. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and statues from Fukui 福井県
Obama 小浜市
A statue from the Kamakura period. About 80 cm high.
国分寺 Kokubun-Ji
A statue from the Heian period. About 144 cm high.
明通寺 Myotsu-Ji
A statue from the Heian period. About 193 cm high. Made from hinoki 桧材 cypress wood.
多田寺 Tada-Ji
A statue from the Heian period. About 142 cm high.
A statue from the Kamakura period. About 50 cm high.
竜前寺 Ryuzen-Ji
Sabae 鯖江市
医王山薬師堂 Iozan Yakushi-Do hall
下新庄町 Shimoshinjocho
In this Yakushido there used to live a 小天狗 Ko-Tengu.
薬師堂古墳 Yakushido Hall Kofun mound
from the late Kofun period. About 20 m diameter, 3 m high.
On its top is the 医王山薬師堂 Yakishido hall.
下新庄町 Shimoshinjocho
About 250 cm high.
- reference source : bunkazai/siteitourokubunkazai/
Wakasa 若狭町
A statue from the Heian period. About 158 cm high.
諦応寺 Taio-Ji
A statue from the Heian period. About 160 cm high.
雲岳寺 Ungaku-Ji
A statue from the Heian period. About 87 cm high.
玉泉寺 Gyokusen-Ji
- reference source : info.pref.fukui.jp/bunka/
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Fukui 福井県
名田庄村 Natasho
At the shrine 薬師神社 Yakushi Jinja in 蛇頭集落 Jato village people pray that 大蛇 a huge serpent will not become too wild.
In former times someone found some large blue stones, thought to be the bones of a serpent.
Around 1950 children played with these stones and eventually they got lost.
- Other Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 Shrines in Fukui:
福井県丹生郡越前町中33-10 / Nyu district, Echizen-cho
亭の水 Chin no Mizu water at Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社
福井市高尾町 / Takao-cho, Fukui town
Near the shrine is a memorial stone for the doctor 谷野一柏 Tanino Ippaku. It has been put there by the lord 朝倉孝景 Asakura Takakage (1428 - 1481).
Chin no Mizu helps cure eye diseases. Doctor Tanino Ippaku used it to make medicine.
- reference source : playa.seesaa.net/article -
The hot spring of あわら市 Awara features some Yakushi temples and a shrine.
田中温泉薬師神社 Tanaka Onsen Yakushi Jinja
Apart from this Yakushi Jinja, are two temples for Yakushi in the hot spring district:
舟津温泉薬師堂 Funatsu Onsen Yakushi-Do hall
二面温泉薬師堂 Futaomote Onsen Yakushi-Do hall
People come here to pray for good health, not getting ill and for a long life
Awara Onsen opened in the 16th year of Meiji (1883).
The hot-spring spa's beginning goes back to 1883 when a farmer was digging an irrigation well in a reedy swamp, and 80-degree hot spring water with low salt content welled up. Next year in 1884, several Onsen hotels opened and attracted visitors for toji (hot spring cure).
あわら温泉春まつり Awara Onsen Spring Festival
This is a traditional festival that's been held from the end of the Meji period since the Onsen was founded in 1883.
The Yakushi Shrine festival is held on April 29th every year for the guardian god of Onsen.
The festival starts with a dance by Ashihara Geiko, Mikoshi portable shrines and three kinds of Dashi floats are carried around. A Doll Dashi float using the design of generals from the Warring States Period. Taiko (drum) Dashi float beats the drums. Geiko performers play splendid music in the Hanayama Dashi float, which is decorated gorgeously with cherry blossoms. A lot of vendor stalls open and visitors can enjoy the lively Onsen town.
- reference source : About Awara City -
福井県吉田郡永平寺町松岡薬師一丁目112番 Matsuoka Yakushi, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
A district near the famous temple Eihei-Ji
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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .
. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .
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Posted By Gabi Greve to Gokuraku - Jigoku on 2/10/2018 02:46:00 pm
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