August 27, 2020

HEIAN - tagori coughing legends

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
今治市 Imabara 玉川町 Tamagawa

. kotatsu heater and day of the Inoko 亥の子 wild boar .

Ehime 西条市 Saijo city 千町 Sencho town

. Tagori no kami タゴリの神 .
and o-sai no ki san おさいのきさん honorable tree at the border

Ehime 伊予郡 Io district 砥部町 Tobe town

. Sai no Kami 幸神 / 幸の神 / さいの神 Deity of Fortune and Good Luck .
When Sai no Kami was sleeping by the roadside, one of his legs was cut off by a car and he had to live with one leg only.
Therefore as an offering for the New Year and 盆 O-Bon for the ancestors people make only one zoori 草履 straw sandal.
Sai no Kami is also seen as 風邪の神 Kaze no Kami.

Ehime 新居浜市 Niihama city // タゴリ

There is a public sanctuary dedicated to the deity where prayers help healing coughing.

Ehime 四国中央市 Shikoku Chuo city // タゴリ

鎌倉市太郎 Kamakura Ichitaro was suffering from tagori タゴリ coughing.
In his dream the wild deity Aragamisama and told him to paint a picture of niwatori 鶏 a rooster to venerate. He did as told and was soon healed.
He dedicated a banner to the deity. Members of the Kamakura family never eat chicken and most of the villagers do not do it either.

. Aragamisama, Koojinsama, Koojin sama 荒神様 "wild deity" .

Ehime 宇摩郡 Uma district 土居町 Doi town // タゴリ

. Fuujin 風神 Fujin - Kaze no Kami 風の神 Wind God Legends .
Near the bridge 河内橋 Kawachibashi there is a huge boulder with a stone sanctuary.
Once the villagers brought fuujin 風神 the Wind God from the village up here to venerate.
The deity helped calm down the local 山神 Yamanokami and also helped heal タゴリ coughing.

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .

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