August 26, 2017

FUDO - regional Legends Akita and Tengu

- - - - - Aomori 青森県

ゴミソ Gomiso - a Shaman like the Itako
In the Taisho period, 工藤むら Kudo Mura was worried about the health of his daughter さだ Sada. He consulted a local Shaman, who told him she should to go to 赤倉山 Mount Akakurayama.
For three years and three months, he went to venerate the ウブスナさま Ubusuna-Sama in the village of 鼻和村 Hanawa. At the end of this time, 成田の不動様 the great Fudo of Narita showed his form. The following year from the New Year on she went to Akakura and the shrine 大石神社 Oishi Jinja for three days of prayer and eventually became a Gomiso Shaman.
The shrine 赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja is located at Higashiiwakisan-1-39 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki.

. Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動
- Akakura Fudo Waterfall 赤倉不動滝 .

and 大石神社 Oishi Jinja

クニチ kunichi - shitogi mawashiシトギマワシ passing Shitogi Mochi around
On the days with nine in the ninth lunar month (09, 19 and 29) it is customary to prepare Shitogi Mochi with the newly harvested rice and offer them to the deity.
The last one of these days, shime kunichi シメクニチ 29, is also called
shitogi mawashi シトギマワシ.
The old ladies and housewifes offer three each to Inari, 月山様 Gassan, 日月様 Deities of Sun and Moon, Jizo, 馬の神様 the Deity of Horses, Fudo Myo-O, 金精様 Konsei sama (Deity of the Male Symbol) and 権現様 Gongen sama.

. shitogi mochi しとぎもち / しとぎ餅 fried or uncooked rice cakes .

南津軽郡 Minami Tsugaru district

古懸不動 Kogake Fudo
. 古懸山不動院 Kogakesan Fudo-In .

- A legend about the Ema votive tablets of this 古懸不動 Fudo:
The horse of the Ema, painted by 狩野法眼 Kano Hogen, used to take off at night and devastate the fields. So he had to paint a chain for the horse to keep it in its place.
(This kind of legend about Kano Hogen is known in other places.)
. Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu .
Artist name : Kohoogen, Kohōgen こほうげん (古法眼)

京都府 Kyoto

In the temple 小石川伝通院山内 Dentsu-In lived a person named 岱雄 Taio. One day he went out begging with the monks but did not come back. Two days later they found him fainted in the back of the dormitory. When he came back to himself, he told the following story. When he wanted to make an offering, his body suddenly became light and he took off to the sky. Then he went to 成田不動 Narita Fudo to pray, spent some time between the woods talking to some Tengu who wanted to do Sumo wrestling with him. They gave him food and kept him for seven days.
The Tengu had also told him if he wanted to come back to them, he should face East to Narita and think of Fudo Myo-O, then they would come and fetch him again and give his some presents from Narita.

天狗 Tengu

Once upon a time, 一条頼重 Ichijo Yorishige made a wish and was told to go to 鞍馬の奥 the mountain temple of Kurama. He went there, sat in the 不動堂 Fudo-Do Hall and practised Zazen. Suddenly some Tengu appeared and tried to disturb him. Finally the Head Priest came to chase them away and oh wonder - they flew of as a group of black birds.

Kurama Fudo-Do Hall

滋賀県 Shiga 甲賀郡 Koga district 信楽町 Shigaraku

One of the disciples of the temple 不動寺 Fudo-Ji did not show up for the rituals.
The others took bells and drums and went to look for him. They found him on the road to 石薬師伊勢道 Ishiyakushi, Ise, hanging on a tree, dead.
This must have been the act of a Tengu.

. Ishi Yakushi 石薬師 "Stone Yakushi" .
Ishiyakushiji 石薬師寺 Temple Ishiyakushi-Ji

栃木県 Tochigi 日光市 Nikko

At the waterfall 裏見滝 Urami no Taki, one of the 下野国日光山四十八滝 48 waterfalls of Nikko, there is Fudo Myo-O to be seen, and people who are able to see him stay in deep veneration.
But people with impurities who come here will loose their live to the Tengu of Nikko.

. Nikko 日光 Many Tengu from Nikko, Gunma .
日光山東光坊 - Tengu Tokobo / 妙義山日光坊 Tengu Nikkobo

- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -



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