May 25, 2020

KAPPA - Teijin Yokai

Amabie and Epidemics

- Yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - - ABC-Index -
teijin 氐人 , see below

Amabie アマビエ
- quote -
Amabie (アマビエ)
is a legendary Japanese mermaid who allegedly emerges from the sea and prophesies either an abundant harvest or an epidemic. There are other mermaids and mermen known by other names but considered identical.
The male amabiko (アマビコ, 天日子) or amahiko (尼彦, あま彦, 天彦),
the amahiko-nyūdo (尼彦入道), and
the elusive arie (アリエ)..

CLICK for more photos ! wikipedia


Teijin 氐人【テイジン】dī rén
A Yokai monster from China.
A kind of merman, half fish half male human.

- reference source : chinki-note.blogspot... -


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