. Susaki jinja no goshiki suzu 洲崎神社の五色鈴
five-colored bells from shrine Susaki jinja .
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saru no umabiki ema 猿の馬曳き絵馬 monkey leading a horse,
ema votive tablet - from Susaki Jinja
. Sanboo koojin no osamedori 三宝荒神の納鶏
sacred rooster of the wild Sanbo Kojin deity .
. Tooshoogu no hatsuyume dorei 東照宮の初夢土鈴 .
clay bells with three auspicious symbols for the first dream :
Ichi-Fuji, Ni-Taka, San-Nasubi (一富士、二鷹、三茄子 / 1. Fuji, 2. Hawk, 3. Eggplant)
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丹羽郡 Niwa district
source with photos :
Ooguchi tsuchi ningyoo 大口土人形 clay dolls from Oguchi
. 鯛乗り恵比須 Ebisu on a tai fish .
静御前 Shizuka gozen
. Fuuso tsuchi ningyo 扶桑土人形 clay dolls from Fuso .
神楽 Kagura dancer
. Aichi - 碧南大浜土人形
Ohama Clay Dolls .

神楽 Kagura dancer
about 22 cm high, made by 禰宜田佐太郎 Negita san

Fuuso tsuchi ningyo 扶桑土人形 clay doll from Fuso
made by 近藤茂三郎 Kondo Shigesaburo
about 25 cm high, beginning Meiji period
. Folk Art from Aichi .
. Susaki jinja no goshiki suzu 洲崎神社の五色鈴
five-colored bells from shrine Susaki jinja .
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saru no umabiki ema 猿の馬曳き絵馬 monkey leading a horse,
ema votive tablet - from Susaki Jinja
. Sanboo koojin no osamedori 三宝荒神の納鶏
sacred rooster of the wild Sanbo Kojin deity .
. Tooshoogu no hatsuyume dorei 東照宮の初夢土鈴 .
clay bells with three auspicious symbols for the first dream :
Ichi-Fuji, Ni-Taka, San-Nasubi (一富士、二鷹、三茄子 / 1. Fuji, 2. Hawk, 3. Eggplant)
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丹羽郡 Niwa district
source with photos :
Ooguchi tsuchi ningyoo 大口土人形 clay dolls from Oguchi
. 鯛乗り恵比須 Ebisu on a tai fish .
静御前 Shizuka gozen
. Fuuso tsuchi ningyo 扶桑土人形 clay dolls from Fuso .
神楽 Kagura dancer
. Aichi - 碧南大浜土人形
Ohama Clay Dolls .

神楽 Kagura dancer
about 22 cm high, made by 禰宜田佐太郎 Negita san

Fuuso tsuchi ningyo 扶桑土人形 clay doll from Fuso
made by 近藤茂三郎 Kondo Shigesaburo
about 25 cm high, beginning Meiji period
. Folk Art from Aichi .
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