July 29, 2020

EDO - shokunin additions 02



source : edoichiba.jp. jyuzu

juzu shokunin 珠数職人 craftsman making rosaries
juzuya 珠数屋 shop selling rosaries

Many shops were 浅草本願寺、浅草観音前 around the Asakusa Kannon temple.
The material used was mukuroji 無患子(むくろじ) soapberry fruit, suisho 水晶 chrystals, shinju 真珠 pearls or sango 珊瑚 corals.

juzu 数珠,. some pronounce it ずず zuzu.


source : edoichiba.jp.bekkou...

bekkoo shokunin 鼈甲職人 craftsman making tortoiseshell items



kushishi, kushi shi 櫛師 comb maker
kushi shokunin 櫛職人 craftsman making combs

source : edoichiba.jp.kusi...

They made decorative combs for the ladies to beautify their coiffure.
Since the ladies did not wash their hair as often as it is done now, they had to make use of comps regularly.



source : edoichiba.jp.sibaidougu...

shibai doogu kata 芝居道具方 craftsman making tools for a performance
Making large stage items like mountains and rivers, buildings from wood -大道具方
Making small items for the performers, like swords - 小道具方


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