Honjo-Midoricho, Midorichō 本所緑町 Honjo Midori "Green district"
緑一丁目から緑四丁目 from the first to the fourth sub-district

After the 明暦の大火 great fire of Meireki in 1657, this area on Honjo along the river 竪川 Tatekawa was developed for the many people who had lost their homes.
In 1689, the name Honjo Midori-Cho was created, with five sub-districts.
The name implies the hope for a "good life near the green auspicious pine trees".
There was an estate for the district head and some estates for Samurai.
In the Meiji period, the present-day 北斎通り Hokusai-dori street was created and the park 緑町公園 Midoricho Koen Park at Kamezawa 亀沢二丁目 remains with the name.
After World War II, when most buildings were destroyed, the modern concrete buildings begun to cover all.
The name 緑町 Midori-Cho (Midori district) was changed to simply - Midori 緑 (green).

緑町公園 Midoricho Koen Park

At the west end of 北斎通り Hokusai Dori
in Kamezawa, is the Edo Tokyo Museum which has a Hokusai display including the miniature diorama.
The haiku poet Kobayashi Issa lived in Aioi-Cho for some time.
This is called his 相生町時代 Aioi period.
Issa also lived in 小林一茶 旧居跡(緑一丁目) Honjo Midori district.
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 . (1763 - 1828)
Honjo-Midoricho, Midorichō 本所緑町 Honjo Midori "Green district"
緑一丁目から緑四丁目 from the first to the fourth sub-district

After the 明暦の大火 great fire of Meireki in 1657, this area on Honjo along the river 竪川 Tatekawa was developed for the many people who had lost their homes.
In 1689, the name Honjo Midori-Cho was created, with five sub-districts.
The name implies the hope for a "good life near the green auspicious pine trees".
There was an estate for the district head and some estates for Samurai.
In the Meiji period, the present-day 北斎通り Hokusai-dori street was created and the park 緑町公園 Midoricho Koen Park at Kamezawa 亀沢二丁目 remains with the name.
After World War II, when most buildings were destroyed, the modern concrete buildings begun to cover all.
The name 緑町 Midori-Cho (Midori district) was changed to simply - Midori 緑 (green).

緑町公園 Midoricho Koen Park

At the west end of 北斎通り Hokusai Dori
in Kamezawa, is the Edo Tokyo Museum which has a Hokusai display including the miniature diorama.
The haiku poet Kobayashi Issa lived in Aioi-Cho for some time.
This is called his 相生町時代 Aioi period.
Issa also lived in 小林一茶 旧居跡(緑一丁目) Honjo Midori district.
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 . (1763 - 1828)
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