村 Goka mura

daija 大蛇 huge serpent

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 

上保村 Kamiho

tsue 杖 walking staff of a priest
At the temple 専龍寺 Senryu-Ji in Kamiho village there is a cherry tree which grew out of the walking staff of Taicho.
It is now called 泰澄桜 Taicho Sakura.

................................................................................. Ishikawa 石川県 

kongoo tsue 金剛杖 walking staff of a priest
Near the village 尾添 Ozo, there is kongoozue hinoki 金剛杖桧 a cypress tree that has grown out of the walking staff from Taicho.

Ishikawa, 輪島市 Wajima

kani 蟹,daija大蛇

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県 
柏崎市 Kashiwasaki

hachi 鉢 begging bowl of a priest
As a monk, Taicho practised 飛鉢法 the art of a flying begging bowl.
He sent the bowl to 神戸清定 Kobe Kiyosada and took away his 年貢米 annual tax rice.

................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県 

Temple 鶏足寺 Temple Keisoku-Ji "Temple dedicated to the legs of a chicken"
あの東大寺の建立にも功績のあった行基(ぎょうき 668?749年)と、泰澄(たいちょう 682?767年)というお坊さんが、
- reference source : -

................................................................................. Toyama 富山県 

東砺波郡 Higashi-Tonami district 城端町 Johana

amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals
The pond 縄が池 Nawagaike is used for rain rituals.
Once upon a time Taicho had bound and confined a serpent which had harmed the villagers.
The serpent turned into this pone.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #hakusanbo #taicho -



Posted By Gabi Greve to Kappa - The Kappapedia on 9/02/2016 10:00:00 am