July 26, 2018

EDO - Legends from Chiyoda ward



. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. reikon 霊魂 soul of a dead person .
Ochanomizu - "Water for Tea" -御茶ノ水 / 御茶の水 / お茶之水 / 御茶ノ水

................................................................................. Chiyoda 千代田区

. Samuhara サムハラ SA MU HA RA divine amulets .

Ichibancho 一番町

kori 狐狸 fox and badger
In 新道一番町 Shindo Ichibancho there lived the family of 上原庄作 Uehara Shosaku. His wife suddenly found that from her arm about 10 red hair had begun to grow. She pulled them out immediately and found them to be almost 60 cm long. But pulling them out did not help, they soon grew back. Once she had peed on a place with black gravel. A doctor tole her, this must have been the deed of a fox or badger.
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Morikawa Inari 森川稲荷, 三光院いなり Sanko-In Inari, 腰掛稲荷 Koshikake Inari
On the 11th day of the second lunar month in 1827, on the night before the festival of the First Day of the Horse, the low-ranking Samurai 幸吉 Kokichi from 新道一番町 Shindo Ichibancho told his master that he was off to the Morikawa Inari shrine, where he lived.
Next morning his master found a wooden statue of Inari at his doorstep.
From this day on, if he had a wish to make to Inari, he would ask Kokichi to mediate for him.
On the first day of the third lunar month, his master and 若殿 the young lord made an offering of ritual Sake for the Deity. Looking closer the next day, half of the Sake and the other food offerings were gone.
So they thought the Inari deities from Sanko-In and the Koshikake Inari had come too.

. Inari 稲荷神社 fox shrines in Tokyo .

. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 First Day of the Horse .
hatsu uma moode 初午詣 first shrine visit on the day of the horse

. Kajibashi 鍛冶橋 Kajibashi Bridge .

nezumi 鼠 mouse, rat
In the house of 堀大和守 Lord Hori at Kajibashi bridge, his servants observed a rat that would place a small piece of 南鐐 silver into an offering box at the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the gods for about 14, 15 days in a row. The couple of the house was very happy and begun to use the money for shopping!
And well, you guess, the rat never showed up again.

. Konyachoo 紺屋町 district for indigo cloth dyers .

kamikiri 髪切 cutting the hair off
A servant from a metal dealer at Konya-Cho went out to do some errants. When she came back home, she realized that someone had cut off her hair without her noticing anything.
When people pointed with their fingers at her head, she was so embarrassed she lost consciousness.
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. oyako tanuki 親子狸 parent and child badger legend .
Otama-ga-ike お玉ヶ池, close to 東紺屋町 Eastern Konya-Cho.

Ushigafuchi 牛ヶ淵

The canal at Kudansaka 件坂下 / 九段坂 is called 牛ヶ淵 "riverpool of the bull".
It is a 魔所 bewitched place.
Once upon a time, a man called 石川新六 Ishikawa Shinroku got up early and passed here around the ushimitsu 丑三つ cursed hour, with a lantern hanging from a stick. He saw a man with his body cut in half, just the upper body was visible.
When he went there later to have a look for the lower body, there was nothing, not even the upper part any more.

. ushimitsu 牛三 the double-hour of the bull.
from one to three at night make a curse.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
49 千代田区 to explore (07)
麹町 OK


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