February 07, 2022

EDO - tezuma wazuma magicien

tezuma wazuma magician

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Craftsmen of Edo .

tezumazukai 手妻使い, wazumazukai 和妻使い traditional magician

「手を稲妻の如く素早く動かす」 - te o inazuma no gotoku subayaku ugokasu
To move the hands (te) as fast as a flash of lightning (inazuma)
- quote
"Edo Tezuma" is a traditional form of Japanese magic from the Edo Period, with very few practitioners in this day and age. We were very lucky to speak to a rare practitioner of Tezuma magic, who along with his master Shintaro Fujiyama, is a resident of Suginami, Tokyo.
Taijyu Fujiyama has gone from Suginami to all around the world thanks to his magic, catching attention of people worldwide, even "Penn & Teller" in the U.S.
We spoke to Taijyu to find out more about his adventures in the world of Tezuma, and from Tezuma to the world. Our interview with Taiyu is translated into English here.
- Could you give a brief explanation about what makes it different from other magic?
- Taijyu Fujiyama:
"Tezuma" is magic conducted in Japanese style, where components of traditional dance and other classic arts are preserved in the performance. There are two important characteristics of this in Tezuma, those being "kata" and "mitate". These concepts are common among many Japanese performing arts.
"Kata" are the poses that you can often see in Kabuki and such; established movements or routines. No matter how we move, if we strike a pose the movement becomes more refined, and furthermore we can express a character. These movements help to achieve these aims.
"Mitate" is the expression of using one thing to represent another. This is common in traditional Japanese dance, for example, such as when a sensu folding fan would be used to express various things like a flute or a sword.
- source : experience-suginami.tokyo ...


- source : dd-g.jp/wp/archives ... -


- source : musician-navi.net ... -


江戸時代の女手品師 a female magician of the Edo period
- source : edo-g.com/blog ... -


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. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #tezuma #wazuma #magician #streetperformance - - - -

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