. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Honjo Ishiwara 本所石原町
inu no tatari 犬の祟り the curse of the dog
Around August in 1729, there lived a man in Ishiwara named 徳山五郎兵衛 Tokuyama Gorobei. One of his friends named 八郎 Hachiro suddenly begun to grow a tail like a dog at his behind. Sometimes he did not eat his breakfast for quite a few days. When they put food in a suribachi すり鉢 mortar, he ate it with delight. Then his face begun to change and he became a dog.
This was the curse of all the dogs he had killed in his lifetime.
................................................................................. Honjo Koume 本所小梅町
kitsune 狐 fox
Around 1700, a fox lived in an Inari shrine at Koume. When an old woman from the nearby tea stall called for it, the fox showed up. If other people called for it, the fox never showe up.

本所小梅 Honjo Koume
広重 Hiroshige
................................................................................. Honjo Matsui 本所松井町
kitsune 狐 fox
In 1822, the colera was rampant.There was also a fox who bewitched people and they lost their ives.
A woman in Matsui town suddenly became crazy and people thought this must have been a fox. She could answer questions and served as a medium. But this became a problem and an exorcist came to help her. She jumped out of a window and they saw a fox running away. The woman did not remember anything.
................................................................................. Honjo Midori 本所緑町
kamikiri 髪切 hair cut off
A maid servant of 善兵衛 Zenbei went to the outhouse, but suddenly became dizzy and fell down. When she came back to her senses and went to the main house, she found that her hair had been cut off.
................................................................................. Honjo Tatekawa 本所竪川通り町
ryootoo no hebi 両頭蛇 serpent with two heads
On the 24th day of the 11th lunar month in 1820, a man named 卯之助 Unosuke walked along the Tatekawa road and saw a snake with two heads. It was about 1 meter long.
................................................................................. Sumida 墨田区
. Mimeguri Jinja 三囲神社 / 三圍神社 Mimeguri Shrine .
an Inari fox deity and the Mitsui Family 三井
hyakunichizeki 百日咳(百日せき)whooping cough, pertussis
If a child had lived 100 days after being born its mother had to take a different route home, passing over seven bridges. That would protect the child from getting a whooping cough.
If by any bad luck a child got the whooping cough, the mother had to pat the skin of the baby with a 飯杓子 rice paddle and then place the baby into a komebitsu 米びつ container to keep cooked rice for serving. This would heal the baby.
. hyakunichizeki 百日咳/ 百日せき と伝説 Legends about whooping cough .
sakana 魚 fish
at 安楽寺 temple Anraku-Ji
At the sacred pond of the Temple someone had been fishing with a rod, but then got a high fever and died.
Another person had taken out fish with a net, but he also died soon after.
Tomisaka Inari fox shrine 富坂稲荷
The maid of a certain family once went for an errand as usual but did not come back. When they searched for her, they found her crouching at the Shrine for Tomisaka Inari. She had been bewitched by a fox and even her facial expression had changed. She begun to eat a lot and soon lost her senses.
This also happened to another maid servant and then even to the daughter of the family. Eventually the family was extinguished and the only daughter left had a hard life herself.
She had some exorcist rites done and eventually was healed.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................. Honjo Ishiwara 本所石原町
inu no tatari 犬の祟り the curse of the dog
Around August in 1729, there lived a man in Ishiwara named 徳山五郎兵衛 Tokuyama Gorobei. One of his friends named 八郎 Hachiro suddenly begun to grow a tail like a dog at his behind. Sometimes he did not eat his breakfast for quite a few days. When they put food in a suribachi すり鉢 mortar, he ate it with delight. Then his face begun to change and he became a dog.
This was the curse of all the dogs he had killed in his lifetime.
................................................................................. Honjo Koume 本所小梅町
kitsune 狐 fox
Around 1700, a fox lived in an Inari shrine at Koume. When an old woman from the nearby tea stall called for it, the fox showed up. If other people called for it, the fox never showe up.

本所小梅 Honjo Koume
広重 Hiroshige
................................................................................. Honjo Matsui 本所松井町
kitsune 狐 fox
In 1822, the colera was rampant.There was also a fox who bewitched people and they lost their ives.
A woman in Matsui town suddenly became crazy and people thought this must have been a fox. She could answer questions and served as a medium. But this became a problem and an exorcist came to help her. She jumped out of a window and they saw a fox running away. The woman did not remember anything.
................................................................................. Honjo Midori 本所緑町
kamikiri 髪切 hair cut off
A maid servant of 善兵衛 Zenbei went to the outhouse, but suddenly became dizzy and fell down. When she came back to her senses and went to the main house, she found that her hair had been cut off.
................................................................................. Honjo Tatekawa 本所竪川通り町
ryootoo no hebi 両頭蛇 serpent with two heads
On the 24th day of the 11th lunar month in 1820, a man named 卯之助 Unosuke walked along the Tatekawa road and saw a snake with two heads. It was about 1 meter long.
................................................................................. Sumida 墨田区
. Mimeguri Jinja 三囲神社 / 三圍神社 Mimeguri Shrine .
an Inari fox deity and the Mitsui Family 三井
hyakunichizeki 百日咳(百日せき)whooping cough, pertussis
If a child had lived 100 days after being born its mother had to take a different route home, passing over seven bridges. That would protect the child from getting a whooping cough.
If by any bad luck a child got the whooping cough, the mother had to pat the skin of the baby with a 飯杓子 rice paddle and then place the baby into a komebitsu 米びつ container to keep cooked rice for serving. This would heal the baby.
. hyakunichizeki 百日咳/ 百日せき と伝説 Legends about whooping cough .
sakana 魚 fish
at 安楽寺 temple Anraku-Ji
At the sacred pond of the Temple someone had been fishing with a rod, but then got a high fever and died.
Another person had taken out fish with a net, but he also died soon after.
Tomisaka Inari fox shrine 富坂稲荷
The maid of a certain family once went for an errand as usual but did not come back. When they searched for her, they found her crouching at the Shrine for Tomisaka Inari. She had been bewitched by a fox and even her facial expression had changed. She begun to eat a lot and soon lost her senses.
This also happened to another maid servant and then even to the daughter of the family. Eventually the family was extinguished and the only daughter left had a hard life herself.
She had some exorcist rites done and eventually was healed.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
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