In Edo, the 伊阿弥 / 藺阿弥 Iami family was appointed by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The family business dated back to the Muromachi period.
藺阿弥 also grew igusa rush material. The family name Iami was given by 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga.
The tatami maker family later served under Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
- reference source : tatami-tatami.cocolog-nifty... -
. Tatamicho, Tatamichō, Tatamimachi 畳町
Tatami district in Edo .
tatamiya 畳屋 - 畳職人 tatami maker
source : tatami...

. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 Shokunin .
. igusa 藺 (い) rush, Binse .
Juncus effusus
. Igusamura, Igusa mura 井草村 Igusa village .
Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward . from the first to the 5th sub-district
Kami-Igusa, Shimo-Igusa - Edo
Brocade edges for tatami mats - put to good use:
. Purses from 畳の縁 tatami heri border brocade .
In Edo, the 伊阿弥 / 藺阿弥 Iami family was appointed by Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The family business dated back to the Muromachi period.
藺阿弥 also grew igusa rush material. The family name Iami was given by 織田信長 Oda Nobunaga.
The tatami maker family later served under Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
- reference source : tatami-tatami.cocolog-nifty... -
. Tatamicho, Tatamichō, Tatamimachi 畳町
Tatami district in Edo .
tatamiya 畳屋 - 畳職人 tatami maker

source : tatami...

. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 Shokunin .
. igusa 藺 (い) rush, Binse .
Juncus effusus
. Igusamura, Igusa mura 井草村 Igusa village .
Suginami 杉並区 Suginami ward . from the first to the 5th sub-district
Kami-Igusa, Shimo-Igusa - Edo
Brocade edges for tatami mats - put to good use:
. Purses from 畳の縁 tatami heri border brocade .
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