A strong boy, Kintaro could throw down a bear in "Sumo" wrestling. He was a chubby red skin boy and always carried a hatchet.

熊金 Fushimi clay doll - about 29 cm high
Made by 冨士忠(清水家)

kumakin kuma kin 熊金
Niigata, Kashiwazaki clay doll 柏崎人形

熊押之金時 Kintaro holding down a bear, with hammer
about 45 cm high
Fukuoka, Tsuyasaki tsuchi ningyo 津屋崎土人形 clay dolls from Tsuyasaki
A strong boy, Kintaro could throw down a bear in "Sumo" wrestling. He was a chubby red skin boy and always carried a hatchet.
熊金 Fushimi clay doll - about 29 cm high
Made by 冨士忠(清水家)

kumakin kuma kin 熊金
Niigata, Kashiwazaki clay doll 柏崎人形

熊押之金時 Kintaro holding down a bear, with hammer
about 45 cm high
Fukuoka, Tsuyasaki tsuchi ningyo 津屋崎土人形 clay dolls from Tsuyasaki
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