September 13, 2017

ONI - Kesen no Oni Iwate

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
気仙郡 Kesen district

When Sakanoue no Tamuramaro drove out the demon of this region, the teeth of this Oni were left over.
The boss of the native 蝦夷 Emishi group was called 赤頭 Akagashira.

赤頭 Head of Akagashira

and his oni no kiba 鬼の牙 demon teeth

Tamuramaro built a grave for Akagashira and offered a statue of Kannon Bosatsu to appease his soul. This is now at the temple 竜福山・長谷寺 Hasedera.
When they dug out the grave in 1704, they found 33 teeth in the skull of this Akagashira Oni.
ケセンの鬼の国 Kesen is the land of the Oni.

- reference source : -

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

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