........................................................................................ Iwadeyama Kaido 岩出山街道

Iwadeyama is a town located in Tamatsukuri District,
On March 31, 2006, Iwadeyama, along with the city of Furukawa, the town of Naruko (also from Tamatsukuri District), the towns of Kashimadai, Matsuyama and Sanbongi (all from Shida District), and the town of Tajiri (from Tōda District), was merged to create the city of Ōsaki. Tamatsukuri District and Shida District
天正19年(1591年) - 伊達政宗が米沢城から本拠を移し、地名を岩手沢から岩出山に改める。
慶長8年(1603年) - 政宗が仙台城へ移ると、政宗の四男・宗泰が岩出山城主となり、以後幕末に至るまで宗泰の家系が岩出山を治める(岩出山伊達氏)。
- wikipedia
新八明神 Deity Shinpachi Myojin
Shinpachi was the second son of a farmer working for the Samurai 白石運三郎 Shiroishi Unsaburo. He worked diligently.
The wife of his older brother was quite a villain and was bad to her stepfather.
Around 1815, his sister-in-law prepared 大師講の団子 dumplings for the Daishi rituals and put some needles in them.
When Shinpachi offered a dumpling to his father, the needle stuck out. The sister-in-law went to the daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor and accused Shinpachi for having tried to kill his father. Shinpachi tried to cover for his sister-in-law, did not tell the truth and was executed as punishment.
Before he died he said: "If my head falls to the north when cut off, I am innocent and will curse you!"
Soon after that the family of Shinpachi fell into ruin.
The villagers erected a memorial stone for him along the Iwadeyama Highway near the river 花川 Hanakawa with the inscription "Shinpachi Myojin".

陸奥上街道 Mutsu Kami-Kaido
One of the 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido Highways.
Connecting 岩手県 Iwate prefecture
Ichinoseki 一関
with 宮城県 Miyagi prefecture
Kurikoma 栗駒 (栗原市 Kurihara city)
Masaka 真坂
Iwadeyama 岩出山 (大崎市 Osaki city)
. 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho visiting Iwadeyama .
........................................................................................ Iwadeyama Kaido 岩出山街道

Iwadeyama is a town located in Tamatsukuri District,
On March 31, 2006, Iwadeyama, along with the city of Furukawa, the town of Naruko (also from Tamatsukuri District), the towns of Kashimadai, Matsuyama and Sanbongi (all from Shida District), and the town of Tajiri (from Tōda District), was merged to create the city of Ōsaki. Tamatsukuri District and Shida District
天正19年(1591年) - 伊達政宗が米沢城から本拠を移し、地名を岩手沢から岩出山に改める。
慶長8年(1603年) - 政宗が仙台城へ移ると、政宗の四男・宗泰が岩出山城主となり、以後幕末に至るまで宗泰の家系が岩出山を治める(岩出山伊達氏)。
- wikipedia
新八明神 Deity Shinpachi Myojin
Shinpachi was the second son of a farmer working for the Samurai 白石運三郎 Shiroishi Unsaburo. He worked diligently.
The wife of his older brother was quite a villain and was bad to her stepfather.
Around 1815, his sister-in-law prepared 大師講の団子 dumplings for the Daishi rituals and put some needles in them.
When Shinpachi offered a dumpling to his father, the needle stuck out. The sister-in-law went to the daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor and accused Shinpachi for having tried to kill his father. Shinpachi tried to cover for his sister-in-law, did not tell the truth and was executed as punishment.
Before he died he said: "If my head falls to the north when cut off, I am innocent and will curse you!"
Soon after that the family of Shinpachi fell into ruin.
The villagers erected a memorial stone for him along the Iwadeyama Highway near the river 花川 Hanakawa with the inscription "Shinpachi Myojin".
陸奥上街道 Mutsu Kami-Kaido
One of the 奥州街道 Oshu Kaido Highways.
Connecting 岩手県 Iwate prefecture
Ichinoseki 一関
with 宮城県 Miyagi prefecture
Kurikoma 栗駒 (栗原市 Kurihara city)
Masaka 真坂
Iwadeyama 岩出山 (大崎市 Osaki city)
. 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho visiting Iwadeyama .
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