Mokujiki Gikoo Soojoo 木食義高僧正 Mokujiki Giko Sojo
grandchild of 足利義輝 Ashikaga Yoshiteru (1536 - 1565)
In 1710, he founded this temple in Edo :
. Enmanji 圓満寺 / 円満寺 Enman-Ji .
文京区湯島1-6-2 / 1 Chome-6-2 Yushima, Bunkyō ward
Anther priest Mokujiki is related to this temple, in 1819 :
木食の沙門 Mokujiki no Samon -
Odawara no Kanshoo 小田原観正 Kansho from Odawara / 木食上人観正 / 木食観正上人 (1754 -1829)
木食円満寺江着任候 観正僧正 / / 観正行者
Kansho was born to a fisherman family in 淡路島 Awaji Island (Hyogo) and later active in Odawara.
It seems Kansho was very popular "with men and women, with young and old".
In 1784, when he was 30 years old, 木食観正 traveled all around Japan to hold serviced for the dead, prayed for rain and good harvest and the wellbeing of the farmers. But it seems he also collected a lot of money on this trip.
He came back to Edo. In March 1829 there was a great fire in Edo, which was blamed on the bad prayers of Kansho. So he was taken to prison and put to death by 寺社奉行 the Magistrate of Temple and Shrine Affairs, but it is not clear what crime he was charged with. He died in prison in June.

- reference : -
Memorial stone of Mokujiki Kansho in Mishima (Shizuoka)
where he stayed in 1819,

source :
Memorial stone of Mokujiki Kansho in Saitama
in the compound of temple 三学院. Erected in 1821.
The round top shows the 大日如来の種子 seed syllable for Dainichi Nyorai.
Kansho visited the town of 蕨 Warabi in 1820.

source :

西海賢二 Nishikai Kenji (1951 - )
Ⅰ= 近世遊行聖研究の課題と方法(課題と方法??研究史の回顧と展望を兼ねて民俗的世界をみる??〈講集団研究の歩み/一九八〇年代以降の民間宗教者研究/一九九〇年代以降の聖・巡礼研究/聖・巡礼研究の新展開/仏教民俗学への再照射/六十六部研究の新展開〉/近世民間宗教者の特質〈近世民間宗教者と民衆思想/近世民間宗教者と在地修験/近世民間宗教者と身分的社会/近世民間宗教者と身分的周縁〉)
Ⅱ= 木食観正の研究(淡路島における木食観正〈木食観正の出自をめぐって/喜作と百姓一揆/行者喜作の宗教活動/初期木食観正の活動/木食
Mokujiki Gikoo Soojoo 木食義高僧正 Mokujiki Giko Sojo
grandchild of 足利義輝 Ashikaga Yoshiteru (1536 - 1565)
In 1710, he founded this temple in Edo :
. Enmanji 圓満寺 / 円満寺 Enman-Ji .
文京区湯島1-6-2 / 1 Chome-6-2 Yushima, Bunkyō ward
Anther priest Mokujiki is related to this temple, in 1819 :
木食の沙門 Mokujiki no Samon -
Odawara no Kanshoo 小田原観正 Kansho from Odawara / 木食上人観正 / 木食観正上人 (1754 -1829)
木食円満寺江着任候 観正僧正 / / 観正行者
Kansho was born to a fisherman family in 淡路島 Awaji Island (Hyogo) and later active in Odawara.
It seems Kansho was very popular "with men and women, with young and old".
In 1784, when he was 30 years old, 木食観正 traveled all around Japan to hold serviced for the dead, prayed for rain and good harvest and the wellbeing of the farmers. But it seems he also collected a lot of money on this trip.
He came back to Edo. In March 1829 there was a great fire in Edo, which was blamed on the bad prayers of Kansho. So he was taken to prison and put to death by 寺社奉行 the Magistrate of Temple and Shrine Affairs, but it is not clear what crime he was charged with. He died in prison in June.

- reference : -
Memorial stone of Mokujiki Kansho in Mishima (Shizuoka)
where he stayed in 1819,

source :
Memorial stone of Mokujiki Kansho in Saitama
in the compound of temple 三学院. Erected in 1821.
The round top shows the 大日如来の種子 seed syllable for Dainichi Nyorai.
Kansho visited the town of 蕨 Warabi in 1820.

source :

西海賢二 Nishikai Kenji (1951 - )
Ⅰ= 近世遊行聖研究の課題と方法(課題と方法??研究史の回顧と展望を兼ねて民俗的世界をみる??〈講集団研究の歩み/一九八〇年代以降の民間宗教者研究/一九九〇年代以降の聖・巡礼研究/聖・巡礼研究の新展開/仏教民俗学への再照射/六十六部研究の新展開〉/近世民間宗教者の特質〈近世民間宗教者と民衆思想/近世民間宗教者と在地修験/近世民間宗教者と身分的社会/近世民間宗教者と身分的周縁〉)
Ⅱ= 木食観正の研究(淡路島における木食観正〈木食観正の出自をめぐって/喜作と百姓一揆/行者喜作の宗教活動/初期木食観正の活動/木食
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