. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Iwate 岩手県 和賀郡 Waga district 東和町 Towa town
. kitsune きつね fox and 藁細工の職人 making things of straw .
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Rokuhei iwa 六兵衛岩 Rokubei Rock
The beautiful young Rokubei went to お伊勢参り a pilgrimage to Ise.
He took the ferry boat, but his kasa 笠 strawhat fell into the river. When he came home from the pilgrimage, he fell ill and was about to die. The ill Rokubei got up, went out and hid in the cave of a rock, where he became known as the "Rokubei Rock".
The 竜宮の姫 princess from the Dragon Palace had liked him a lot and called him to her quarters.

Kochi 高知県 幡多郡 Hata district 三原町 Mihara town
Nakahira Sobei no borei 中平宗兵衛の亡霊 The ghost of Nakahira Sobei
The righteous Sobei was beheaded by the local official, but his spirit jumped on a ferry boat and only his voice was heard.
This spirit went to his parent's home and obtained three meals. His head showed up in a dream of his father.
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Nara 奈良県 吉野町 Yoshino town
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
There was a ferry boat moved by pulling a rope over the river. A fermer pulled strongly and thought he heard a voice, but when he got out, there was nobody.
He might have been bewitched by a Tanuki ...
Niigata 新潟県 五泉市 Gosen city
higan sama 彼岸様 Honorable Equinox person
At the end of the equinox, the spirit of dead person is going back, Relatives make offerings of dumplings for the river crossing at Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川の渡し the river to the Other World.
For lunch they prepare うどん Udon noodles and sent the spirit off early.
. higan 彼岸 equinox .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Iwate 岩手県 和賀郡 Waga district 東和町 Towa town
. kitsune きつね fox and 藁細工の職人 making things of straw .
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Rokuhei iwa 六兵衛岩 Rokubei Rock
The beautiful young Rokubei went to お伊勢参り a pilgrimage to Ise.
He took the ferry boat, but his kasa 笠 strawhat fell into the river. When he came home from the pilgrimage, he fell ill and was about to die. The ill Rokubei got up, went out and hid in the cave of a rock, where he became known as the "Rokubei Rock".
The 竜宮の姫 princess from the Dragon Palace had liked him a lot and called him to her quarters.

Kochi 高知県 幡多郡 Hata district 三原町 Mihara town
Nakahira Sobei no borei 中平宗兵衛の亡霊 The ghost of Nakahira Sobei
The righteous Sobei was beheaded by the local official, but his spirit jumped on a ferry boat and only his voice was heard.
This spirit went to his parent's home and obtained three meals. His head showed up in a dream of his father.
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Nara 奈良県 吉野町 Yoshino town
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
There was a ferry boat moved by pulling a rope over the river. A fermer pulled strongly and thought he heard a voice, but when he got out, there was nobody.
He might have been bewitched by a Tanuki ...
Niigata 新潟県 五泉市 Gosen city
higan sama 彼岸様 Honorable Equinox person
At the end of the equinox, the spirit of dead person is going back, Relatives make offerings of dumplings for the river crossing at Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川の渡し the river to the Other World.
For lunch they prepare うどん Udon noodles and sent the spirit off early.
. higan 彼岸 equinox .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
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