- BACK to the Daruma Museum -
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū / Ise Grand Shrine in Mie .
and related kigo season words.
. Ise Mairi, O-Ise-Mairi 伊勢参り Ise Shrine Pilgrimage .
Ise kagura dance 伊勢神楽 is found in Kyoto and in the North and involves a ceromony known as yutate in which warm or boiling water is sprinkled about.
. Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 Highway to Ise .
. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima .
. kamigaki 神垣 fence of a shrine .
. shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道 .
pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places
List of the 150 shrines and temples in the Kinki region, starting with Ise Shrine
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
Hinoki wood chopsticks from Ise Shrine
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. The flames of the fire at 伊勢の神島 Kami Island .
......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
. Ari no Ise Mairi 蟻の伊勢参り Ise pilgrims like ants .
......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibigawa district
. A fir tree called お伊勢さん O-Ise San - and Tengu .
......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town
. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
小豆郡 Shozu district 内海町 Utsumicho town
. daidai kagura ダイダイ神楽 Dai Dai Kagura .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
. 伊勢神母大明神(アマテル神) and Yama no Kami .
oigesama お神母様 O-Ige Sama
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
. 京都二条川東寺町本正寺 and Jizo . - tr.
......................................................................................... Mie 三重県 - Home of the Grand Ise Shrine
. eki-ki 疫鬼 demon bringing dieseases .
. Ise no Futami 伊勢の二見 / Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社 .
. Ise no Kyogamine 伊勢の経ケ峯 Mountain .
14 to explore
. Kawarabuchi Jinja 河原淵神社 Shrine Kawarabuchi .
.Kita-Ise Daijingu - 北伊勢大神宮 .
and Tado Jinja 多度神社 in Kuwana
. mitarashi 御手洗 purification of hands .
. Ujiyamada - Ise city 伊勢市, formerly called Ujiyamada 宇治山田 .
Mie 松坂市 Matsuzaka city
. Ise no Oishi 伊勢の大石 .
and the oogon no niwatori 黄金の霊鶏 the golden rooster
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise and majin 魔神 the devil .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
06 伊勢参宮
17 伊勢参り
09 伊勢国
06 伊勢物語
123 伊勢民俗 collection 123
14 伊勢崎市 Isesaki city in Gunma is not included.
- - - next is Sakaki
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -

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- #ise #isejingu #isemairi #isetaisha #oisesama -
Ise Shrine legends
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū / Ise Grand Shrine in Mie .
and related kigo season words.
. Ise Mairi, O-Ise-Mairi 伊勢参り Ise Shrine Pilgrimage .
Ise kagura dance 伊勢神楽 is found in Kyoto and in the North and involves a ceromony known as yutate in which warm or boiling water is sprinkled about.
. Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 Highway to Ise .
. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 と伝説 Legends about Ise-Shima .
. kamigaki 神垣 fence of a shrine .
. shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道 .
pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places
List of the 150 shrines and temples in the Kinki region, starting with Ise Shrine
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
Hinoki wood chopsticks from Ise Shrine
- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :
......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita
. The flames of the fire at 伊勢の神島 Kami Island .
......................................................................................... Akita 秋田県
. Ari no Ise Mairi 蟻の伊勢参り Ise pilgrims like ants .
......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibigawa district
. A fir tree called お伊勢さん O-Ise San - and Tengu .
......................................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town
. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
......................................................................................... Kagawa 香川県
小豆郡 Shozu district 内海町 Utsumicho town
. daidai kagura ダイダイ神楽 Dai Dai Kagura .
......................................................................................... Kochi 高知県
. 伊勢神母大明神(アマテル神) and Yama no Kami .
oigesama お神母様 O-Ige Sama
......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都
. 京都二条川東寺町本正寺 and Jizo . - tr.
......................................................................................... Mie 三重県 - Home of the Grand Ise Shrine
. eki-ki 疫鬼 demon bringing dieseases .
. Ise no Futami 伊勢の二見 / Futami Okitama Jinja 二見興玉神社 .
. Ise no Kyogamine 伊勢の経ケ峯 Mountain .
14 to explore
. Kawarabuchi Jinja 河原淵神社 Shrine Kawarabuchi .
.Kita-Ise Daijingu - 北伊勢大神宮 .
and Tado Jinja 多度神社 in Kuwana
. mitarashi 御手洗 purification of hands .
. Ujiyamada - Ise city 伊勢市, formerly called Ujiyamada 宇治山田 .
Mie 松坂市 Matsuzaka city
. Ise no Oishi 伊勢の大石 .
and the oogon no niwatori 黄金の霊鶏 the golden rooster
......................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
. O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise and majin 魔神 the devil .
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
06 伊勢参宮
17 伊勢参り
09 伊勢国
06 伊勢物語
123 伊勢民俗 collection 123
14 伊勢崎市 Isesaki city in Gunma is not included.
- - - next is Sakaki
. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .
. animals and their legends 動物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. plants and their legends 植物と伝説 - - ABC list .
. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .
. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .
. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .
- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -
. Join the friends on Facebook ! .
- #ise #isejingu #isemairi #isetaisha #oisesama -
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