. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
His messenger is the kujira 鯨 whale.
........................................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道
nishin 鰊,kane no oto 鐘の音
........................................................................................... Mie 三重県
伊勢志摩 Ise Shima
Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine
1 Daiocho Nakiri, Shima, Mie / 志摩市大王町波切1番地
This shrine is located in the 志摩郡 Shima district in the village of 大王町 Daio.
In its compound there are special stones.
kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"
which is said to have been found in the stomach of a whale.
Shofukuji 正福寺 Temple Shofuku-Ji
The history of the Shima region is recorded in 志州天朗峰福寺縁起, kept at the temple Shofuku-Ji.
Once a statue of 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces came riding on kujira 鯨魚 a whale.
She became the portector deity of fishermen and sailors.
source : iseshima-kanko...
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara - ABC List .
........................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
唐桑町 Karakuwacho 気仙沼 Kesennuma
. sappasen 早波舟 / さっぱ船 Sappa fishing boats .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by a large whale fish and brought to this shore safely. Now small boats are made as amulets for safe fishing.
Many have a flag in the center as amulat for tairyoo 大漁 a "big catch" .
........................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
日南市 Nichinan city
A pregnant kujira 鯨 whale had been swept on the beach.
The villagers held a special kuyoo 供養 memorial service for the animals, buried the baby whale in the compound and placed sekihi 石碑 a memorial stone on it.
........................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡 Sado island
In 1661, a solitary kujira 鯨 whale had been landed all alive and this was seen as an auspicious omen for the gold and silver mines of Sado.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
77 鯨 to collect (05)

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
His messenger is the kujira 鯨 whale.
........................................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道
nishin 鰊,kane no oto 鐘の音
........................................................................................... Mie 三重県
伊勢志摩 Ise Shima
Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine
1 Daiocho Nakiri, Shima, Mie / 志摩市大王町波切1番地
This shrine is located in the 志摩郡 Shima district in the village of 大王町 Daio.
In its compound there are special stones.
kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"
which is said to have been found in the stomach of a whale.
Shofukuji 正福寺 Temple Shofuku-Ji
The history of the Shima region is recorded in 志州天朗峰福寺縁起, kept at the temple Shofuku-Ji.
Once a statue of 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces came riding on kujira 鯨魚 a whale.
She became the portector deity of fishermen and sailors.
source : iseshima-kanko...
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara - ABC List .
........................................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
唐桑町 Karakuwacho 気仙沼 Kesennuma
. sappasen 早波舟 / さっぱ船 Sappa fishing boats .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by a large whale fish and brought to this shore safely. Now small boats are made as amulets for safe fishing.
Many have a flag in the center as amulat for tairyoo 大漁 a "big catch" .
........................................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県
日南市 Nichinan city
A pregnant kujira 鯨 whale had been swept on the beach.
The villagers held a special kuyoo 供養 memorial service for the animals, buried the baby whale in the compound and placed sekihi 石碑 a memorial stone on it.
........................................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
佐渡 Sado island
In 1661, a solitary kujira 鯨 whale had been landed all alive and this was seen as an auspicious omen for the gold and silver mines of Sado.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
77 鯨 to collect (05)
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