October 02, 2021

EDO - Kesagake no Matsu


- quote -
千束の池袈裟懸松 Kesagake-no-Matsu at Senzoku-Ike Pond

The name of the Senzoku-Ike Pond comes from a legend where The Venerable Nichiren stopped
and washed his feet to heel fatigue out of travelling on the way from Kuon-ji Temple on Mt. Minobu to Ibaraki for medical treatment.
The pine tree onto which he hung his Kesa 袈裟 (Buddhist monk's robe) after taking it off at such a moment is the "Kesagake-no-Matsu".
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
. Nichiren, Saint Nichiren 日蓮 (1222 – 1282).


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