August 20, 2017

TANOKAMI - Legend about Inoko


observance kigo for early winter
(the day of the boar in the tenth lunar month)
This is a custom more commen in Western Japan

inoko, i no ko 亥の子 (いのこ) young wild boar
i no hi matsuri 亥の日祭(いのひまつり)festival on the day of the boar
i no kami matsuri 亥の神祭(いのかみまつり)festival for the deity of the wild boar

inoko mochi 亥の子餅(いのこもち)rice cakes for the wild boar festival
(also a kigo for late autumn)
They were prepared in the hour of the boar and eaten as a harvest thanksgiving. This a custom coming from China. Here the deity honored is also seen as the God of the Fields (ta no kami).
Many tea masters close the summer hearth on this day.

inoko ishi 亥の子石(いのこいし)stone
inokozuki 亥の子突(いのこづき)
gencho 玄猪(げんちょ)
gogenjoo 御厳重(ごげんじゅう)
..... genshoo 厳祥(げんしょう)
onarikiri おなりきり

Inoko is a festival on 旧暦10月の亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the tenth lunar month. On this day 田の神 the Ta no Kami - God of the Fields goes back to the mountains.
While pounding the earth with a special mallet on long strings, the children sing:

"Today we celebrate, bury the Oni demon in the ground, bury the snakes in the ground, bury demon children with horns in the ground."

On this day people are also not allowed to go to the fields to pick daikon 大根 large radish.

. oni 鬼 the Demons of Japan .

Interpreting Japanese Society: Anthropological Approaches - edited by Joy Hendry
- : inoko -

. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields .


tookanya 十日夜 (とおかんや) night of the tenth
(tenth day of the tenth lunar month)
celebrated in Eastern and Northern Japan
(nowadays around November 15)
It was a full-moon day of old.

A harvest thanksgiving celebration for the God of the Fields (ta no kami)

. God of the Fields 田の神 ta no kami  


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