. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Yabugami 藪神 / ヤブガミ Kami of the thicket,
Kami of the bamboo grove
In Niigata, Uonuma is a train station called
藪神駅(やぶかみえき)Yabukami no eki.
There is also a dam called
薮神ダム Yabukami Dam.

............................................................................ Oita 大分県
川崎村 Kawasaki village
Many homes venerate their very own
. yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" .
Jiguroo sama ジグロー様 Jiguro Sama
In the town of 鎮西町 Chinzeimachi the family 坂口家 Sakaguchi venerates Jiguro Sama.
When they built their house in 1865, they did not know about Jiguro sama and were reprimanded.
So they begun to venerate Jiguro Sama, the local Yabugami, as their "estate deity".
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Koichirogami 小一郎神 Koichiro no Kami
He is a kind of yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" in Northern Kyushu.
Before he was venerated as Yabugami, many people in the village were very ill.
There is also a forest for him, 小一郎森 Koichiro Mori.
Once the home of an ishiku 石工 stone mason was hit by a fire, but there was no reason for a fire to break out in the first place and no strong wind either. So he had a divination about his fate. He had often taken stones ouf of the Koichiro Moir and the deity was angry. He had promised to have a 神楽 Kagura performance for the Deity but forgotten to keep his promise, so his home burned down
- and
- at 大神村 the village Ogamura
The 佐藤家f Sato family venerated Koichirogami in their estate forest.
In November they held a festival in his honor and prayed to all the deities in the region.
Koichiro Jinja 小一郎神社 Koichiro Shinto Shrine
a famous place in Sada 佐田の名所

A deity to ward off evil and disaster, also to help with birth.
The person named Koichiro of this shrine seems to be the Samurai 新田小一郎義氏 Niida Koichiro (新田義氏 Niida Yoshiuji) of the castle 馬ヶ岳城 Umagatake Jo (present day 福岡県行橋市津積馬ヶ岳).
参考:小一郎信仰とは The belief in Koichiro
Most common at 国東半島 Kunisaki peninsula until South to Fukuoka and a few in Kumamoto.
Sometimes venerated as a stone monument with the name. Often in a forest 小一郎森 Koichiro Mori, where people are not allowed to cut trees.
These places are often in a thicked (yabu).
The spelling can be 小一郎、小市郎、今日霊、古市老、魂市郎、濃血霊、千人霊 ...
- reference source : -
............................................................................ Saga 佐賀県
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town
A grave where the dead person is not known is called
yabu-baka 藪墓 (yabu no haka) grave in the thicket.
People who get a high fever or hurting legs and lower back pain are maybe cursed by Yabugami.
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Kishidake, Kishitake 岸岳 Mount Kishidake
There was a family which venerated Yabugami, but not as a Shinto deity but a Buddhist protector.
If they cut a tree or bamboo in his sacred forest they were cursed.
Yabugami is a relative of the deity from Mount Kishidake, who was split of from the main line because he behaved badly.
There is also a castle at the mountain, 鬼子岳城 Kishidake Jo.
- quote -
Kishidake castle / Kishitake castle (Kishidake-jo / Kishitake-jo)
- Magnificent mountain castle with sad history -
... Kishidake castle (岸岳城) is located at Kishidake mountain, one of about 250 meter tall from hillside at the root of Higashi-Matsuura peninsula in the north part of current Saga prefecture. Kishidake mountain places at the merging point of Matsuura-gawa river which flows into Karatsu-bay and its tributary Tokusue-gawa river, and at the middle of narrow flat area at the root of Higashi-Matsuura peninsula separated from Fukuoka plain, Saga plain and Sasebo area by mountains. ...
... Prosperity of the Hata clan ...
- source : -
- quote -
... Kishidake, the birthplace of Karatsu ware, is located in Kitahata ...
Conventional knowledge tells us that Karatsu ware got its start with the invasion of the Korean Peninsula by Toyotomi Hideyoshi from 1592 -1598, after Korean potters returning with the Japanese army started producing ceramics. However, even prior to this it is said that Sen no Rikyu treasured Karatsu ware. ...
- reference source : -
............................................................................ Yamaguchi 山口県
豊北町 Hohoku town
Yabugami 藪神 Kami of the thicket, of the bamboo grove
At 元山 Motoyama near 角島 Tsunoshima they use bow and arrow for Shinto rituals at the local Shrine and call the thicket nearby ヤブガミ Yabugami.
Half way on the mountain of Motoyama there is a kofun 古墳 tumulus in a bamboo grove called Yabugami.
The deity residing there is rather wild and feared by the people.
At 尾山 Oyama they keep a part of the land without cultivating anything and call the thicket Yabugami.
The fields around it are called 神様田 Fields of the Deity.
Water for the fields is provided by 水の神 Mizunokami, seen as Yabugami.
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Yabugami no nugi-chirashitaru take no kawa
the deity of
bamboo in the thicket
looses its skin
荒井正隆 Arai Masataka
. take no kawa nugu 竹の皮脱ぐ bamboo looses its skin .
- - kigo for Summer - -
- #yabugami #yabukami -
Yabugami Yabukami legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Yabugami 藪神 / ヤブガミ Kami of the thicket,
Kami of the bamboo grove
In Niigata, Uonuma is a train station called
藪神駅(やぶかみえき)Yabukami no eki.
There is also a dam called
薮神ダム Yabukami Dam.

............................................................................ Oita 大分県
川崎村 Kawasaki village
Many homes venerate their very own
. yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" .
Jiguroo sama ジグロー様 Jiguro Sama
In the town of 鎮西町 Chinzeimachi the family 坂口家 Sakaguchi venerates Jiguro Sama.
When they built their house in 1865, they did not know about Jiguro sama and were reprimanded.
So they begun to venerate Jiguro Sama, the local Yabugami, as their "estate deity".
- - - - -
Koichirogami 小一郎神 Koichiro no Kami
He is a kind of yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" in Northern Kyushu.
Before he was venerated as Yabugami, many people in the village were very ill.
There is also a forest for him, 小一郎森 Koichiro Mori.
Once the home of an ishiku 石工 stone mason was hit by a fire, but there was no reason for a fire to break out in the first place and no strong wind either. So he had a divination about his fate. He had often taken stones ouf of the Koichiro Moir and the deity was angry. He had promised to have a 神楽 Kagura performance for the Deity but forgotten to keep his promise, so his home burned down
- and
- at 大神村 the village Ogamura
The 佐藤家f Sato family venerated Koichirogami in their estate forest.
In November they held a festival in his honor and prayed to all the deities in the region.
Koichiro Jinja 小一郎神社 Koichiro Shinto Shrine
a famous place in Sada 佐田の名所

A deity to ward off evil and disaster, also to help with birth.
The person named Koichiro of this shrine seems to be the Samurai 新田小一郎義氏 Niida Koichiro (新田義氏 Niida Yoshiuji) of the castle 馬ヶ岳城 Umagatake Jo (present day 福岡県行橋市津積馬ヶ岳).
参考:小一郎信仰とは The belief in Koichiro
Most common at 国東半島 Kunisaki peninsula until South to Fukuoka and a few in Kumamoto.
Sometimes venerated as a stone monument with the name. Often in a forest 小一郎森 Koichiro Mori, where people are not allowed to cut trees.
These places are often in a thicked (yabu).
The spelling can be 小一郎、小市郎、今日霊、古市老、魂市郎、濃血霊、千人霊 ...
- reference source : -
............................................................................ Saga 佐賀県
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town
A grave where the dead person is not known is called
yabu-baka 藪墓 (yabu no haka) grave in the thicket.
People who get a high fever or hurting legs and lower back pain are maybe cursed by Yabugami.
- - - - -

Kishidake, Kishitake 岸岳 Mount Kishidake
There was a family which venerated Yabugami, but not as a Shinto deity but a Buddhist protector.
If they cut a tree or bamboo in his sacred forest they were cursed.
Yabugami is a relative of the deity from Mount Kishidake, who was split of from the main line because he behaved badly.
There is also a castle at the mountain, 鬼子岳城 Kishidake Jo.
- quote -
Kishidake castle / Kishitake castle (Kishidake-jo / Kishitake-jo)
- Magnificent mountain castle with sad history -
... Kishidake castle (岸岳城) is located at Kishidake mountain, one of about 250 meter tall from hillside at the root of Higashi-Matsuura peninsula in the north part of current Saga prefecture. Kishidake mountain places at the merging point of Matsuura-gawa river which flows into Karatsu-bay and its tributary Tokusue-gawa river, and at the middle of narrow flat area at the root of Higashi-Matsuura peninsula separated from Fukuoka plain, Saga plain and Sasebo area by mountains. ...
... Prosperity of the Hata clan ...
- source : -
- quote -
... Kishidake, the birthplace of Karatsu ware, is located in Kitahata ...
Conventional knowledge tells us that Karatsu ware got its start with the invasion of the Korean Peninsula by Toyotomi Hideyoshi from 1592 -1598, after Korean potters returning with the Japanese army started producing ceramics. However, even prior to this it is said that Sen no Rikyu treasured Karatsu ware. ...
- reference source : -
............................................................................ Yamaguchi 山口県
豊北町 Hohoku town
Yabugami 藪神 Kami of the thicket, of the bamboo grove
At 元山 Motoyama near 角島 Tsunoshima they use bow and arrow for Shinto rituals at the local Shrine and call the thicket nearby ヤブガミ Yabugami.
Half way on the mountain of Motoyama there is a kofun 古墳 tumulus in a bamboo grove called Yabugami.
The deity residing there is rather wild and feared by the people.
At 尾山 Oyama they keep a part of the land without cultivating anything and call the thicket Yabugami.
The fields around it are called 神様田 Fields of the Deity.
Water for the fields is provided by 水の神 Mizunokami, seen as Yabugami.
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Yabugami no nugi-chirashitaru take no kawa
the deity of
bamboo in the thicket
looses its skin
荒井正隆 Arai Masataka
. take no kawa nugu 竹の皮脱ぐ bamboo looses its skin .
- - kigo for Summer - -
- #yabugami #yabukami -
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