. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
shikki 漆器 laquerware, laquer ware - Lackarbeiten
. urushi ウルシ/ 漆 laquer .
Poison oak. laquer tree, Toxicodendron vernicifluum
- Introduction -

. Aizu urushi, Aizu nuri 会津漆 Aizu lacquerware .
. Echizen shikki 越前漆器 Echizen lacquerware .
. Edo shikki 江戸漆器 Edo lacquerware / Tokyo .
. Kamakurabori 鎌倉彫り Kamakura laquerware .
. Kanazawa shikki 金沢漆器 Kanazawa lacquerware .
. Kawatsura shikki 川連漆器 Kawatsura lacquerware .
. Kishuu urushi 紀州漆 Kishu laquerware .
. Negoro nuri 根来塗 Negoro laquerware .
. Rantai shikki 籃胎漆器 Rantai laquerware .
. Shosha nuri 書写塗 Shosha laquerware - Hyogo .
. Takaoka shikki 高岡漆器 Takaoka lacquerware .
. Wajima nuri 輪島塗 Wajima laquerware .
. Wakasa shikki 若狭漆器 Wakasa laquerware .
. maki-e, makie 蒔絵 lacquer pictures .
. koogei, kôgei 工藝 / 工芸 Kogei, industrial art .

urushi no hi 漆の日 "Lacquer Day" - November 13
Hida Takayama 飛騨高山 春慶塗 Shunkei nuri laquerware

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At the heart of Takayama, a small museum presents this marvel of craftsmanship of the Hida region: the shunkei urushi. The red-brown color of the utensils displayed behind the glass walls guarantees their success: in Takayama, the lacquer gets better with age and the color lightens and gets brighter.
It was in the seventeenth century that the artisans of the region created a varnish that took away the usual problem of lacquers, namely a long exposure to light made them lose their luster. These processes are explained in the museum, where many reference panels and objects detail the transformation process.
The thousand objects dating from the Edo period to the present day show the evolution of the lacquer over the centuries, from tiny utensils to noble furniture. The relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of the establishment makes it possible to fully appreciate the coppery hues of these true works of art. The tour is short but educational, constituting a perfect little visit to break up the day. In the annex of the museum is a store where you can splash out on charming little boxes, cups and other items.
Caution, however, prices match the level of expertise!
- reference source : -

- CLICK for more beautiful samples !
urushi matsuri 漆まつり laquer festival

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紀州漆器まつり Kishu Lacquer festival
Wooden products entirely covered with lacquer are the most common kind one sees on the market. However, Kishu lacquer leaves several spots unvarnished.
Around the 14th to 16th century, local woodworkers began making rice bowls coated with black lacquer. During this time, Buddhist monks in Negoroji temple had also been making their own lacquered objects, such as chopsticks, trays, bowls, and others that were used for prayers and mantras. They used black lacquer as the first coat, and added red lacquer on top. Since their craftsmanship was not up to par, some parts of the finished objects often had missing spots. But it turned out that people actually liked this unintended look! This particular style of coating was thus designated as Negoro lacquer.
In 1590,
the famed warlord Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who had been ruling over Japan, invaded Negoro. The monks managed to escape, and began settling in Kainan city, the west of Negoro. Thereafter, Negoro lacquer began flourishing around the 17th century under the support of the regional Kishu lordship. Later in the 19th century, a method was introduced of decorating a lacquered surface by painting pictures and applying gold powders. These objects were traded in Nagasaki and Kobe and continued to evolve throughout the 20th century. In 1978, Kishu Lacquer was recognized as one of the Traditional Handcrafts of Japan.
Kishu Lacquer
had amateurish appearances during its beginnings. However, it has changed over the centuries. Nowadays, it has a great variety of styles and designs. Kuroe in Kainan city is the center of Kishu Lacquer production, with a tourist information center, a museum and others promoting the art form. Many tourists including large groups come to the city every year.
The Kishu Lacquer Festival held in November each year attracts 50,000-70,000 tourists over a period of two days. This is the largest scale event of this kind in West Japan, and a great opportunity to see a wonderful array of Kishu Lacquer wares on display.
- source : -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................ Miyazaki 宮崎県
児湯郡 西米良村
ryuu 龍 dragon
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
96 漆 (01)
68 漆間元三 Uruma Ganzan

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #urushi #laquer #Japaneselaquer #Lackarbeiten #shunkeinuri - - - - -
shikki laquerware Lack
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
shikki 漆器 laquerware, laquer ware - Lackarbeiten
. urushi ウルシ/ 漆 laquer .
Poison oak. laquer tree, Toxicodendron vernicifluum
- Introduction -

. Aizu urushi, Aizu nuri 会津漆 Aizu lacquerware .
. Echizen shikki 越前漆器 Echizen lacquerware .
. Edo shikki 江戸漆器 Edo lacquerware / Tokyo .
. Kamakurabori 鎌倉彫り Kamakura laquerware .
. Kanazawa shikki 金沢漆器 Kanazawa lacquerware .
. Kawatsura shikki 川連漆器 Kawatsura lacquerware .
. Kishuu urushi 紀州漆 Kishu laquerware .
. Negoro nuri 根来塗 Negoro laquerware .
. Rantai shikki 籃胎漆器 Rantai laquerware .
. Shosha nuri 書写塗 Shosha laquerware - Hyogo .
. Takaoka shikki 高岡漆器 Takaoka lacquerware .
. Wajima nuri 輪島塗 Wajima laquerware .
. Wakasa shikki 若狭漆器 Wakasa laquerware .
. maki-e, makie 蒔絵 lacquer pictures .
. koogei, kôgei 工藝 / 工芸 Kogei, industrial art .

urushi no hi 漆の日 "Lacquer Day" - November 13
Hida Takayama 飛騨高山 春慶塗 Shunkei nuri laquerware

- quote -
At the heart of Takayama, a small museum presents this marvel of craftsmanship of the Hida region: the shunkei urushi. The red-brown color of the utensils displayed behind the glass walls guarantees their success: in Takayama, the lacquer gets better with age and the color lightens and gets brighter.
It was in the seventeenth century that the artisans of the region created a varnish that took away the usual problem of lacquers, namely a long exposure to light made them lose their luster. These processes are explained in the museum, where many reference panels and objects detail the transformation process.
The thousand objects dating from the Edo period to the present day show the evolution of the lacquer over the centuries, from tiny utensils to noble furniture. The relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of the establishment makes it possible to fully appreciate the coppery hues of these true works of art. The tour is short but educational, constituting a perfect little visit to break up the day. In the annex of the museum is a store where you can splash out on charming little boxes, cups and other items.
Caution, however, prices match the level of expertise!
- reference source : -

- CLICK for more beautiful samples !
urushi matsuri 漆まつり laquer festival

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紀州漆器まつり Kishu Lacquer festival
Wooden products entirely covered with lacquer are the most common kind one sees on the market. However, Kishu lacquer leaves several spots unvarnished.
Around the 14th to 16th century, local woodworkers began making rice bowls coated with black lacquer. During this time, Buddhist monks in Negoroji temple had also been making their own lacquered objects, such as chopsticks, trays, bowls, and others that were used for prayers and mantras. They used black lacquer as the first coat, and added red lacquer on top. Since their craftsmanship was not up to par, some parts of the finished objects often had missing spots. But it turned out that people actually liked this unintended look! This particular style of coating was thus designated as Negoro lacquer.
In 1590,
the famed warlord Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who had been ruling over Japan, invaded Negoro. The monks managed to escape, and began settling in Kainan city, the west of Negoro. Thereafter, Negoro lacquer began flourishing around the 17th century under the support of the regional Kishu lordship. Later in the 19th century, a method was introduced of decorating a lacquered surface by painting pictures and applying gold powders. These objects were traded in Nagasaki and Kobe and continued to evolve throughout the 20th century. In 1978, Kishu Lacquer was recognized as one of the Traditional Handcrafts of Japan.
Kishu Lacquer
had amateurish appearances during its beginnings. However, it has changed over the centuries. Nowadays, it has a great variety of styles and designs. Kuroe in Kainan city is the center of Kishu Lacquer production, with a tourist information center, a museum and others promoting the art form. Many tourists including large groups come to the city every year.
The Kishu Lacquer Festival held in November each year attracts 50,000-70,000 tourists over a period of two days. This is the largest scale event of this kind in West Japan, and a great opportunity to see a wonderful array of Kishu Lacquer wares on display.
- source : -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................ Miyazaki 宮崎県
児湯郡 西米良村
ryuu 龍 dragon
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
96 漆 (01)
68 漆間元三 Uruma Ganzan
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- - - #urushi #laquer #Japaneselaquer #Lackarbeiten #shunkeinuri - - - - -
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