April 09, 2018

MINGEI - Tsutsumi ningyo Sendai Miyagi


Tsutsumi ningyoo 堤人形 Tsutsumi dolls

This naming has been introduced in the Showa period. Before that they were called
ohinakko, o-hinakko おひなっこ (little Hina dolls).


source : folkcraft.samurai47.com

Tanikaze Kajinosuke 谷風梶之助 from Mutsu 陸奥
A famous Sumo wrestler name.
The second Tanikaze lived from 1750 - 1795. He had won 22 competitions in Edo.

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling toys .


Another famous theme is the

taki nobori, takinobori 滝のぼり climbing up a waterfall
Tsutsumi Mud doll - Koinobori Carp s climb in waterfall

. koi 鯉 carp dolls and amulets .


達磨担ぎお福 Two O-Fuku carrying Daruma san
This is a special auspicious combination.

. Otafuku, O-Tafuku, O-Fuku お多福 .

- More Tsutsumi dolls on this page:
- reference source : 堤人形 www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou... -
一人舞 // 熊抱え金時 // 敦盛
天神 // 内裏雛 // 獅子頭持ち // 太鼓打ち唐子
三番叟 // 花魁 // 子守 // 子連れ

獅子頭持ち boy with lion-head mask


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