February 18, 2022

EDO - Yaho no Tenjin


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Yaho Tenjin-no-yashiro 谷保天神社
Kunitachi was named for its location, situated between Kokubun-ji and Tachikawa.
In the Edo period, this area was called Yaho or Yabo.
It is said that Yaho Tenjin Shrine is the oldest Tenmangū (= Tenjin) in Eastern Japan
and also known as one of the 3 greatest Tenjin in the Kanto Region, along with Kameido and Yushima Tenmangū.
In Japanese, an extremely boorish person is called 野暮天 "yaboten"
and this is also famous as a shrine which this word comes from.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -


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