. Japanese Legends and Folktales - Introduction - .
Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社
. Sake 酒 and local (monster) legends 妖怪伝説 .
- Introduction -
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. 松尾大社 Matsunoo Grand Shrine and Sake Brewing .
- Introduction - Sake and Japanese Culture -
- ABC List of the Prefectures -
Akita 秋田県
. 大威徳神社 Daiitoku Jinja 大威徳山神社 Daiitokusan Jinja .
大威徳明王 Daiitoku Myo-O
Chiba 千葉県
大鷲神社 Otori Jinja "Eagle Shrine"
3620 安食町 Ajiki, 栄町 Sakae, Inba District, Chiba
Ryuukakuji 龍角寺 Temple Ryukaku-Ji
deidaarabotchi デエダラボッチ, ダイダラボッチ Daidarabotchi monster
デーデッポ Deedeppo

Some of his 足跡 footprints in Chiba, later turned ponds:
- between 根郷村寺崎 Negomura Terasaki and 太田 Ota
- on the road from 根郷村城 Negormura Castle toward 大篠塚 Oshinozuka
- at 酒々井町酒々井の西井戸 Nishi Ido in Shisui village
- at 酒々井町の下台の谷上り Shisui village
- at 成田町論田 Naritamachi, Ronden
The one at temple 安食町の龍角寺 Ryukaku-Ji in Ajiki village is between 印西 Inzai and 印東 Into, where the monster used to pee.
The swamp 印旛沼 Inbanuma is a left-over from his pee.
The mountain behind the shrine 大鷲神社 was left there when it fell from his back while he was carrying it to a different place.
- quote -
Daidarabotchi (ダイダラボッチ, literally "Giant")
was a gigantic yōkai in Japanese mythology, sometime said to pose as a mountain range when sleeping.

Daidarabotchi's size was so great that his footprints were said to have created innumerable lakes and ponds. In one legend, a Daidarabotchi weighed Mount Fuji and Mount Tsukuba to see which was heavier. But he accidentally split Tsukuba's peak after he was finished with it. The Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki, a recording of the imperial customs in the Hitachi Province compiled in the 8th century, also told of a Daidarabotchi living on a hill west of a post office of Hiratsu Ogushi who fed on giant clams from the beach, piling the shells on top of a hill.
Izumo no Kuni Fudoki also mentions a legendary king of Izumo, Ōmitsunu, who was the grandson of Susano'o and a demi-god. Having the strength of a giant, he performed Kuni-biki, pulling land from Silla with ropes, to increase the size of his territory.
- source : wikipedia
「大鷲神社」and 魂生神社(魂生大明神 Konsei Daimyojin)
- source : sjtsunoda/kisai
........................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
ダイダラボッチャ Daidarabotcha / Daidarabotchi ダイダラボッチ
was a huge man living in the Chichibu region.

- source - hatena -
Stone head of Daidarabochi
Similar legends from 日和田山 Mount Hiwadasan, the lower mountain, and 多峰主山 (とうのすやま) Tonosuyama. There Daidarabochi sat down on Hiwada san to wash his feet, there was the river 高麗川 Komagawa.
Another placename is 高麗の新井.
Koorai, Kŏrai 高麗 Korai - Koma - Korea .
Fukushima 福島県
檜枝岐村 Hinoemata
Yama no Shinkoo 山の神講 The Mountain Deity prayer group
All male villagers of Hinoemata
join this group from the age of 18 to about 30.
Twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, they assemble at the home of the village chief, bringing food for a feast. In the tokonoma alcove they hang a scroll of Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and stay up all night with lantern light.
Eating the special bandei mochi with a prayer for safety during the work in the mountains, they drink and dance all night. Two special representatives have to stand before the God of the Mountains to perform prayers in the evening and morning, so these two take a seat at the top of the table.
Since the God of the Mountains must be kept pure without ritual pollution, the sake for the god must be served by a woman not married (a virgin).

bandeimochi ばんでい餅 Bandei rice cakes
. Food specialities from Fukushima 福島 .
. yama no kami 山の神 god of the mountains . - in winter
ta no kami 田の神 god of the rice fields - in summer
Ibaraki 茨城県
江戸崎町 Edosaki
鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja
Yashinboo Doosojin やしんぼ道祖神 Yashinbo Dosojin, "Malicious Dosojin"
yashinbo卑しん坊 means someone who wants anything around him.
Near the Shrine 鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja there are three small stone sanctuaries for these wayside gods.
They offer their help and grant a wish if you bring some o-sake whilst making a wish.
On the other hand, if you take away just one stem of the wild sasa bamboo around, they will get angry and bring harm.
Most farmers who come to worship here bring offerings and clean the place carefully.
. doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin - "wayside gods" .
酒門町 Sakado
鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja
Iwate 岩手県
石浜神社 Ishihama Jinja
Kyoto 京都府
福知山市 Fukuchiyama
. 大江山鬼嶽稲荷神社 Oeyama Onitake Inari Jinja .
Even further up in the mountain, where Shuten Doji was defeated by Raiko Yorimitsu there is now the shrine
鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja.
Raiko had prepared Shinben Kidokushu 神便鬼毒酒 a special rice wine with poison for the Oni and was thus able to kill it.
亀岡市 Kameoka
河河神社 ?
.- Hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster - .
岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro
薄田兼相 Susukida Kanesuke (Susukita) (? - 1615)
Niigata 新潟県
相川町 Aikawa
北野神社 Kitano Jinja
Tochigi 栃木県
粟野町 Awano
星の宮神社 Hoshinomiya Jinja
Once a man took three barrels of sake away from the Shrine, but after that he became very sick. When he brought them back, he was healed.
- reference -
yokai database : 酒 神社
- source : (11)
. Sake 酒 and local (monster) legends 妖怪伝説 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- #shrinelegendssake #sakelegendshrines -
Sake Legends Shrines
. Japanese Legends and Folktales - Introduction - .
Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社
. Sake 酒 and local (monster) legends 妖怪伝説 .
- Introduction -
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. 松尾大社 Matsunoo Grand Shrine and Sake Brewing .
- Introduction - Sake and Japanese Culture -
- ABC List of the Prefectures -
Akita 秋田県
. 大威徳神社 Daiitoku Jinja 大威徳山神社 Daiitokusan Jinja .
大威徳明王 Daiitoku Myo-O
Chiba 千葉県
大鷲神社 Otori Jinja "Eagle Shrine"
3620 安食町 Ajiki, 栄町 Sakae, Inba District, Chiba
Ryuukakuji 龍角寺 Temple Ryukaku-Ji
deidaarabotchi デエダラボッチ, ダイダラボッチ Daidarabotchi monster
デーデッポ Deedeppo

Some of his 足跡 footprints in Chiba, later turned ponds:
- between 根郷村寺崎 Negomura Terasaki and 太田 Ota
- on the road from 根郷村城 Negormura Castle toward 大篠塚 Oshinozuka
- at 酒々井町酒々井の西井戸 Nishi Ido in Shisui village
- at 酒々井町の下台の谷上り Shisui village
- at 成田町論田 Naritamachi, Ronden
The one at temple 安食町の龍角寺 Ryukaku-Ji in Ajiki village is between 印西 Inzai and 印東 Into, where the monster used to pee.
The swamp 印旛沼 Inbanuma is a left-over from his pee.
The mountain behind the shrine 大鷲神社 was left there when it fell from his back while he was carrying it to a different place.
- quote -
Daidarabotchi (ダイダラボッチ, literally "Giant")
was a gigantic yōkai in Japanese mythology, sometime said to pose as a mountain range when sleeping.

Daidarabotchi's size was so great that his footprints were said to have created innumerable lakes and ponds. In one legend, a Daidarabotchi weighed Mount Fuji and Mount Tsukuba to see which was heavier. But he accidentally split Tsukuba's peak after he was finished with it. The Hitachi no Kuni Fudoki, a recording of the imperial customs in the Hitachi Province compiled in the 8th century, also told of a Daidarabotchi living on a hill west of a post office of Hiratsu Ogushi who fed on giant clams from the beach, piling the shells on top of a hill.
Izumo no Kuni Fudoki also mentions a legendary king of Izumo, Ōmitsunu, who was the grandson of Susano'o and a demi-god. Having the strength of a giant, he performed Kuni-biki, pulling land from Silla with ropes, to increase the size of his territory.
- source : wikipedia
「大鷲神社」and 魂生神社(魂生大明神 Konsei Daimyojin)
- source : sjtsunoda/kisai
........................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
ダイダラボッチャ Daidarabotcha / Daidarabotchi ダイダラボッチ
was a huge man living in the Chichibu region.
- source - hatena -
Stone head of Daidarabochi
Similar legends from 日和田山 Mount Hiwadasan, the lower mountain, and 多峰主山 (とうのすやま) Tonosuyama. There Daidarabochi sat down on Hiwada san to wash his feet, there was the river 高麗川 Komagawa.
Another placename is 高麗の新井.
Koorai, Kŏrai 高麗 Korai - Koma - Korea .
Fukushima 福島県
檜枝岐村 Hinoemata
Yama no Shinkoo 山の神講 The Mountain Deity prayer group
All male villagers of Hinoemata
join this group from the age of 18 to about 30.
Twice a year, in Spring and Autumn, they assemble at the home of the village chief, bringing food for a feast. In the tokonoma alcove they hang a scroll of Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and stay up all night with lantern light.
Eating the special bandei mochi with a prayer for safety during the work in the mountains, they drink and dance all night. Two special representatives have to stand before the God of the Mountains to perform prayers in the evening and morning, so these two take a seat at the top of the table.
Since the God of the Mountains must be kept pure without ritual pollution, the sake for the god must be served by a woman not married (a virgin).

bandeimochi ばんでい餅 Bandei rice cakes
. Food specialities from Fukushima 福島 .
. yama no kami 山の神 god of the mountains . - in winter
ta no kami 田の神 god of the rice fields - in summer
Ibaraki 茨城県
江戸崎町 Edosaki
鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja
Yashinboo Doosojin やしんぼ道祖神 Yashinbo Dosojin, "Malicious Dosojin"
yashinbo卑しん坊 means someone who wants anything around him.
Near the Shrine 鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja there are three small stone sanctuaries for these wayside gods.
They offer their help and grant a wish if you bring some o-sake whilst making a wish.
On the other hand, if you take away just one stem of the wild sasa bamboo around, they will get angry and bring harm.
Most farmers who come to worship here bring offerings and clean the place carefully.
. doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin - "wayside gods" .
酒門町 Sakado
鹿島神社 Kashima Jinja
Iwate 岩手県
石浜神社 Ishihama Jinja
Kyoto 京都府
福知山市 Fukuchiyama
. 大江山鬼嶽稲荷神社 Oeyama Onitake Inari Jinja .
Even further up in the mountain, where Shuten Doji was defeated by Raiko Yorimitsu there is now the shrine
鬼獄神社 Onitake Jinja / 鬼嶽稲荷神社 Onitake Inari Jinja.
Raiko had prepared Shinben Kidokushu 神便鬼毒酒 a special rice wine with poison for the Oni and was thus able to kill it.
亀岡市 Kameoka
河河神社 ?
.- Hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster - .
岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro
薄田兼相 Susukida Kanesuke (Susukita) (? - 1615)
Niigata 新潟県
相川町 Aikawa
北野神社 Kitano Jinja
Tochigi 栃木県
粟野町 Awano
星の宮神社 Hoshinomiya Jinja
Once a man took three barrels of sake away from the Shrine, but after that he became very sick. When he brought them back, he was healed.
- reference -
yokai database : 酒 神社
- source : (11)
. Sake 酒 and local (monster) legends 妖怪伝説 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- #shrinelegendssake #sakelegendshrines -
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